⁰⁶ today was just a bad day

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Work today was just fucking awful.

Just in case you aren't aware here is a keyword thing so I dont have to stop to explain anything for those who do not know.

Backcash - Where you pay for your food
Window - where we hand out your food
Beep - let's us know if a car is in a lane (1 beep = lane 1 while 2 beeps = lane 2)

Alright, so when I got there a guy named Matt was in backcash while Ashley (and sometimes Elijah) was in Window. I took orders and made the special drinks (like tea, frappes, shakes, etc.) for the window.

I had a headset and Matt had a headset because the person in backcash is suppose to also help take orders. The deal was I take lane 2 and he takes lane 1. He took maybe 2 orders the entire fucking time.

We got HIT and i was taking lane 1 and lane 2 and having to make all the special drinks without any help because Matt refused to take a single beep.

Then Matt and Elijah took their breaks and I was put on backcash. When they got back Ashley and I went on break and Matt took Window while Elijah took backcash.

Ashley and I were talking to Elijah (cause the break room is across from backcash) and Matt asked Elijah if he could get BBQ but Elijah didn't. Matt got pissed and ended up cursing Elijah out.

While sometimes I might understand getting upset, Matt literally helps no one so when no one helps him I feel no sympathy for him. And cursing him out over bbq was a bit extreme honestly.

And Matt is the same guy who on Monday closed along side me. Neither of us got a break that night but the manager did let us get our meal and the deal was that in between cars we could go sit and eat. The entire fucking time he sat in the break room while we had cars. I had to go to backcash to take the order and the money, run up front to bag the food and go to window to hand out the food. I was doing my job, his job and the managers job of bagging (cause at the time the manager was on grill). Like I get being hungry, I was too. I hadn't eat the entire day or got a break, but I wouldn't make someone do 3 jobs by theirselves.

So no, I have no sympathy for him when someone doesn't go get him bbq.

When I got off break I again was taking orders but I was doing it at the system next to backcash. I was helping Elijah with backcash plus taking orders, by myself again I might add.

Then I go up to the front for 2 seconds to grab something, next thing I know I'm working window and taking orders because Matt straight up walked away from the window.

And we got slammed again.

I would have to stop to take beeps, because no one else was doing it. I was trying to get the food out. The drink machine wouldn't grab the cups for some fucking reason and the machine would just keep beeping to tell me something was wrong, I would have to make my own speciality drinks, at one point I ran out of lids and all awhile beeps in my headset kept going off and the drink machine was non stop beeping and I literally almost screamed because Matt, who saw me struggling this entire fucking time, never once offered to help me.

I don't mind doing window, it's what I'm on most of the time anyway, but the person on window doesn't take orders as well. This is because we got to get the out as fast as possible. If you're stopping every 5 seconds to take an order than drive time would be sky high cause you're not getting the food out.

I rarely struggle on window, but when you see that I'm struggling because I have so much to do when I'm doing YOUR fucking job, you would think a decent human being might help me. But no, he did nothing but bag even more food when no food wasn't even leaving.

At one point Ashley, who was on grill asked if I needed help and came to help me because Matt wouldn't.

And yes it is the same Ashley that got suspended (I didnt talk about it here but I did in the gc). Apparently she was only suspended until she talked to Mike (the main gm) and boy did she talk to him QUICK. And her attitude has changed ever since, so there's that.

And also when I closed with Matt on Monday, i literally wanted to punch him in the face. I get that he has more working experience than me, but i have been at McDonalds longer than him. I know how to do my job, I know how to close the store, and yet here he is talking to me like I'm fucking stupid and as if i dont know what to do, guiding me step by step on how and what to clean.

Like bitch, this isn't my first time closing, hell this isn't even my first time closing WITH YOU. I've been doing this longer than you, I know what I'm doing. You dont have to explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old.

I'm just, Matt gets on my nerves. When he first came he was cool. Now, now I just wanna punch him in his face.

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