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So a lot has happened that I kinda wanna talk about. I wrote it on my MB but I'll write it here to cause I just kinda wanna vent.

We'll start off with the better news.

Caitlyn has me scheduled to close 5 nights a week. Which I dont mind. I'm averaging 36-38 a week, sometimes I can reach 40, and so my paychecks are pretty big. Plus if someone asks me for a day I get enough hours where I can give them one of my days (like if they are in desperate need of money or something) and I get an extra day off.

Jeremy swears Caitlyn is trying to play matchmaker with me and Elijah. Last time I talked about him I believe I said he was a minor, but I was wrong. Apparently he is not a minor.

Anyway, each week for the past month Elijah and I's schedules have been copies of one another, but no one else's is like that. If I work, Elijah works. If I'm off, Elijah is off. The only difference is the times. He goes in at 12 and leaves at 8 or 9. I go in at 4 and leave at close. So we always have a few hours where we work together and in that time we play around a lot (when we have no customers).

So Jeremy thinks she's trying to get us together by hoping we go out together on our off days, cause she's done something like that before (and it worked lol).

But if it is the case, I'd hate to break it to her but I dont want to date Elijah. I still like Quentin. Elijah is cute and fun to be around, I'll admit. But rn Quentin >>>.

But let's get into some non good shit.

As many of you know my mother's health isn't the best. Her heart is only working at 20%. She goes to the heart doctor 2 days a week. During one trip we found out she might have both lung and throat cancer. She goes in for more testing soon. But this is also the main reason for my absence on this site. I just wasnt in the best mindset to talk to people.

I've been trying not to focus on that, cause I know it will just make me upset. I just want to spend as much time as I can with her (which are on my off days) without thinking about all the bad. You know? I know I'll have to come to the realization soon that she may not have a lot of time, but right now shouldn't be that time. So I'm trying to focus on the positive about her rather than the negative. You know?

Let's move onto work though.

Honestly, I do love my job. Well, I like my job. I love the people I work with. Abby is funny. Kevin is like a little brother. Elijah and I play fight all the time. Quentin and I like to joke around. Ryan thinks highly of me and thinks I should be employee of the month (although we dont even do that). Zaniya offered to teach me grill (which I want to learn, but at the same time I don't).

Really the only person I dont enjoy working with is Matt. I even like working with Ashley more than I do Matt.

Like Matt outside of work, great. But Mayy inside if work, mother fucking satan.

He acts like hes god gift to mcdonalds. I get it, you got picked to be a manager in training. Good for you. Too bad you wouldn't be a good manager because of how you treat people. Especially how you treat Kevin and how you act when you get into an argument with literally anyone.

Matt tried to fight, physically fight, Kevin (who is 16, while Matt is 25) over the fry hopper.

For those who dont know what that is, basically we put fries in this big machine. Press a button, fries fall into a basket so we can put it in oil.

At a certain time the pre closer (almost always Kevin) has to take apart the fry hopper, clean it and turn it off. Once its off we cannot turn it back on until the next day. At that point we have to put fries in the basket by hand.

Well, Kevin had already done the fry hopper. Matt tried to fill up the hopper, but Kevin stopped him and explained to him that he couldn't because he had just cleaned it.

Matt went OFF. He got close to Kevin, threatening him. It took Tony (cause when this happened he still worked there) to get Matt to stop and explain that Kevin was right. This pissed off Matt even more but he stopped trying to fight Kevin.

But every single day he threatens to punch Kevin. And not in a playful way.

Both him and Kevin's brother explained to me what's going on in Kevin's life. He is 16 going through a lot of shit so I get why he sometimes acts the way he does. Granted I'm the only one who knows the full extent (well the only one who works there) but I'm not going to tell anyone who works there, which Matt tried to get me to do. If Kevin wanted them to know, Kevin would have told everyone. And just because you may not know how bad it is, doesn't give you the right to constantly bully him. Which Matt does.

I mean, almost everyone up there bullies him to some extent. Elijah and I are the only ones who dont treat him like shit. I mean Quentin wont, but he will talk shit about Kevin when he isnt there so I'm kinda counting that. But Matt is the worst by far.

I just feel bad for Kevin. He shouldn't have to deal with shit at home AND at work. I guess that's why I feel so protective over him?? Its why I play around with him a lot. I'll stand up for him when he isn't there. He really is like a little brother at this point.

Idk. It just really annoys me that they treat Kevin like that. Like he's only 16. They may not know the full extent, but they know enough to where there is something wrong.

And speaking of work.

Now I'm normally off on Thursdays. However, because I asked for Saturday off (it was the day Amber was supposed to get married but it got moved), I had no choice but to work Thursday.

When I got there, I remembered why I hated working Thursdays.

Caitlyn ALWAYS understaffs us on Thursday and it's the busiest day out of the week. Yesterday it was because of a softball game.

We have a family group chat. Originally it was just meant for Amber, Jeremy, Michael, Kimmi and me. But Nikki and Amber's bf got added into it.

Yesterday all I said was "I haven't worked a Thursday in a while. I forgot how horrible it is"

Nikki replied with "what day isnt"

So I said "Thursdays are the worst"

She goes "well you wanted a job"

BITCH, WHERE DID I SAY I DIDNT??????? I never said I was angry about having to work on Thursday. I never said I was about to walk out. I never said "I hate this fucking job, I'm never working a thursday again."

Like wtf???

So it's okay for Jeremy to complain to you constantly. It's okay for Kimmi and Michael to complain in the chat about the people they work with or the job itself.

But HEAVEN FORBID I say I forgot how bad Thursdays were and I get hit with the "wElL yOu WaNtEd a JoB!1!1!1"

Like what?? I wasnt even really complaining about it. I just said I forgot how bad Thursdays were.

She ended up leaving the gc after I stood up for myself.

Like idgaf anymore. Once I'm able to get a car, I don't have to interact with her at all because I'll be able to actually move in with my parents again. The only interaction I'll have is when she drops off the boys or picks then up, which I honestly wont even have that interaction cause I'll most likely be at work anyway.

So yeah. There's other shit happening as well but its already 1400+ words, I am freezing cold, plus I have to get ready for work.


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