81. Busted

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"If I let go of you at this moment, would this beautiful dream of mine get shattered?"



Six hours ago... An eerie silence struck inside our home as Jaehoon came to pick up Sarang, followed by the unexpected people- Jinyoung and Yoora. If they're here, it means some trouble is going to unfold soon. I glanced at Y/N, who calmly sat in her position, looking at the people in front, her eyes holding an untouchable fire, the sort of rage I see when she's determined. It's been a while since I saw her that way, this is the side of my woman I love the most, the side that makes me proud of her.

"What is the occasion this time for all of you to have a meeting in my house?" She inquired, sternly. Her friends looked at me with a questionable glance and I could see through their rageful expressions, that they hate me. Certainly, my past deeds were deeply affecting my present and her friends don't seem to be the type to forgive me anytime soon.

"How are you feeling, Y/N? Jaehoon let us know everything that transpired, it must've been shocking for you." Jinyoung broke the ice and spoke up, expressing his concern for her. His eyes moved from her towards mine, his sharp gaze jabbing into my soul and it felt as if he spoke up from his gaze 'Hurt her and you die.'

"I'm alright. A lot of things happened and it was certainly, tough for a while. But don't worry Jinyoung, I'm coping up well." Y/N uttered with a tight-lipped smile, as she calmly held my hand, assuring me that she'll handle all this.

Would there ever come a day, when I get the chance to repay for everything she has done for me?

"We have seen her breaking into the worst way possible, Jungkook. I don't want her to suffer anymore, I don't know what exactly happened for you two to come back together after such a terrible argument but I just hope you'll never repeat what you did. My friend loves you a lot, please just take care of her." Yoora muttered, staring straight into my eyes, her tone stern and full of protectiveness towards Y/N. My eyes shut close for a moment when the flashback of that day enveloped my mind, I let out a breath which I didn't know I was holding for so long and answered her back.

"I assure you, I would never break her heart. I'm sorry for everything I did." I apologized from the deepest pits of my heart, I know my apology won't make up for the pain she had gone through but that's the only I'm capable of doing now. I glanced at Y/N for a mini-second and something twinkled in her eyes and she smiled, proudly.

"We hope so too, be happy for you both," Jinyoung uttered, his tone not faltering from the stern voice. It'll take a while for us to be normal again, I messed up real bad and I'll do everything that makes things normal and peaceful for my wife.

"Spill the beans already, Jinyoung. What is it?" Y/N questioned, inquisitiveness taking the best out of her. I noticed Jinyoung stiffening in his position, his hands trembled a bit but he soon covered his anxiety with the mask of a poker face.

"I have informed almost every illegal activity to the intelligence agency and most of the bases of Black Bullet have been captured by the officers by now. We just need to kill the boss and end all this, tonight. I'm going to reveal your actual identity towards JK." Jaehoon chimed in, understanding the tension in the environment. Instantly, my palms clenched into fists at the mention of that bastard but my wife had a different expression. She scoffed at his words and not an inch of fear or anxiety was visible on her face, it was pure rage that I saw. She placed her one leg on the other, sitting like the boss lady she is and announced further.

"Then, today will be the day of his end." The others nodded in affirmation.

"What's the plan?" I questioned, trying my best to sound calm but I was screaming from inside. I was worried about Y/N, it's only now that we've started to understand and accept each other, and I have a little family of my own... I don't want to see it shattering!

Especially, when the timer reads six hours more.

Will you leave me, Y/N?

I looked at her with sorrowful eyes but she just smiled assuringly, "Nothing will happen." She mouthed, rubbing soothingly on my knuckles and I nodded my head.

"I'll protect you," I replied in confidence, meaning each and every inch of the words I blurted out. Even if it means to put my life at stake, I will safeguard you, Y/N.

I want you to live.

Our little moment was disrupted when Jaehoon fake coughed gaining our attention. "You just need to lure him into our trap." He interjected, making our brows furrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Y/N questioned, cocking her brow.

"Once I reveal the information, JK would be out for blood like a mad dog. He would definitely kidnap you with heinous intentions in mind because that fucking psyche is obsessed with you, he's planning for a long of how he'll torture you..." Jaehoon answered but stopped midway as he observed my faltering expressions. Only I know how much I'm trying to hold myself back from spewing some curses.

That fucker... I'll kill him.

"Now, here's the catch- he knows his empire is slowly getting in shreds and the day is not far away when he might get arrested, he has planned his escape too. This is why he needs Jungkook as a substitute... the person who'll be held responsible for all his crimes and so, I'm certain he can't hurt him but he'll make sure to hurt the person who means the most to him. It's you." Jinyoung chimed in, making me cock my brow towards him as he explained the plan. My jaw hardened and clenched at each word they were speaking but Y/N seemed unfazed for a while, as if she was trying to think of all ways to mercilessly dismantle that bastard.

"So?" She asked in a low voice, her expression remained stern, and the thick air of seriousness surrounded us.

"Go out at night and lure him into the trap, once's he's out of the territory, the base is cleared. We've set out our agents in his territory for a while now, they're working undercover under Jaehoon's wings and they'll blow their cover as soon as we give the signal. We'll set a tracker on you to know your location, we'll be following you and as soon as he reaches his mansion... A surprise would be waiting for him- his army of men, standing against him." Yoora explained earning a scoff from Y/N. She chuckled devilishly and nodded in affirmation, liking the plan.

"I see."

"Just buy some time, till then. We'll handle the rest." Jaehoon sucked in a deep breath and continued speaking with long pauses, measuring the impact and intensity of each and every word of his. I observed his body language and it took me quite a shock, to see a man like him being anxious.

I just have a feeling this won't be as easy as it sounds and looking at Jaehoon, I'm certain the chances of survival are fifty-fifty but I'll make sure nothing happens to my wife.


And I was right.

The plan is easier said than done.

This is the second time that I've seen so much blood, with the exception that this is mine. As the hot droplets of the crimson-red liquid seeped down from the back of my head, the only thought that crossed my mind was of Y/N. I know who attacked us and I'm also aware of what might happen next. That monster of a man arrived at the most expected moment but what I didn't expect was witnessing Y/N's frightened expressions.

She was carrying a damn gun, tied securely around her thigh under that beautiful dress, if she wanted she could've pulled that out and shot the man then and there but we both were in a state of compulsion and dilemma. His gun was pointed on my forehead and we were instantly surrounded by an army of armed men. Jinyoung and all the other officers were tailing right some meters away from us but they dared not to move because me and Y/N were at bait. One wrong move from them and it might've resulted in the instant bursting of our heads.

"Good to finally meet you, kitten." He spoke out in a voice almost the same as mine. I tried to get up and pull him downwards but my strength was slowly leaving my body, looks like the injury on the back of my head was a serious one.

From my blurring vision, I saw her hand about to pull out the gun from the holster and instantly pointed it at him, the armed men pointing their guns at her ready to shoot anytime. "Good to meet you too, you look-alike." She smirked, opening the safety of the gun but a voice rang in my ears through the earbuds.

"Don't shoot, Y/N! There are a lot of men, you won't be able to handle!" Jinyoung screamed at the top of his lungs from the earbuds and I saw her expressions stiffening, she steadily dropped her gun and glared at the man in front.

"That was a good decision, kitten. You don't want to see this little rat of yours dying in front of you, do you?" He took calculated steps towards her and harshly pulled out the earbud from her ear whilst destroying it with the swift jab of his foot.

That was the last thing I saw and as much as I wanted to get up and tear this man into pieces, my body gave up and everything went black.

Was this plan a bad decision?


My eyes slowly opened up, as I felt I was dragged by my shoulders by two men, only to witness the most agonizing scene I've ever seen in life. My blood boiled as my eyes made my way towards Y/N's figure- her once beautiful blue dress was now tainted with her blood, her porcelain skin was marred with numerous harsh slap marks, her eyes reddened with rage and warm embers and blood oozed out from the corner of her lips, as that monster dragged her by her hair towards the blood covered figure of Jaehoon, who was brutally tortured and tied on a chair.

"FUCKING LEAVE HER!" I revolted and using all my strength I broke free from the hold of those two men as I rushed towards her, only to get harshly punched in the gut and held back again. He laughed maniacally at our treacherous and dreadful state, as he pulled her closer to himself by her hair and she screamed in extreme pain, using her tightened fists to hit him at the vital points but she failed miserably.

"You all thought I wouldn't get to know what's happening under my nose?" He scoffed as he placed the metallic weapon on her nape, sliding it downwards towards her chest.

"LEAVE HER YOU MONSTER!" I roared in extreme anger looking at her state, his fucking hands on her body, her painful groans making my stomach churn and I wiggled trying to break free from these clutches but my efforts were in vain as he spoke further, making the ground sweep below my feet.

"These are my loyal underdogs, they would choose death than to betray me except for one..." He muttered and shot his sharp gaze at Jaehoon, instantly shooting him on both legs, his muffled screams echoed throughout the dim light room.

Our plan got busted?!

No... no way! Y/N...

"Should I fuck you in front of your dear husband and my dearest brother?" His venomous words brought me out of my trance and he just smirked like a fucking psyche he is, as he twisted her wrists on her back and out his chin on her shoulder, looking dead straight into my eyes, mocking me for my state.

This was it. My rage hit its utmost level as a sudden burst of strength hit inside my system.

I kicked one of the men on the knee and hit the other in the groin as I snatched the gun from his hold. Numerous armed men of his surrounded me, their guns pointed on my head but there was not an inch of fear in my system at this point. Hell, I've never touched a gun before but if it means that today I have to kill someone and apparently, die in this war, I happily will, if my wife gets out safe.

"As if... y-you can!" Y/N mumbled under her breath and in an instant, she hit him in the abdomen by her elbow, swiftly taking a hold of his gun. Now, it was her pointing the gun at him.

What might happen next? 👀

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