09 || Easily Removed

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A/N: Hello my lovelies, I'm so sorry this took SO long to update, I had finals and was completely overwhelmed with studying and exams for a couple of weeks but I'm back now!! Thank you for your patience, I hope you guys like the chapter :))


Rick's POV - two and a half years ago

"And next time, twig? Remember who you're talking to," Shane drawls with a condescending look, punctuated by a dangerous chuckle that makes our opponent shrink back- a former Yale graduate, top of his class apparently, now cowering. Yale shakes his head in defeat before quickly scampering away, his footsteps echoing through the courthouse lobby as he mutters under his breath, his confidence visibly shaken.

Shane adjusts his jacket with a dismissive snort, his pride evident in the curl of his lip as he looks back at me. "Fuckin' pussy," he mutters, drawing out my smirk as I shake my head at his arrogance. While Shane commands respect and strikes fear into his opponents, his constant cockiness is a bit ridiculous.

"You've got my evidence, right?" Shane turns to me, his gaze piercing, expectant. I confirm with a nod, retrieving the folder from my briefcase and passing it to him.

"Thanks. I'm swamped as usual, couldn't do it without you," Shane acknowledges, and I nod in understanding. It's a partnership that has made us the best legal duo in the city- he takes the lead and I handle the details. 

Yeah, that leaves Shane as the face of our success but unlike Shane, whose life revolves around the courtroom, I have a family waiting for me at home. Lori and Carl are my world, and they always come first, no matter what. I refuse to let this job consume me to the point where I neglect them, I've seen too many men in this job do the same thing. The title of 'top closer in NYC' means nothing to me if it comes at the expense of their happiness. 

"'Course," I say with a nod watching Shane as he sifts through the evidence quickly. Simply standing beside him in the courthouse lobby draws constant looks and gawks as people recognize him. Shane, seemingly oblivious to the attention, remains focused on the task at hand. 

"Hey, what is-"

Before Shane can finish his sentence, my phone interrupts with an insistent ring. Cursing softly under my breath, I retrieve it from my pocket, noticing Lori's name flashing on the screen. "Sorry, husband duties call," I explain to Shane with a strained smile, to which he nods in understanding.

"Tell her I say hi," he murmurs, his attention briefly lingering on my phone as I walk away, bringing it to my ear. Pushing open the side door, I emerge out into the street.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask into the phone as I exit the bustling courthouse, the spring breeze offering a brief reprieve from the tension coiling in my stomach.

Last night, Lori and I had a bad argument again, and I didn't get a chance to make things right this morning before I left for work. These arguments seem to be happening more and more lately, it's been difficult.

Lori hesitates for a moment before speaking, her voice laced with uncertainty. "Yeah. I just... need to hear it. Do you still love me?" she asks quietly, her words making me freeze, my heart aching at the idea of her questioning that.

"Lori- of course I love you," I respond hoarsely, my brows knitted together tightly, feeling like I've been punched in the gut. "I know things have changed since moving here, but... why would you doubt that?" I ask, swallowing back the dread encroaching, like a dark cloud, tightening my breath. I feel like I'm losing her and it terrifies me.

Lori sighs heavily over the phone, and I glance back through the partially glass doors to see Shane leaning against the lobby wall, flirting with a pretty blonde. His arms are crossed as he grins down at her, playing with a strand of her blond curls.

"You just- never speak! You don't shout, you don't argue back, even when I'm screaming at you, you're always calm! Sometimes, it feels like you don't even care," Lori admits quietly, and I look down, trying to control my breathing, guilt constricting my spine painfully.

I had always tried to be different from the men who had hurt my sister, to be a source of stability and calm love for Lori. I never wanted to be the type who loses my temper and screams unforgivable things in the heat of the moment. But maybe, in my efforts to avoid being like that, I had swung too far in the other direction, coming off indifferent. 


"Lori- you're upset because I don't shout at you?" I ask, genuinely confused, feeling the weight of the impending court appearance pressing down on me as I glance at the time. We're due in court in a matter of minutes.

Lori lets out another weary sigh. "I'll see you when you get home," she says, her voice heavy with a sadness that tightens my chest with every word.

"Lori-" I begin, desperation creeping into my tone, but she hangs up before I can say anything more. Cursing softly under my breath, I shove my phone back into my pocket and stride back into the courthouse.

I already know I'll waste my time trying to call her back- she won't answer. I'll need to make it right when I get home.

As I walk inside, Shane looks up from his flirting, his mouth still pulled into a smirk as his dark eyes meet mine curiously. 

"We should go," I say as I walk up to him, offering a polite smile to the blonde lawyer he was flirting with.

"You heard the man, sweetheart. I'll call you later?" Shane smoothly asks the woman, eliciting a soft giggle from her as she nods, her blue eyes shimmering with admiration as she gazes up at him. She bites her lip, clearly captivated by Shane's charm. With a grin, Shane leans down and kisses her, grabbing her face with both of his hands.

Raising my eyebrows, I look away, clearing my throat and suppressing my amused smile. Despite many things that continue to change and confuse me in my life- there's always one constant: Shane's a shameless man whore.

As they part from their kiss, a glint catches my eye as the woman pats Shane's arm before walking away, swaying her hips.

I look back at Shane as he grins brazenly, leading the way back to the courtroom.

"Did you see that wedding ring she was wearing?" I ask the man I consider my brother as we walk, grinning with disbelief at his bachelor ways as he looks at me with a knowing look.

"That's the thing 'bout rings, Rick. They're easily removable," Shane says with a sly and unapologetic wink, before pushing the door open, leading the way into court. 

I scoff under my breath, shaking my head with amusement at the relentless womanizer, before following him into the courtroom.


Cass POV - present

"Shane," the stranger introduces himself with a firm handshake, his hand warm. His bright smile seems to carry an infectious energy, tugging at the corners of my lips, eliciting a flutter in my stomach.

"Nice to meet you, Shane," I respond smoothly, momentarily captivated by his charisma, before turning my attention back to the road ahead, trying to navigate through the confusing emotions swirling within me.

It feels slightly ridiculous to be experiencing such fluttery feelings in the presence of a stranger, especially one I just hopped into a taxi with, but right now, it's a welcomed distraction. A break from the turmoil of emotions I had recently been grappling with. Pouring my heart out to Rick about my abusive past, going way further than we should've while we were both drugged, and then word-vomiting my life story to our client while drunk.

After all that, I just feel like a complete fucking idiot.

God, I'm such a mess.

"So, Cass, what made you jump into an already taken taxi? How did you know I wasn't some serial killer?" Shane teases, his voice carrying a playful tone that draws a smile to my lips, amused despite myself.

I chuckle breathlessly, shaking my head before meeting his gaze with a smirk. "I took a chance. And with the army veteran bumper sticker and the dog tags hanging on the rearview mirror, I figured our driver here could take you down in two seconds flat if you tried anything," I explain calmly, nodding towards the front where our driver sits, his presence exuding a quiet reassurance. 

"Affirmative," the driver confirms, his voice gruff yet somehow comforting with his ginger hair and impressive handlebar mustache that twitches with a smile.

A sense of satisfaction washes over me as I turn back to Shane, raising an eyebrow with a smug look. His chuckle is warm and genuine, mirroring the smile that plays on my lips.

"I'm impressed," he murmurs, his brown eyes briefly tracing up and down my figure with a subtle appreciation that sends a flutter through my chest, a sensation both exhilarating and unfamiliar.

My heart stutters at the idea of a man genuinely being interested in me - without the influence of shitty drugs in a motel water bottle.

"I strive for impressiveness," I respond with a playful grin, cocking my head slightly as Shane's gaze lingers on me, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, his lips curling into an amused smirk.

I meet his gaze head-on, the only sound piercing the air being the relentless drumming of rain against the taxi's thin metal roof. I try to will my heart to react the same way it usually does when I'm staring at Rick, beating erratically as I gaze into those blue irises.

... It doesn't work.

Inhaling sharply at the memory of him, I quickly avert my gaze, feeling a mixture of guilt, shame, and an unsettling longing swirling within me.

"So, Cass, what's your line of work? With someone as impressive as yourself," Shane inquires with evident interest, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his slightly parted knees.

"Lawyer. You?" I respond, reclining against the seat and crossing my legs, noting the subtle shift in Shane's gaze, his eyes momentarily lingering on my bare legs.

Shane meets my gaze, a flicker of surprise dancing in his eyes. "...Lawyer," he repeats, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.


"What area do you specialize in? Business, criminal, family law?" Shane leans in further, his curiosity evident.

A slight shiver of apprehension runs down my spine at the prospect of divulging personal information, memories of the invasive woman with her camera flashing through my mind.

"Oh, but you could still be a serial killer. You're gonna have to work harder than that to know me," I remark, shifting my gaze out the window instead, watching the rain-soaked city pass by in a blur of lights and reflections.

The rain has draped the city in a glistening sheen, casting a surreal glow from the cars, streets, and sidewalks. We're nearing Manhattan, and it occurs to me that I never asked where the cab was heading.

"Fair enough. I'm a corporate attorney. A closer to be specific," Shane replies, drawing my attention back to him.

I narrow my eyes slightly as I meet his innocent brown gaze, the incredible coincidence making me feel slightly uneasy. It's exactly what I do.

"So, definitely a serial killer, then," I quip dryly, causing Shane to snort out a laugh, his head shaking as he looks down. A smile spreads across my face before I can stop it.

"Let me tell you something," Shane begins, his smile broad, his straight hair falling over his face as he tilts his head down. 

"You are... the most interesting woman I've spoken to in a while," he says slowly as he looks up at me with a charming grin, eliciting a slight blush from me while being conscious of the driver hearing our conversation.

"If I'm the most interesting woman you've spoken to, I think you just don't speak to enough women," I retort flatly and I swear I hear the driver snort under his breath.

Shane clicks his tongue, his smirk deepening, a dimple forming on his cheek. Adjusting in my seat, I hide my smirk as I look ahead, briefly checking my phone as it buzzes with a work email.

"Maybe we could rectify that tonight? Over drinks?" Shane suggests, his words causing a flutter of anticipation to stir in my chest as I glance sideways, a nervous smile tugging at my lips.

Shane grins shamelessly, raising his brows once, tilting his head. I find myself smiling back.

"Maybe we could."


"You're back!" Maggie's voice dances with enthusiasm as she appears in the doorway of my office, catching me off guard as I look up from the depths of paperwork. "You slipped in during all the excitement about the new investor, huh? You sneaky bitch," she adds lowly with a playful grin, prompting a chuckle from me.

A smile spreads across my face as Maggie settles into one of the chairs opposite my desk, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she crosses her legs. "How was Georgia?" she asks eagerly, her gaze searching my face, causing me to pause momentarily.

Why does she seem so interested?

"It was... fine, why?" I ask, slightly smiling at her interest as I fidget with the business card Shane gave me.

Maggie purses her lips, looking to the side. "Oh, I just heard things went interesting," she trails off, trying to hide a smile, making me narrow my eyes at her. 

"Interesting? And who told you that?" I question with a knowing grin as I raise an eyebrow, making Maggie flush and look down.

I give her a knowing look, and she sighs. "Okay! Glenn and I may have gotten together and he was texting Rick the other night," Maggie admits with a blush as she tucks some of her short brown hair behind her ear, making me grin, feeling extremely happy for them.

However, my smile falters as I remember catching a glimpse of the texts on Rick's phone and the work crush Glenn was teasing him about.

Clearing my throat, I divert my attention to the black business card in my fingers, its silver lettering gleaming under the office lights, which we've had to switch on due to the darkness of the storm outside. 

"I'm thrilled for you guys, seriously. I swear that kid has been drooling over you since I got here," I beam with a warm chuckle, lifting my gaze from the card to meet Maggie's, only to find her squinting at the business card with a puzzled expression. 

"W-What is that?" she questions, making me look back at the card with a light chuckle.

"Oh, its kind of a funny story. But I-uh ended up sharing a cab with this guy from the airport. Turns out he's also a lawyer and he gave me this to call him later for drinks," I explain, a fond smile tugging at my lips. It reminds me of those meet-cutes from the romantic comedies Sophie and I used to watch when we were younger.

Maggie reaches out, seizing the card, her eyes widening and her mouth falling open as she reads it, causing my heart to skip a beat.

She looks up at me with astonishment. "You shared a cab with Shane Walsh?" Maggie exclaims, prompting me to nod, blinking at her in confusion.

"You know him?" I ask with surprise. I guess it's not that much of a coincidence, as he's a corporate lawyer in the city and one of the other really good firms from what his card says. 

Maggie shakes her head with amusement as she hands me the card. "No, I don't know him- but I know of him!" she enthuses with a laugh that takes me off guard, feeling my face heat up.

Maggie's inquisitive gaze meets mine with interest. "Did he tell you he used to work here?" she asks, making me freeze in my seat.

"N-No, he... I never mentioned where I work, he worked here?" I demand, sitting forward with interest, making Maggie laugh, shaking her head in amazement. 

"Yeah! God, it was before I worked here, but Cass-" she begins, making my eyebrows furrow slightly in confusion as her eyes, bright with enthusiasm, search mine. "You got this job- his old job- because he was fired."

My eyebrows furrow slightly in confusion, my jaw dropping as my stomach twists into a knot.

 "Fired?" I echo, glancing back down at the card in my hands in surprise. Usually when a lawyer gets fired, they don't get rehired at a good law firm in the same city afterward. It couldn't have been that bad, right?

"I wasn't here yet, so I don't know all the details but yeah, he used to be a senior partner. Apparently, like Rick is now, he was the top closer. He and Rick were close I think and then something happened and Shane got fired. Something like that," Maggie explains with a nonchalant shrug, and at the mention of Rick, I freeze, my heart skipping a beat.

He and Rick were... close?

Closing my eyes, I sigh, rubbing my forehead with exhaustion as I lean back in my chair. Of course. 

Why can I never escape that man?

"Jesus Christ," I mutter with a slight laugh tinged with self-deprecation, running my hand over my face, feeling the weight of the rain pounding against the large windows in my chest.

"You should go," Maggie suggests eagerly, making me pause, peeking out between my hands, contemplating her suggestion.

"Go? I don't know... I took his job," I say with a cringe, making Maggie grin, sitting forward, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I tilt my head, trying to hide my grin at her infectious enthusiasm. "It'll be fun! I'm sure he's a nice guy, come on!" Maggie encourages me, and I glance down at the card, hesitating.

It would be nice to distract myself from everything that happened in Georgia. I think I'll drive myself crazy tonight knowing Rick's just across the hall. And I'm sure Rick will be busy kissing clients in bars or flirting with his work crush.

My stomach twists at the thought and I quickly brush it off, focusing instead on the possibility of a date with the man Rick doesn't like.

A slow smile pulls across my face as I slowly drag my eyes up at Maggie, thunder rumbling in the distance. 


(that night)

Stepping out of the taxi, the repeated rhythm of raindrops pelting the pavement greets me as I navigate the puddle-strewn path toward the bar Maggie recommended Shane and I meet at. The downpour intensifies, forcing me to quicken my pace, the slick sidewalk threatening to betray my balance beneath the sharp click of my heels.

I glance up at the bar in question, its two-story façade standing out amidst the dreary weather, with tall walls of windows framed by sturdy black supports, offering glimpses into the vibrant atmosphere within.

With a mental note to invest in an umbrella, I hastily push through the door, the warmth of the interior enveloping me like a comforting embrace. Shedding my raincoat, I extend it to the welcoming smile of the coat check attendant before my gaze sweeps across the spacious interior.

My eyes widen as I notice the centerpiece of the entire building, a towering cylinder structure brimming with an array of meticulously arranged liquor bottles, stretching to the ceiling, a spiral staircase gracefully winding around it.

With my coat safely stowed away and the clamor of the bar enveloping me, I thread my way through clusters of animated bar goers, their laughter and chatter blending seamlessly with the background music. 

Navigating towards the bar, I weave through the labyrinth of occupied tables, each one a hub of lively conversation and clinking glasses. Finally reaching the expansive circular bar encircling the towering bottle display, I scan the faces, searching for Shane amidst the crowd.

Spotting him engrossed in conversation with the bartender, a surge of anticipation and nervous energy courses through me, intensifying with each step I take closer. Determination propels me forward through the throng of patrons, their laughter and conversations blending into a cacophony of sound.

With a nervous yet eager smile gracing my lips, I finally reach Shane, who turns towards me with a grin of recognition that sends a flutter through my chest. "Hey," I breathe, my voice barely audible above the pulsating beat of the music. 

His gesture of standing up and pulling out the adjacent barstool sends gratitude through me, amplified by the subtle appreciation in Shane's eyes as they roam over my red dress, causing a blush to bloom across my cheeks.

"Want something to drink?" Shane's voice cuts through the noise, prompting me to turn towards him with a smile. Because of the volume of the music and the surrounding conversations, he has to lean in close for me to hear him clearly.

I hesitate, remembering the shit I do when I'm drunk, getting flashbacks of waking up half-naked in Rick's bed. "Uh..." I trail off, wondering if I should have one for courage and risk the potential to embarrass myself.

"Don't sweat it, you don't have to drink," Shane reassures me with an easy smile, his understanding demeanor easing the tension knotting in my stomach. "Do you mind if I do?" he adds, his concern making my chest tighten with appreciation.

"Oh! Yeah, go ahead! I'm not sober or anything, I just- cannot handle my liquor," I confess with a self-deprecating laugh, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up my neck as I admit my alcohol tolerance- or lack thereof.

Shane's chuckle is warm and reassuring, his arm casually finding its place on the back of my barstool. "I see, no worries then," he assures me with a calming grin, his easy demeanor putting me at ease as he turns to order himself a vodka soda.

As the bartender prepares Shane's drink, he shifts his attention back to me, his gaze probing yet gentle. "So, now that you've agreed to drinks, will you tell me more about yourself?" he inquires, his deep brown eyes seeming to search for something beyond the surface, causing a flicker of hesitation within me.

"Well- I'm a Virgo, I don't like long walks on the beach because I cannot stand sand getting all over me, and... I have a dog?" I offer with a playful grin, making Shane chuckle, shaking his head with amusement. I smile along with him, enjoying how easy this is with him. I'm not worried about competing for a job or fighting any ulterior motives.

It's just.. flirting. And god, does it feel good after all the goddamn turmoil.

"Aries. And beaches are overrated," Shane counters with a grin, leaning forward slightly so I can smell his cologne, which, unlike Rick's clean pine smell, is a bit darker and twisted with a slight spice.

I can't help but smile, a nervous yet exhilarating energy coursing through me as we banter effortlessly.

"I just have to know what type of lawyer you are now. Because I was seeing this animal law chick once and if I have to hear one more time about the legality surrounding animal testing I might kill myself," Shane jokes, his tone light but with a hint of exasperation, eliciting a snort of laughter from me.

"Okay," I begin reluctantly, meeting Shane's gaze with a mixture of nerves and anticipation, "Promise you won't get mad," I add tentatively, bracing myself for his reaction.

Shane narrows his eyes playfully. "Goddamnit. Alright, let's talk about the injustice of the makeup industry animal testing," he sighs with a solemn and joking nod, making me chuckle, shaking my head and looking away.

"No, I uh- am a Closer. Like you," I begin, my voice tinged with a hint of hesitation as I meet Shane's gaze, bracing myself for his reaction. His expression shifts subtly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features, though there's a hint of confusion as to why I would be concerned about his response. "At Greene and Hawthorn," I clarify, feeling a slight cringe at the admission.

Shane freezes momentarily, his eyebrows raising in genuine surprise as he blinks at me, seemingly trying to place me in his memory. "I used to work there, I don't remember you. And I would," he murmurs, his tone laced with a hint of curiosity, his gaze studying my face intently. A blush creeps onto my cheeks as I smile despite myself, his reaction both unexpected and flattering.

"I may have taken your job," I confess with a delicate wince, the admission hanging in the air between us. The shock on Shane's face morphs into a grin, a spark of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I heard about it when I got back to the office, and- I just had to come meet you again," I explain, the honesty in my voice belying the nervousness that swirls within me as I search his brown eyes for any hint of resentment.

Shane's smile softens, a hint of warmth seeping into his gaze as he looks away momentarily, seemingly lost in thought.

"Well damn, Cass," Shane mutters, his voice a mixture of surprise and amusement as the bartender hands him his drink, his gaze lingering on me over the rim of the glass. "This night got a bit more interesting. What'd you hear about me?" he probes, leaning forward with genuine interest. 

I meet his gaze, blinking over at him, my mouth slightly agape in response to his unexpected inquiry. Then, with a sudden surge of boldness, I reach over and grab his drink for a quick sip of courage, feeling his eyes fixed on me intently.

Swallowing the bitter vodka and soda, I nod, meeting Shane's gaze head-on, observing the full-blown amusement lighting up his expression. "Heard you got fired," I say bluntly, the words hanging in the air between us, earning a subtle nod from Shane, a muscle in his jaw tensing as he glances away.

"Thanks to the man I thought was my brother," Shane mutters, his voice tinged with bitterness as he clears his throat, the warmth of his smile fading, replaced by a shadow of vulnerability that leaves me momentarily bewildered.

He can't mean...

"I'm sure you know Rick," Shane continues, the twinkle gone from his dark eyes, replaced by a searching curiosity as he studies my reaction.

"Unfortunately," I muse, hiding my smirk at Shane's eyes widen slightly at my words. His grin spread across his face. 

"I knew I liked you," he breathes, his touch feather-light as he gently brushes a strand of hair from my face, igniting a flurry of butterflies in my stomach at the intimate gesture. "I'm not surprised you don't like him. I heard he finally grew some balls after ruining my career so he could take it for himself," Shane mutters to himself, his tone turning bitter as he drops his hand, his jaw clenched with frustration.

My eyes widen. Take it for himself?

"Wait- are you saying Grimes got you fired?" I ask with wide eyes, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place as I try to make sense of it all, watching as Shane nods wordlessly, his expression pained as he takes another swig of his drink.

"Yup. A decade of friendship down the drain because he was jealous. He lived in my shadow and resented me for it. Made up some stupid shit and got me fired then took my success for his own," Shane scoffs bitterly, rolling his eyes and taking a deeper drink, his frustration palpable as I stare at him in shock, my breathing increasing slightly at the revelation.

Rick did that?

It's hard to ever think of Rick not being the top closer at the firm- especially ever living in anyone's shadow. And to think, he only got it by stabbing Shane in the back... 

"I'm sorry," I whisper, the words slipping from my lips before I can fully comprehend their meaning. "I knew he was an asshole, but damn," I continue, feeling a surge of sympathy for Shane coursing through me as I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, the contrast of my touch against his black button-up shirt stark against the dim lighting of the bar.

A small smile quirks at the corners of Shane's mouth as he turns back to me, his expression softened by gratitude. "Thanks. I'm glad you already know he's an asshole, we can bond over it," he chuckles, the sound carrying a mixture of resignation and amusement. I laugh along with him, though a strange sense of unease tugs at my chest as I picture the memory of Rick's concerned face when he woke me up from my nightmare the other night.

Glancing down, a flurry of emotions sweeps over me, stirring a mixture of guilt, uncertainty, and unease in the pit of my stomach. My conscience whispers disapproval, igniting a subtle pang of remorse that I attempt to quell with a silent shake of my head.

Before I can delve deeper into my swirling thoughts, a gentle warmth envelops my skin, pulling me from the depths of my thoughts. 

It's Shane's hand on my thigh, his hot palm searing against my bare skin. My gaze instinctively meets his, and the intensity of his gaze ignites a blush that spreads across my cheeks. His smile, soft and curious, prompts a flutter of excitement within me, tinged with apprehension.

Just as I'm about to speak, a shift in Shane's expression just to the left of us catches my attention, drawing my focus away from our intimate moment. His eyes flicker with surprise, widening slightly before he smirks. Following his gaze, my eyes lock onto a figure in the crowded bar, and my breath catches in my throat.

It's Rick, standing in the crowd, staring at us, his unexpected presence sending a chill down my spine. His gaze, fixed on me with a mix of astonishment and something darker, sends a wave of goosebumps cascading across my skin. 

My stomach sinks as Rick's eyes dart to Shane before tracing the line of Shane's hand resting on my thigh. Rick's expression hardens, his jaw clenches with suppressed emotion, and his eyes blaze with a fiery resentment as they rise to glare at Shane.

For a fleeting moment, Rick's eyes meet mine, a flicker of uncertainty dancing in their piercing blue depths before a derisive scoff escapes his lips. With a dismissive shake of his head, he turns away, retreating into the depths of the bar.

My stomach twists, suddenly feeling physically sick as I see his curls retreating through the crowd, panic constricting my chest. I quickly look back at Shane, my heart pounding. 

"I-I should go. I don't want him using this against me-" I blurt out, my words rushed and tinged with mounting panic. But Shane's gentle expression offers a glimmer of comfort, though it struggles to get through the thick fog of fear shrouding my thoughts.

"Are you sure? What's he going to do, fire me again?" Shane chuckles, but I can't find myself being able to laugh, after hearing what he was capable of doing to his best friend of ten years. God knows what he'd do to the woman he's already competing with a job for- 

Then I remember with a fresh wave of raw panic that he knows. He knows about Phillip.

My mind races with the realization of what Rick is capable of, the lengths to which he might go to sabotage me. The thought of him wielding this newfound knowledge like a weapon, poised to destroy everything I've worked for, sends a fresh wave of panic coursing through my veins.

"I have to, I'm sorry," I murmur apologetically, my voice barely above a whisper as I meet Shane's disappointed gaze. I smile apologetically, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 

"I'll be back," I promise, before dropping from the barstool and threading my way through the crowd. Spotting Rick's familiar silhouette bobbing amidst the sea of bodies, I quicken my pace, my heart racing with anxiety.

The rhythmic click of my heels on the tiled floor echoes in the dimly lit corridor detached from the main bar as I pursue Rick, his figure growing increasingly distant as he strides purposefully toward the back exit. With each step, my heart pounds frantically, urging me onward despite the trepidation clawing at my insides.

As Rick wrenches open the metal exit door, a surge of surprise courses through me as he steps back and holds it ajar, a silent invitation, making me quickly realize he knew I was following him.

Rick's breathing heavily, his eyes dark as they look at me expectantly, wordlessly telling me to step outside. With a defiant glare, I steel myself and pass through the doorway, leading the way to the secluded patio nestled in the recesses of the alley.

The endless symphony of rain drumming against the pavement creates a hypnotic backdrop to our confrontation, the rhythmic percussion drowning out the cacophony of emotions swirling within me.

"Why are you here?" I shout above the deafening downpour, wrapping my arms around myself in a futile attempt to shield against the chill creeping into my bones. Turning to face Rick alone, I find myself caught in the magnetic pull of his infuriatingly handsome face that has me momentarily forgetting Shane's.

"I had a scheduled business meeting. Though I assume that's not the case for you," Rick snarls as the door to the bar shuts behind us and he stands in front of me, his breath ragged, glaring down at me.

Anger courses through me at his audacity to be upset with me, mingling with a sense of helplessness that no matter what I do, no matter where I go, he is always there. 

How does this keep happening?

I scoff at his anger, shaking my head in disbelief as I struggle to suppress the shiver coursing through my body in the frigid fall air. "Business meeting, huh? Did you make out with any of them? I know you're in the habit of doing that-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, I told you that was a fucking one-off," Rick curses looking away with a huff, running an exhausted hand through his tousled curls. I watch his hand, his fingers weaving through those brown locks, remembering how it felt to have those curls nestled between my legs as he- I inhale sharply, forcefully pushing down the memory.

"Well you can never know with you-" I begin, my words cut off with an abrupt gasp as Rick seizes me by the shoulders and pushes me up against the wall of the bar. My mouth parts in surprise at the sensation of the rough texture of the building scraping against my skin, a harsh contrast to the heat of Rick's touch.

Rick is breathing heavily as he looks down at me, his gaze burning into mine with an intensity that ignites a wildfire within my chest. My heart races in response, each beat frantically drumming against my ribcage as his proximity overwhelms me, sending shivers down my spine.

All I can think about are flashes of his hands trailing down my body, gripping my waist, spreading my legs apart, his breath on my inner thigh...

"What're you doing here with Shane?" Rick demands, his voice a chillingly low rasp as he leans in, his familiar cologne intertwining with the earthy scent of the rain-soaked concrete.

Swallowing hard, I summon the courage to meet his gaze head-on. "It was a date, is that a problem?" I retort roughly, my voice laced with defiance, my blood boiling at his audacity and the weight of his warm hands on my shoulders.

Rage flashes behind Rick's eyes, his chest heaving with indignation as he scoffs, disbelief etched across his features. 

"What...?" I trail off, playing it up as I drag my gaze over his features. "Jealous?" I whisper teasingly, raising my eyebrows challengingly and leaning forward slightly, my mouth twitching up with a devilish smirk at the idea. 

Rick inhales sharply at my words, his eyelids fluttering as his eyes rake over my face, lingering on my lips. He tilts his head, exhaling slowly as if struggling to contain the storm raging within him, inching closer, his gaze trained on my mouth.

My heart pounds against my ribcage, the sound thundering in my ears as I find myself unable to look away from Rick's mesmerizing gaze, my lips parting in anticipation.

It's like I can still feel how his mouth felt on mine, like a twisted phantom limb, haunting me as I wait desperately for him to kiss me again.

With a sudden and forceful push, Rick curses under his breath and dislodges himself from the wall and me. He strides a few steps away, his hand pressed to his mouth as he exhales a steadying breath.

As he steps away, he leaves me standing there, breathless and bewildered. With a gulp to recover from the moment, I watch him retreat, his figure outlined against the backdrop of the rain-slicked pavement, his white button-up a stark contrast against the darkness of the night. 

Anger and bewilderment swirl within me, my eyes narrowing as I call after him, my voice edged with frustration.

"Why the hell do you care?" I demand, my words swallowed by the relentless rain, my jaw trembling with a blend of cold and the sudden absence of Rick's touch.

[ A/N: just popping in to emphasize the juxtaposition of Lori asking Rick if he cares vs Cass asking why he cares hehe ]

Rick looks up at the awning above us for a moment, his expression unreadable as he shakes his head to himself. Then he slowly turns to me, his gaze cold, mouth downturned with disdain. 

"I just didn't realize he was your type," Rick grits out, his eyes dark and unfeeling, his jaw clenched. 

A knot tightens in my stomach, but I muster a scornful smirk. "What? You think I let you eat me out and gave you head because you're my type? It was a decision out of convenience. You were just there," I snarl, the words tasting bitter on my tongue as I flat-out lie to Rick, watching as a flicker of... something crosses his features before he averts his gaze.

A cold, unfeeling smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, his eyes empty as he speaks. "Good to know. But that wasn't what I meant," he snaps, the disdain palpable in his tone, igniting a spark of aggravation within me.

"And what exactly did you mean?" I demand, pushing off the wall with a surge of anger, my chest heaving with this insatiable rage that only Rick can stir.

Rick's nostrils flare as he inhales sharply, his gaze momentarily flickering down at my dress before locking onto my gaze. He leans in, his eyes dark pools of intensity as he hisses, "I hadn't realized you got off on being a homewrecker."

I freeze, my breath catching in my throat as his words sink in. "N-No, he's not married, he wasn't wearing a ring, I checked-" I protest, desperation creeping into my voice.

Rick's chuckle is bitter as he looks away, cocking his jaw. "That's the thing about rings, Adams. 'They're easily removable'," he snarls, sending a chill down my spine, my denial faltering in the face of his certainty.

"No, there's no way. You knew him a while ago, things must've changed-" I stutter, trying to come up with an explanation but Rick's dark laugh offers none.

"Trust me. He's married," Rick says calmly, looking back at me through the corner of his eye, cocking his jaw before talking again, tilting his head. "And guess what? They just welcomed a baby girl to the world just last week," Rick informs me flatly, his brows raised, making my blood run cold. 

Horror clenches my chest, my heart pounding in a frantic rhythm as I look up at Rick, my eyes wide with disbelief. "H-How do you-" I manage to choke out, my voice barely a whisper amidst the relentless onslaught of rain.

"They have to tell me, as Carl's legal guardians," Rick explains bluntly, his gaze hard as stone, while I stand there, speechless, raindrops drumming a relentless beat on the sheltering awning, echoing the turmoil raging within me.

I blink, my brain lagging for a moment before his words hit me. 

"No..." I breathe with horror, the word trembling on my lips, my eyes flashing with shock and disbelief, my body trembling not only from the chill of the rain but from the staggering truth Rick has just revealed.

Shane is married to Rick's ex-wife? 

Rick releases a low, bitter exhale, his jaw clenching as he averts his gaze. "Oh yeah. Don't worry though, they didn't rush into the kid thing. They'd been seeing each other for years before that," he adds, his words laced with a very real pain that echoes in my chest.

I stare at Rick's profile in stunned silence, my heart aching for him. His best friend cheated with his wife?

And then she left with him?

"I had no idea," I breathe, blinking rapidly, wondering how on earth Shane had the audacity to look me in the eyes and not even mention this. 

Fucking asshole.

Rick turns to me, a flicker of something resembling empathy softening his hardened features. "I wouldn't expect him to tell you," he sighs, his gaze lingering on my face with a weary resignation before he closes his eyes with a heavy exhale. "How did you even meet him?" Rick's voice carries a tinge of confusion, prompting me to pause and carefully consider my response.

"He was in the taxi I took from the airport," I admit quietly, making Rick nod, his expression hardening again as he tilts his head in a way that makes my heart stutter, those blue eyes sliding to mine. 

"Right. Why exactly did you do that again?" Rick asks, his anger seeming to flare up at the memory, igniting a spark of defensiveness within me. 

"Maybe the thought of spending another forty minutes trapped in a car with you made jumping into a stranger's taxi and potentially getting murdered seem like a better option," I snap defensively with a heavy sigh, crossing my arms tightly against the chill that's seeping into my bones.

Rick meets my gaze with a resigned sigh, our eyes locked in a silent exchange amidst the drumming rain. My chest heaves, my brows knitting together tightly as I stare back at him, my heart hammering.

Rick's eyes soften, his brows furrowed and his mouth pressed in a fine line of disappointment, studying me silently.

"You really hate me that much," Rick murmurs quietly, his voice carrying an unexpected note of hurt, his words more of a statement than a question, hanging in the cold air between us.

A strange feeling clutches at my heart at his words, at the vulnerability behind those blue eyes. 

I falter, my mouth parting as I blink up at him, my chest tightening with unspoken words. A slight panic slithers down my spine as I find my conscious screaming at me that I don't hate him at all. I hate what he does to me. 

Rick's eyes search my expression with a mixture of apprehension and resignation, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy between us. With a solemn nod, he breaks our silent exchange, turning away with a sharp snap in his tone. 

"Right. I won't keep you from your date then," he says, his voice laced with a bitter edge as he brushes past me and swings open the door of the bar, disappearing into its dimly lit depths.

Instinctively, my hand reaches out towards him as he walks away, fingers stretching towards his retreating figure before I ball my hand into a fist, pressing it against my forehead, a wave of regret washing over me.

The door slams shut behind him, the sound reverberating through the air and making me flinch. Staring at the closed metal door, my heart races, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"Fuck it," I mutter, wrenching open the door and following after Rick, just catching him nodding at the coat check lady and taking his jacket and umbrella, before heading outside. 

Ignoring the bar area, I push through the crowd desperately, choosing to bypass the line for coat check in case Rick leaves.

Outside, amidst the relentless cascade of rain, I spot Rick standing by the curb, his tall figure a stark silhouette against the backdrop of the rain-soaked street. He stands beneath the shelter of his umbrella, his gaze unwavering as it fixes on the road ahead.

My chest heaves and my heart races with a mixture of adrenaline and uncertainty as I push my way through the glass doors of the bar, determined to catch up to him. The icy rain lashes against my skin, pelting it until my arms and chest are flushed pink, I walk forward until I'm standing beside Rick.

Within seconds, I'm drenched, the cold rainwater soaking through my dress as I stand in silence beside Rick, blinking against the onslaught of water cascading down my face. Despite the discomfort, a strange sense of liberation washes over me that I left that cheating asshole behind.

Through the haze of rain, I catch Rick glancing at me, his expression unreadable. I can't help but wonder what I must look like standing there, exposed to the elements in nothing but my thin-strapped red dress, the fabric beginning to cling to my skin.

I'm sure Rick must be considering getting me committed to some sort of mental hospital at this point.

Then all of a sudden, the rain stops pelting my skin, the hollow sound of droplets meeting the thin mesh of the umbrella now reaching my ears. I glance up to find Rick standing closer, wordlessly holding the umbrella over me, his expression carefully composed once again as he stares ahead. 

I fight a small smile of appreciation and look down, waiting for his car to take us home.


Rick's POV

Sitting in the plush confines of the black car I ordered, I steal a glance at Cass beside me. Her shivers cut through the air, her jaw clenched in a headstrong battle against the biting cold, her body still covered with beads of rainwater. Despite her efforts, I can see the tremors coursing through her frame, a testament to her strength or more realistically- her stubbornness.

Without a word, I lean forward and slip off my jacket, offering it to her. 

Within the dark car, Cass hesitates, her gaze flickering down at my hands before she shakes her head. Irritation pricks at me as the traffic crawls along, with each passing second she refuses my help grating at me.

"Take it." I insist flatly, the impatience clear in my voice. Cass huffs, those fiery green eyes darting to mine in retaliation. It's a battle of wills, one that she seems determined to wage even in the face of discomfort.

As I look at her, drenched to the bone, hair plastered against her skin, dress clinging like a second skin, I can't help but find amusement in her determination. Her refusal of help, though exasperating, is one of the parts of her I find so intriguing.

My gaze falls, momentarily distracted by the subtle outline of her hardened nipples against the fabric of her dress, a telltale sign of how cold she must be. With a sharp exhale, I push the jacket toward her once again, unable to ignore the primal urge to make her feel better.

Cass's eyes dart down to the jacket, before huffing dramatically as she takes it from my outretched hand. The subtle protest in her actions is not lost on me, but as she leans forward to wrap the fabric around her, I can't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. The sight of her enveloped in my jacket, the tension in her shoulders easing as she finds refuge from the cold, stirs a sense of protective warmth within me.

Clenching my jaw, I face forward, trying to wrangle the emotions threatening to overwhelm me. 

The fear of Shane trying to take her too- is gnawing at me. He already torn through my family leaving me with nothing in his greedy wake. And now, with his sights set on Cass, the fear of him doing that again claws at me with renewed intensity. The only thing that seems to soothe it is the fact that Cass is coming back with me. 

But I saw it, the way she was falling for his damn charm in that bar, grinning over at him.

Amidst that lingering fear, a tangled web of emotions swirls within me, making it hard to draw a breath. Frustration simmers beneath the surface at him trying to take what I care about again, guilt gnaws at me for what happened in Georgia, and then there's the raw, unbridled lust that courses through me whenever Cass is near, a primal hunger I struggle to suppress.

I inhale deeply, my gaze drifting out the window as I absentmindedly trace the contours of my jaw.

I still remember how it felt to feel my jaw against her neck, her chest, her thighs... Biting my lip, I close my eyes, forcing myself to push those thoughts aside, to bury them beneath the weight of my resolve.

But when I glance back at Cass, her red dress catching my attention in my periphery, my resolve wavers. The fabric clings to her curves, ending teasingly high on her thigh, a silent invitation that ignites a fierce possessiveness within me. The image of Shane's hand on her flashes through my mind, flaring up a surge of white-hot anger.

Just the thought of Shane's touch, his cheating, tainted hands daring to roam where only mine should tread, makes me feel sick. I clench my fists, the sharp bite of my nails digging into my palms as I struggle to contain the raging storm within me.

I know I have no right to lay claim over her, no right to be jealous of another man touching her. And yet, the idea of her with another man fills me with a visceral fury, a jealousy that burns with an intensity I'm having difficulty bearing.

She's not mine, I know that. But deep within the recesses of my being, an insatiable longing persists, a desperate desire to make her mine and mine alone.

But she's not.

Damn it.

"What did he do?" Cass asks quietly, making me freeze. My gaze darts up from Cass's thigh to meet her curious gaze, the depths of her yellow-green eyes drawing me in before her question fully registers.

"Embezzlement," I reply, realizing she's asking about what Shane did, watching the surprise flash across her gorgeous face. Despite some of her makeup smearing from the rain, I like how it looks, especially since I can see those freckles again.

Cass blinks, momentarily averting her gaze with her brows furrowed, and I take the opportunity to keep my eyes trained on that face, letting myself admire her. She never notices anyway.

"How... he said you made it up? That it was your fault he got fired?" Cass questions, looking up at me in earnest confusion, not even noticing the way I'm looking at her.

I raise my eyebrows, a wry smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. Of course Shane would spin it that way. 

"It was my fault he got fired," I admit simply, looking at her unflinchingly. "But I'm also the reason he still has a career and he didn't end up in prison. You'd think he'd be grateful," I mutter with a heavy exhale, glancing momentarily through the windshield as I see the driver getting closer to our street.

"Jesus Christ," Cass curses softly, drawing my gaze back to her like a magnet, watching carefully as she shakes her head before leaning back in the seat, her head leaning back against the headrest as her eyes flutter closed. 

My gaze hungrily roams over her face, tracing the delicate curve of her jawline and the subtle arch of her exposed and elongated neck. Memories flood my mind before I can stop them, intense and uninvited. I can still hear the pretty little sounds she made, the way her breath hitched when my lips grazed the sensitive skin right where her shoulder and neck connect.

I inadvertently dart my tongue out to wet my lips at the memory of how her sweat tasted on her skin, how she tasted. My heart pounds as my mind runs wild with memories, grappling with how I'll keep up with this facade of indifference. How I can ever watch her get with other men and act like I don't give a shit when I know exactly how she tastes? How she sounds?

"We're here, sir," the driver announces, breaking through the haze of my thoughts. I nod in acknowledgment, gratitude mingling with the lingering turmoil in my mind as I hand him what I owe in cash, ensuring a generous tip to compensate for Cass's rain-soaked dress dampening his leather seats.

"Thanks," I offer with a tight-lipped smile, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.

Stepping out first, I open the umbrella, shielding myself from the relentless downpour. My gaze falls to the road, where a murky puddle, tainted by the city's filth, lies in wait right before the curb. Clicking my tongue in irritation, I navigate around it, turning back to gesture for Cass to exit from my side, away from the fast-moving traffic.

Cass nods in acknowledgment, her grip on my jacket wrapped around her still firm as she reaches for the handle above the door to get out of the car. 

"Watch out for the puddle," I murmur with concern, not wanting her heels to get ruined. And getting drenched in more freezing water is not what she needs. 

Cass hesitates, her gaze fixed on the obstacle before her, contemplating her options, given if she stretches out over the puddle, her dress will probably rise up too far. Seemingly resigned to her fate, she prepares to just walk through it, but before she can act, I intervene.

Setting the umbrella aside, I lean in, my hands settling on either side of her waist. With a steady lift, I effortlessly hoist her onto the curb, ensuring she avoids the murky water entirely.

Cass gasps softly, her surprise evident in the way she stumbles slightly before regaining her footing. I ignore her bewildered expression, thanking the driver again before shutting the door. Retrieving the umbrella, I hold it up, sheltering Cass from the relentless rain.

Cass opens her mouth to say something, but I simply guide her towards our building, my hand on her back. "Let's get inside," I mumble, barely audible over the drumming rain, acknowledging the doorman with a nod of gratitude as he holds the door for us.

At the reception, I return the rented umbrella, releasing my hold on Cass's back as we make our way towards the elevators. Pausing by the doors, I press the up button, a subtle annoyance flickering through me as I attempt to shake off the clinging rainwater from my curls.

Sensing her gaze upon me, my gaze flicks up to find Cass watching me intently, her eyes tracing the movements of my hands. Raising an eyebrow in silent inquiry, I meet her gaze, intrigued by the curiosity reflected in her eyes.

"Hey, at least you're not drenched like me," she mumbles, glancing down at the drips of rainwater collecting on the tile by her feet. 

I suppress a smile at her dejected tone. "Maybe if you weren't so stubborn, you'd be dry," I tease, hiding my smirk as the numbers on the elevator display decrease, telling us the elevator is heading down to get us. 

Cass sighs, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation, tightening the grip on my jacket around her frame. "That's probably how you're used to women being, right? Dry?" she quips innocently with a satisfied smirk as she turns to me, her eyes twinkling with that frustratingly hot challenging look.

Leaning in closer, I narrow my eyes slightly, a smirk tugging at my lips. "If memory serves me right, you were soaking wet for me," I purr, relishing the proximity between us, the charged atmosphere crackling with anticipation. My blood is heating and my pants are tightening at the memory of just how ready she was, how eager.

Cass's cheeks flush slightly, but she meets my gaze with unwavering resolve. "That was the drugs, not you," she retorts smoothly, her voice steady despite the telltale signs of arousal flickering in her eyes.

Undeterred by her confident demeanor, I meet her withering glare head-on, my smirk morphing into a knowing grin. "Was it?" I breathe teasingly, my breathing getting heavier as those memories begin flooding back once again, without my control.

Cass's reaction is subtle yet palpable, her brows knitting together, her lips parting ever so slightly as she meets my gaze with an unspoken question lingering in her eyes.

As the tension between us simmers, the sudden ding of the elevator startles me, causing me to flinch involuntarily as the doors slide open, beckoning us forward. With a subtle gesture, I put my hand out to hold the doors open and nod my head, encouraging Cass to go first. She complies, quickly fishing through her purse to get her key to allow the elevator to go to our level.

I follow her in, ready to grab my wallet, but she gets her card out first, holds it against the sensor until it turns green, and then presses the button for our level, P.

As the doors slide shut, enclosing us in the confines of the elevator, a palpable silence settles over us, broken only by the faint melody of elevator music and the rhythmic tapping of raindrops cascading from Cass's dress to the floor below.

With us both leaning against the far wall, I turn my head, not being able to fight the urge to stare at her profile. She's staring at the doors, her brows pulled together, her mouth pressed closed.

Cass senses my gaze and meets it with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine. Her brows furrow tighter as her eyes search mine, those eyes darting back and forth between my eyes.

Longing claws at my chest, thrashing wildly within me, urging me to tell her. To spill everything, to tell her I never had any of the water, that I've been growing more and more feelings for her every day I'm around her, that I fucking bought a goddamn candle because it smells like her, just to finally get this obsession with her off my chest. 

Just as I feel my courage tingling up my spine to tell her, my phone rings loudly, shattering the silence and making me close my eyes. For fucks sake.

I simply look back at Cass, planning on ignoring it as her mouth parts, her gaze flickering at my front pocket. "You going to answer that?" she questions softly, making me sigh with frustration.

Reluctantly, I concede, knowing that its probably one of Glenn's many calls. And he's been hounding me nonstop about telling Cass how I feel. As I glance at the screen, my heart lurches at the sight of my sister's name on the screen.

Panic surges through me as I answer the call, pressing the phone to my ear with trembling fingers. "What's wrong?" I ask, my voice laced with concern as I brace myself. Louise never calls me. Unless it's important.

Her voice cracks with emotion as she speaks, her words tumbling out in a rush of anguish and despair. "Rick! H-He's an asshole! You were right, fuck, you were right! I was hoping he would finally be the one," she sobs, her pain echoing through the phone and into my heart.

With a heavy sigh, I try to soothe her, offering words of comfort and reassurance despite the turmoil raging within me. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay," I murmur into the phone softly, my heart breaking for her as I struggle to maintain my composure. 

As I listen to her cries, I can't help but feel a pang of disappointment that yet another man has hurt her, igniting a fierce protectiveness that surges to the forefront of my mind.

"Where are you?" I ask, my voice gentle yet urgent, the need to protect my sister overwhelming any other emotions that threaten to consume me.

"LA," Louise responds with a sniff, her voice thick with sobs. I nod, my mind racing.

"Alright, fly here. Come stay with me," I tell Louise decidedly, earning another sob on the other line.

"I can't ask you to do that Rick, and the flights, they're too exp-"

"I'll cover the price of it. I'm not asking you, Lou, I'm telling you," I interject softly, my resolve unwavering as I run a hand through my hair, the weight of the situation pressing heavily upon me.

Louise sniffles over the phone, and I wait for a moment, stealing a glance at Cass, who stands beside me, her expression unreadable as she gazes blankly at the elevator doors. My eyes gently roam over her expression, noting the slight tension in her neck, wishing I could help relieve it.

"O-Okay, thank you, Rick," Louise sniffles, her voice wavering with vulnerability, a stark contrast to her usual cool confidence. My heart aches at the sound of my sister breaking down like this, her pain cutting through me like a knife.

"Of course," I respond softly as our elevator reaches our level, the doors sliding open to reveal the familiar corridor beyond. With Cass leading the way, my eyes instinctively follow her figure, captivated by the graceful sway of her movements as she strides ahead. I retrieve my key and adjust my phone on my shoulder, my attention divided between the task at hand and the woman who occupies my thoughts.

"I can't wait to see you, I love you," I murmur into the phone, my words infused with a mixture of anticipation and affection as I speak to Louise. Yet, as I catch Cass tensing slightly beside me, a ripple of confusion washes over me, leaving me to wonder at the cause of her sudden reaction.

"Love you too, dummy. See you then," Louise responds, her voice tinged with gratitude and exhaustion. I offer her a sympathetic smile, silently wishing I could do more to ease her pain.

"Call me if you need anything," I add before hanging up, my gaze drifting back to Cass as she opens her door, the sound of Daryl bounding towards her with an excited bark filling the air with a sense of warmth and familiarity.

I watch as she smiles down at her scraggly dog, scratching his ears before turning back in my direction to close her door. For a moment, our eyes meet, and I catch a glimpse of something fleeting behind her gaze, masked by a small smile.

As she closes the door to her apartment and clicks the lock, I stare at the wood of her front door for a moment, my heart racing with longing. Then a stubborn smile quirks at my lips as satisfaction swirls in my chest as I turn and unlock my door.

Because while she may have been on a date with Shane earlier, she's going home wrapped in my jacket.


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