The simplest way to put it is...I died

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-_-_PERCY POV-_-_

I break the surface of the water, and frantically look around me to find a the familiar face of Morana. The annoying face of her smirking her ass off at me, and insulting me on the most random things. But I

Death. There are no words to accurately describe it. A mix of shame, pain, fear, anger, and sadness all in one. But mostly, I felt fear. I was scared of what was to come, scared of what part of the underworld I was going to end up in. I would not be surprised if I ended up in the fields of punishment, I probably won't end up in Elysium. All of the bad shit I've done, no fukin way.

I try to look around me, but I can't see anything. Maybe my vision stopped working. It's just darkness. Endless darkness for miles. A void of nothingness, everywhere you turn.

I start to feel panic raise in me. Not calmness, panic. My conscious is just floating around in darkness? Is this how it's gonna be forever? If I had a body, I would be shaking. I try to cry out, but nothing happens. I want to scream, and cry. I'm alone, alone for the rest of my life. I want to wail and howl for someone, anyone, to hear me. To let me know I'm not alone, alone with my thoughts. But my thoughts got the best of me.

Percy. What happened to him? Did he die? Is he safe? What about Grover and Annabeth? What happened to them? Are they going to finish the quest successfully? Do they even care that I'm gone? Do they even notice? They probably like it better without me, and all my annoying snarky comments. Gods, how do people put up with me.

Your friends are fine. A voice echos in my mind. But are you fine? Before I get to answer, the voice answers for me. No, you died. This was not supposed to happen, it is not your time yet. Dearest daughter. Daughter? I question in my mind.

And then, just like that, the darkness all around me dissolves. I fall to the ground, and I look around me. It looks as if I'm in a Palace. It looks, almost, homy. Well of course you find it homy, you are my daughter.

"Who the fuck are you?" I yell out into the palace, "and, uh, where the fuck am I?" I yell out again. I stand up, and immediately look down at my body. I have never been happier to see my stupid thick thighs, and my sort of chubby body. I laugh out loud, and quickly cover my mouth out of embarrassment.

I take a moment to actually look around me. I notice that the color pallet is limited. The same dark shade of purple on my ring, and just plain black. There are butterfly statues randomly scattered around the room. There is a black sofa, and a dark purple and black marbled carpet. There is a statute of a man, with black feathered wings on his back, and a long, black sword In his hand. I look up at his face, and he looks about in his Middle Ages. And his face looks handsome, and peaceful.

"Hello, daughter" someone calls from behind me, and I yell slightly, and jump. I pull off my necklace, and it swiftly turns into my dagger. I turn around, and hold my dagger in front if me protectively. As soon as I get a good look at the person behind me, my dagger disappears from my hand, "this is not a warm way to say hello to your father"

I look the person in front of me up and down. He look exactly like the statue that is standing tall behind me, "your-your" I stutter, but I can't make it out.

"Thanatos, the god if death." He smiles at me, "and, yes. I am your father. You are the daughter of Thanatos, pleasure to meet you, Morana Ryde"

In this exact moment I felt one thing, and one thing only.


That feeling bursts through my body, and I feel it pump through my veins. It makes my body shiver, and I feel my eye start to twitch violently.

I'm not mad at the fact that Thanatos is my father. I should have seen it coming, all the butterflies that always are around me. And the fact that I grew wings, and that a random butterfly ring appeared in my secret stash of treasures.

Im mad, at the fact that Thanatos is my father, and that I never knew until now. I had to die to figure out that he was my father? I had to die to finally know the thing that I have been wondering since I was born? Who my actual father is?

I'm mad at the fact that he left me, he left me. He never came up to check on me, he never responded to any of my prayers to him. He only just sat and watched. He watched as I got tortured my whole entire life. He watched as I dropped down to my knees every night and started to sob myself to sleep. He fucking watched as I got all my happiness stripped down to nothing.

I scoff, "you know, I thought that once I finally met my dad...I would be happy. I would jump with joy, and run into your arms with tears of pure joy flying out of my face. But I should have know better, nothing happy ever happens to me. I always get the short end of the fucking stick" I look strait at him, "I have to ask you a question. One simple flutter easy question" I stare at him, not making any eye contact, "do you even love me?"

Thanatos smiles, "why of course I do, your my daughter"

I kick a chair out of anger, "and that's where your wrong" I jab a finger in his chest, "you see, if you loved me you wouldn't have ignored me for years. You wouldn't leave me with my mother" I grit my teeth, "and most of all, you wouldn't let someone abuse me the way Steven did. If you loved me. Your a fucking god, you could have stopped him" I stare at my father with pure hatred in my eyes

"do you know what became of my mother after you left?" I continue, "no, of course you don't" I scoff, " But let me tell you: she blamed me, after your disappearance. She called me a curse. A fucking curse" I clench my fists, "but you wouldn't know. Because you fucking left me with that monster of a mother"

Thanatos frowns slightly, "I'm sorry, Morana. Truly, I am. But as a God, I am forbidden to interfere with my children's life"

"I don't give a shit. You left me. And I hate you for that"

"Morana, you don't understand-"

"You're right! I don't understand! Please, explain to me. I would love to hear why you left me"

Thanatos sighs, "I- I loved your mother" he smiles, "when we I first met her, she was the most kind, loving woman I have ever met. She was beautiful, and caring" his face goes pained, "and then she got pregnant with you. And by the godly rules, I had to leave. It is forbidden for any god to stay with a mortal. They have to move on" he frowns at me, "you have to believe me, I did not want any of this to happen" he frowns more if possible, "after she gave birth, I left. I had no choice. And she blamed you. She thought you were a curse and started to think you were the reason I was gone. She got into which craft..." he trails off "...if I would have helped you, I would have. I promise you I would have. There was no  way the gods would have let me help you. I understand if you cannot forgive me for that, I cannot forgive myself either" he looks down at me, "but I want to help you. I can revive you. I can return you back to the land of the living. You can have another chance"

I let all of that information he just said sink in. It is true that all gods are not supposed to come in contact with their children. So I guess he did not really have a choice. But still, my stubborn ass is not going to give in after the fact that he watched me get treated horribly all my life. It's not fair to hate him, he had no choice.  But I also don't have to love him. I will probably never get there.

Then the part that he can revive me, send me back to my friend's sinks in. I mean he is the god of death, he must be able to send me back if needed. I could see my friends again, I could see Percy again.

I don't have to love this man, because I don't. And I wont. Not after he just sat back and watched for years. Surly he could have done something, anything. I don't fucking love this man. I cant even call him my father. This whole situation is so fucked. It's all just so fucked, "Fine" I mutter, "Revive me, or whatever. Please just do it quick, I want to get out of this hellhole. And away from you" I quietly say the last part.

I dont care if Thanatos could not do anything. Because I feel like that is just complete bullshit. Who cares if you break a freaking rule, I'm his fucking daughter he should help me when I am in need of help. Not sit back and watch, what a shitty thing to do. I mean he's a God for fucks sake.

Thanatos smiles, "of course, daughter. But first-"

"Don't" I grit my teeth, "Dont call me 'daughter'. Call my by my full fucking name" I growled.

"I'm sorry, Morana. Truly, I am" he pauses, then continues, " but first, I am going to need to show you a few things" I raise my eyebrow in response, "only because you just realized I am you father, I have to show you some of the powers you possess"

I roll my eyes. Powers? Fucking bullshit, if I had any I would have realized them by now. And I dont want his help, "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want your help"

"Morana, for years you have been in the dark about this-"

"Yeah, your right! And who's fault is that?" I hissed. I mean right now, of all the fucking times in my life, he wants to try and connect with me? He wants to try and show me my powers? Such fucking bullshit. I want to find my powers out on my own, not by this ass of a dad. Not gonna happen.

He frowns, "Mine, its all my fault. And I realize this now, I do. But if you are going to survive the rest of this quest, you are going to need to realize the power you hold. You might even be one of the most powerful at camp. Well besides so called Percy Jackson and..."

I stop, "And? Who else?" I question. I mean Percy Jackson is a son of the big three. Who at camp could be more powerful than him? Well not more powerful, but within the same range of power, maybe a little less?

"His name in Thanos. He is not a newcomer, he has been at camp since he was a little boy. But he usually never comes out of his cabin. So it is rare that one would ever see him. But when he leaves camp half blood, he goes somewhere else. A place I cannot say. But, he returned back to camp from leaving about the same time you left" He watches me, "You might not have noticed, but he has been watching you. You know all of the butterflies you always find around you? He sends those your way. He is a son of Thanatos, he is my son. And your brother"

Holy shit, that was a lot of talking. I pretty much only caught the part about him being my brother, and the fact that he has apparently been watching me. Umm, creepy what the fuck, "So he knew that I was the daughter of Thanatos, but he said nothing?" I ask bitterly.

"There was no way for him to be sure, so he left it. But when you are going to go back to camp, he is going to want to talk to you. I am sure of it" He smiles, "Dont blame anything on Thanos. He is around your age, a little bit older. He did not know better, and it was only a assumption. So he did not act on anything" He says.

"I am going to want to talk to him as well" I mutter under my breath, "Now, can you get me out of here or not?" I look up at the god and ask.

"Morana, I need to teach you some things about your powers. If not controlled, it could be dangerous-"

I scoff, "So now you worry about my well being. I dont want your help, I will figure it all out on my own. Okay? Please, just get me out of here"

"Very well" he frowns, "I am going to send you to a place, that will keep you safe for the time being. Don't worry, your friends will be headed there soon enough. And  time will pass while you are there. But your friends will find you, don't worry" 

"Um, where exactly are you sending me?" I question him and raise a brow.

"The Lotus Hotel and Casino" He waves his hand, "Who knows, you might find two other little friends while you are there"

"Huh?" But before I can say anything, Thanatos snaps his finger. And everything goes black.

-_-_PERCY POV-_-_

I break the surface of the water, and

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