a coworker might have a crush on me ... and it needs to stop

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OKAY, so story time!

There is a guy I work with named Kade (17 y/o).

Now Kade is someone I STRONGLY dislike. Like we have small conversations sometimes. At times he is a super hard worker. I dont hate him. But I absolutely dislike him.

When he first started he shoved a mcflurry in my face because he was angry with me that I told him earlier that he didnt put enough ice cream in it. After that, was when my dislike for him started.

Today he told me he didnt have to listen to me because "I'm not a real manager, only a manager in training." Like fuck off??? And apparently Dakota told him she wasnt going to listen to me because of the same reason, which pissed me off more.

Like I'm still a manager?? So fuck off.

Anyway, so I'll tell you when I kinda noticed that he might have a crush on me. One day when I was bagging food and he was in the window, he would grab the bag but would make it a point to touch my hand.

So when I am holding the bag from the bottom, they always grab it from the top. When I am holding it from top, they grab the bottom. But Kade didnt. When I held it from the bottom, he would grab the bag from the bottom, so our hands would touch. He would do this every. single. time.

Well, lately he's also been trying to get me to hang out with him outside of work, or come in on my days off when he works.

One day I made a comment about how I needed to go to the mall one day. Now I meant after I buy my car. But Kade is like "I can take you one day."

Uhm, no??

And then him and I were talking and I said I would be coming in on Sunday as it is Superbowl Sunday and they only have 2 crew members on night shift (not including managers). So I volunteered to come in. And he's like "what time?" So I tell him "around 2 [pm] probably." Hes like "you should come in at 5."

So I ask "in the morning?" And he goes "yeah, because I'll be here at 4."

First off, I'm not trying to come in at 5 just because you wanna work with me??? Secondly, even if I come in at 5, I ain't talking to you. I ain't talking to anyone. I'm not a morning person. At 5 am I have a "I don't give a shit about you" attitude and I ain't doing shit. So no.

And then Toni (Kades sister) asked me if I've ever been to the Sugar Factory in Atlanta. I said no and she's like "well Kade and I can take you"

Uhm, no???

Firstly, I'm not trying to hang out with people I see on a DAILY basis at work. Especially when I dont like you.

Let's see, on my days off would I rather

○ Hang out with some teenagers that I already dont like and I see almost every day

● Sleep

I can guarantee it's not the first one.

Like Robert is 17, and I'd hang out with him on days off. But that's because I dont hate him. We've actually become friends.

But Kade? Nah sir, not happening.

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