The camp gets attacked by bulls. Its complete bullshit

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Invisible string by Taylor Swift

"Isn't just so pretty to think,
all along there was some invisible string tying you to me"


I watch as Morana walks out of the shed thing, and runs her shoulder into Cyra. I smirk at her, and turn around to go put a shirt on.

I sit on my bed, and it creeks slightly. I pull my drawer open, and I pull out a black tank top. I pull it over my head, and I feel eyes on me. I smirk, "like the view?"

Cyra raises a brow, and slightly hums under her breath. "I just don't understand why your sister does not like me" she says sadly.

Cyra is one of the only people who even knew of my existence before I reveled myself to everyone. She saw me one time just hanging around camp, blending in with the shadows. It was when I was around 10, and we have been best friends since. I honestly don't know why she's my friend, we're polar opposites, literally. She's so happy, bright, and enthusiastic. I'm so sad, dark, and bland. Besides for all the sarcastic and flirty comments.

I look up at her from my bed, "she's just not used to you yet" I shrug

"And you are?" She smiles down at me, and sits next to me on the bed. She immediately lays her head on my shoulder, and sighs.

"I don't think I ever will" I smile, and rest my head on hers. I hear her laugh, and I can imagine her smiling. She starts to play with the single black ring on my finger, and I feel my whole body relax. "Look, Morana is like me. You are the polar opposite of her. But just give her some time, she will warm up to you" I say to her.

I am normally never clingy, or ever let people actually touch me like she does. But Cyra, she's different. She's been with me for a while, and she's the same age as me. She's my best friend, and I love her. We flirt around with each other all the time, but I don't really mean any of it. It least I don't think I do. And I don't think she does either, of course I don't really know either. She's the only person besides Mora that I actually talk to. And I trust her, I trust her with my life. And that means a lot coming from me.

Ever since Morana has found me (well not really found because I led her to me) she told me that I had to make myself known, or whatever that means. She made me go talk to Chiron, and he introduced me to everyone at camp. It was pretty lame, and everyone looked at me weird. So most of my time I spend in the shed, along with Morana. And we smoke and drink. You might call me a bad brother, but I know she has a shitty past. I mean, I have a shitty past. You wonder why I ran away when I was younger. So I thought that the drugs and cigs could help her, cause they defiantly help me.

"Wanna go to camp, and not hide in the woods?" Cyra asks. I roll my eyes, "no, not particularly. Thanks for the offer" I shut my eyes, and lay a little bit more on Cy.

Cyra sighs, and stands up. Causing me to roll over, and dramatically fall to the ground. I groan, and Cyra laughs. "Come on. You look like death-"

"Thank you" I smile at her from the ground, "that's a compliment"

She rolls her eyes, "You need some sun, and some fresh air. That's all I'm saying" she stands taller, "now, if you don't come out now, I'm going to make you"

I smirk, "and how are you gonna do that, princess?"

I assume she blushes softly at the comment, "Like this" she grabs my leg, and literally starts to drag me out of the shed. I'm not even surprised, she has done it before. And I also do it to her.

She starts to pant slightly, "why are you so" she pants, "freaking heavy?"

I laugh slightly, as I get dragged across the floor to the outside world. "It's all muscle, sweetheart" I yawn slightly, getting bored of the situation.

I yank my leg out of her hands, jump up, and pin her against the door. I smirk at her, "I would prefer this position. You know, being dragged across the floor is not the most comfortable thing"

Surprisingly, she stays calm. She just smirks back at me, "Yeah, I'm sure you really do prefer this position better" at that, she punches me in the stomach, and gets out of my grip. She breaks out in a sprint out of the woods.

I laugh slightly, and I take off after her. I start to catch up, and I am about to grab her arm. But then a bright light shines in my eyes, causing me to yelp slightly and fall to the ground.

I cover my eyes with my hands, and I hear Cyra laugh. "You always seem to forget that I can summon light, dumbass"

I shield my eyes, and squeeze them shut. That shit hurts, "what the fuck was that for?" I say half angrily, and stand up.

She shrugs, "That's what you get for pinning me against that door"

I run my hand through my hair, "oh stop acting like you didn't like it, sweetheart"

Cyra rolls her eyes playfully, and starts walking out of the woods. I jog up next to her and walk at the same pace as her. I grab her hand, and hold it. She obviously holds it back, and squeezes it slightly.

I walk out of the woods, and into the light. I shield my eyes slightly, as the hot sun blazes down on me. Gods, I hate the sun.

I want to try and find my sister, because wherever she goes, trouble follows. And I want to watch some trouble, because I am currently bored.

I walk in the direction of the eating area, knowing that's where she because I sense death over there. I tug Cyra in the direction I sense Mora the most, and she follows along, silently humming under her breath.

After a minute, I find her. She is standing over an Ares kid, and she is watching he falls to the ground, clutching at his throat, gasping for air.

I watch as the other kids gasp, and glare at her. I look over at Cyra and she watches with a frown on her face. "Why is she doing that?" She asks me

I shrug, "I dunno, but Mora is a strong believer in revenge, I know that much. So if she is doing this to someone, she has a reason for it" I look down at her, and she nods, gripping my hand tighter.

I watch, fantasized, as Morana smirks to herself. I watch her flick her wrist, and the Ares kid stops looking in pain. Then she crouch down to the guy on the floor, and whispers something in his ear.

Gods, Morana is so fucking cool. I mean shit, I used to watch as she would run away from this guy, and she would take hits from him. But now, she is the one who is hitting him back, and he is running from her. I've taught her well.

Morana stands up, with a blank face, and a hint of proudness and walks out of there. She keeps her chin up, and eyes forward.

Cyra looks up at me with worry, "do you think Blake is okay?" Oh, so that's his name. It's kinda a shitty name honestly.

I look down at her, "depends on how pissed off Mora was" I shrug, and watch as Morana walks over towards us.

"Hey fuck face" she says nodding her head my direction, and stands next to me.

"Hey shit head" I smile at her, and put my hand over her head and start to mess up her hair. Mora just elbows me, and sighs.

"What did they do?" I ask her, referring to the guy she inflicted pain on.

She shrugs, "he was being an ass. And I decided to do something about it"

I smirk, "I've taught you well, Sista" and I kick her shoe slightly. To which she kicks me back.

I am about to go on a full kicking shoes spree, when I hear a loud noise. And I look over at Cyra who gasped loudly, "Oh my Gods" she breaths hard.

Morana looks at her weird, "the fuck??" She asks, "what's wrong with your girlfriend?"

Before I get to denounce what Morana just said, I start to hear names, names I recognize pop up into my head. For example, one says: Sammy Marks, Died at 2:47pm, Cause of death is by a bull. And about three more pop up into my head, with different names and different times. But with the same cause of death.

I look over at Morana who is currently clutching her head, and she looks at me with wide eyes. "What did you see, Cyra?"

"I-I had a vision. Bulls. We're going to be attacked, we have to get out of here!" Cyra yells, this is the most panicked I've ever seen her. I have the urge to just give her a hug and comfort her. Weird, I know.

Morana curses under her breath, "We have to warn the others. Shit, we need-" but she gets cut off by a loud roaring sound that echos through the camp. Oh fuck.


I stand at the crest of Thalia tree Hill, and look at a group of campers. They were screaming like they were under attack.

"Oh, man" Annabeth says that she looks at the battle raging on the hill.

We watch as a bull runs through camp, destroying people. Destroying cabins, and anything it come In contact with.

What worries me most was not the bulls themselves. Or the ten hero's in full battle armor who were getting their ass handed to them. No, it was these two things.

One: how is is even possible for the bulls to be getting through the camp? The magical barrier from Thalias tree is supposed to be stopping that. How the fuck is this possible?

Two: Morana.

"Border patrol, to me!" I hear a gruff, girls voice shout. And it sounded fimilar, and I assume that it is Clarisse's.

"It's Clarisse" Annabeth says, "come on, we have to help her!"

I scoff lightly. Normally rushing to Clarisse's aid was not on my bucket list. Or even in the ball park. But, the kind person in me, takes control and I rush to her aid. Mora would not approve.

I uncapped Riptide, and it shined in the light. I turn to Tyson, "stay here. I don't want you taking any more chances!" I order him.

"No" Annabeth argues, "we need him"

I stared at her, "he's a mortal. He got lucky with the dodge balls but he can't-"

"Percy do you know what those are up there? Colchis bulls, made by Hephaestus himself. We can't fight without Medea's sunscreen SPF 50,000. We get burned to a crisp"

Medeas what? I think to myself. Who the fuck is that? I look over at Annabeth who is Rummaging  through her backpack, and then curses. " I had a jar of tropical coconut scent sitting on my nightstand at home. Why didn't I bring it?"

I raise a brow, why would she need that right now? " look I don't know what you're talking about but I'm not going to let Tyson get fried." I say

" Percy—" Annabeth starts, but I cut her off.

" Tyson stay back" I raise my sword, "I'm going in" Tyson tried to protest, but I was already sprinting up the hill toward Clarisse. Right now, she was currently yelling at her patrol trying to get them into formation. But unfortunately, only make a couple campers Listened to her. The other ones were running around screaming their ass off.

I was halfway up the hill, not close enough to help. But Clarisse hasn't even seen me yet. The ball was moving fast for something so big. Its body was glowing in the sun. It had fist size Ruby's for eyes, and horns of polished silver. When it open its mouth, a common of white hot flame blasted out. Holy fuck that's not good.

"Hold the line!" Clarisse ordered to the warriors. And they listen pretty quick. Even though Clarisse kind of a bitch, she is brave. One of the bravest girls I know. She was a big girl with nasty eyes. It looks like she was made for war. But even I don't see how she could stand against that bull charge.

Unfortunately, at the moment the other bull lost interest in Annabeth. It turned, wheeling around behind Clarisse on her unprotected side.

" behind you!" I yelled, "look out!" I really should've just kept my mouth shut, because all I accomplished was startling her. Number one crashed into her shield and it broke. Clarisse went flying backwards and landed in a small patch of grass.

I lunged and grab Clarisse by the straps of her armor and dragged her-out the way, just as Bull number two came at her. I slashed the bull with riptide, and caused a huge gash in its flank. But the monster is groaned and kept on going.

"Let me go!" Clarisse slapped me, "Percy, fuck you!" She murmured something under her breath, and I caught Moranas name in it.

"What did you just say?" I ask her

She growls and looks at me, " you're stupid girlfriend fucked up one of my brothers today. He would have been great help"

"Where is she?"

"How the hades should I know?" She asks

I hear a big clank, and whip around. What I see amazes me. Morana Ryde, with freaking wings on her back, flying into the bull. Trying to knock it off its feet. She grits her teeth, and groans a couple times. Then she jabs her dagger into it. I see a million moths and butterflies fly around her. She looks so awesome right now.

Then, she gets flung off of the bull and about ten feet in front of me. She gets up fast, and makes eyes contact with me.

Oh my gods I missed her. Her face looks older, and more mature. Her hair is grown out, and her eyes still have that beautiful chocolate color to them. Her skin is annoyingly clear, and her teeth somehow look whiter. Her hair looks more silky, and for some reason I want to touch it. She looks a couple inches taller, so she is probably taller than me now. She looks so cool.

My thoughts get interrupted when she gets plowed by the bull, and she yelps loudly. I hear a disgusting crunch after she gets body slammed, and worry floods through me.


I look at Thalias tree hill, and see two bulls running around attacking people as they pass by. "Well, that's not something you see every day" I say, Thanos smirks, and Cyra looks horrified.

I realize that I should probably do something, "fuck face, get Cyra away. I'll try to deal with the bull" he nods his head, and takes Cyra away.

I grow my black wings, and shoot towards the sky. As a fly through the sky, I feel free. The wind attacks my skin, but in a good way. I finally feel like I can breathe.

But the good feeling does not last long, I shoot down and stand on top of the bull. I quickly summon moths and butterflies to distract it, and I jab it fiercely with my dagger.

This works for about 20 seconds, then I get flung off the bull. I hit the ground with a loud thump. But I jump back up, ready for more action.

But the similar sent of saltwater, and warm blue cookies hits my nose. My eyes go wide as I turn around. My boring brown eyes meet Percy's stunning sea green ones.

I smile to myself lightly as I look at him. He looks older than the last time I saw him. And I mean a lot older. He lost baby fat around his face, and now it looks slimmer. His green eyes look like the ocean, and shine brighter than ever before. His silky brown hair soaks up the sun. His lips look soft. His face looks soft. He looks a little taller than he was last summer, I still stand taller than him. I smirk at the fact I'm taller than him.

I hate myself for this, but I want to run into his arms and hug him. Disgusting, gods, I know.

Before I get to do anything what will seriously embarrass me, and will make me want to die for a second time, I get rammed into by the bull. I yelp loudly, and all the air gets sucked out of my body. I feel like all of my ribs broke at the same agonizing moment. A loud crunch pierced my ears, and I find it hard to breathe. I feel something tear through my skin, and I yelp a second time. Every time I suck in air too deeply, it feels like my lungs get poked. I feel my chest tighten, and it gets harder for me to breathe. All of this happens in about 3 seconds.

The bull slams me into a tree, and everything around me becomes blurry. Fuck my pathetic human body. I can't take a blow from a bull, how pathetic. My vision gets blurred by black dots, and my breathing becomes shallow. The pain in my chest becomes agonizing, and right now I really wish I would just plain out die. It would be better than feeling this pain.

I feel the need to breath much more air than I am getting, but every small breath I take hurts. It feels like my lungs are getting prickled and it hurts like shit. I feel blood seep through my shirt, and I notice that one of my rib bones ripped through my skin. Aww, how sweet.

The fighting continues around me, and I hear people shouting things. After about 5 minutes of me sitting in tremendous pain, I finally start to feel like I'm about to pass out.

I see Percy rush towards me, with a worried look on his face. I smirk slightly, "Miss me, shark boy?" I laugh deliriously, and I regret it because I cough hard. And I notice specks of blood come out when I cough, "oh, that's not good" I giggle again slightly. The same thing happens.

"A-are you hurt?" He asks me

"No, I normally spurt blood from my rib cage" I sarcastically say, and I cough a little more. The pain keeps exploding through my body. It's kind of like an earthquake, because they have aftershocks. So when my lungs got punctured by my rib bones, and my ribs broke through my skin, that was the earthquake. But what's going on right now, is like the painful aftershocks. Well that's just nice.

Percy suddenly gets pushed out of the way and he goes flying in the other direction, and I see my brother come into my vision. I hear him curse under his breath, and he grips my hand. "I hope this leaves a awesome scar" I smirk at him, and I hear him whimper slightly. Erm, that's very embarrassing for him.

Cyra come into my vision as well, and she puts her hands over my chest. I don't have enough energy to stiffen at the touch. Her warm hands immediately make my body go more limp than it already is, and I feel content.

But two seconds after she touches me, I gasp lightly, I feel my bones scrape my lungs, and get mended back into shape.

That's about the last thing I actually remember, before I pass out.

🪐Calistas extra info🪐
Awee I hope you guys liked that chapter! And do you guys like that I make different POV's throughout one chapter?? Oh and how do you like Thanos and Cyras relationship...? I have a question, do you want Thanos to go on the quest with Morana, Annabeth, Percy, and Tyson??

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