~ Chapter 11 ~

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Plic, ploc, ploc

The raindrops were still falling, but in a much calmer way now. The tree trunk was wet but the inside was warm anyway, thanks to their body heat, their body pressing against each other, their arms clinging to the other in search of comfort.

Ploc, plic

Branch's fingers played discreetly with her soft pink hair, then caressing her cheek covered with cute star-like freckles. His breath was more agitated than Poppy's; he was singing the lyrics of a very sad song. He was talking about a lost boy, who wondered if one day he would have his place. Yet such a sad song did not bother the pink troll press against his chest; it was as if they shared their pain. Their bond was only growing in the last days spent together.

Am I broken ?
Am I flawed ?
Do I deserve a shred of worth or am I
Just another fake, fucked up lost cause ?
And am I someone ?
Or am I something else ?
'Cause I'm so scared and there's no one there..
To save me from the nightmare that I call myself... ~

Her partner moved a little from their original position, and Poppy did not hesitate to bury her face in his leaf jacket; her hand was clenching on his shorts, as if she refused that he even had the idea of trying to get up. The gray troll had no intention of doing so... Cuddles, it was not so bad in the end, even if both imagined themselves soaking blood and sweat at this stage... Yeah, they weren't complaining, it was comfortable. Reassuring.

His thumb stroked her cheek again, chasing away tears that no longer rolled down. They had been there for hours, they had spent the night in this tree trunk, rolling in a ball so as not to take up all the space in this small restrain space. The cold of the night had forced them to use their body heat as the only source of pin for life.

Poppy touched his side, he shivered.

Plic plic ploc plic

Her fingers dragged on his bare skin, without touching the wounds that were marked in his skin. He said nothing, letting out a trembling breath. He had never been so close to her while staying so calm for so long, and she didn't complain either. It was like exploring a new side of her companion, a new access she had just acquired the key to. Branch let her do this, he didn't push her away. He gave her the key, to her.

Curious she looked up at his face, he had his lips in a thin line, his ears lowered back, his eyelids were half open, he did not move, only his fingers played with her hair and his chest rose and lowered to the rhythm of his concerning breathing... His eyes were watching her, calm. The lines of so many frowns mark in his skin. So much marks.

Poppy raised her fingers, drawing an invisible line that began on the corner of his lips, and then on one of the marks that traced the corner of his eyelids, above his cheek.


Plic ploc plic

-... I'm sorry, he suddendly murmured.

Poppy raised an eyebrow, chasing a drop of water that had just crashed on the tip of her little pink nose. Both moved slowly to have a more comfortable position, both her arms bent in front of her against his peck, playing with the leaves of his jacket. Follow each other's body, like puzzle pieces. It was natural.

- Why ?... The pink troll whispered.

Her voice had cracked in her slight pain of being so far from home. It took another minute of silence before Branch was able to sort through his thoughts and answer her question.

- I am... I'm sorry we fell into this river, it's my fault...

Poppy frowned, confused about what he told her. What was Branch talking about? Nothing was his fault, in everything, it was she who had not listened to him in the first place, it wa her fault if they were lost in this dangerous forest, hundreds of meters from Trollstopia, everything was her fault. Not Branch's.

Ploc ploc

- Branch.. It's my fault, not yours...

Branch shook his head, refusing to accept what she was saying to him;

- I was the one who fell first, it's my fault...

... Slap !

A small slap on the arm, Branch let a cry of surprise escape from his lips. Poppy was obviously pounting.

- Ow, what the hell ! He growled even though in truth it hadn't hurt him at all, What was that for ?

- You're so stubborn, she grumbled

- You are as well !

- You know you like it !

They looked at the other a few seconds, evaluating this statement; like it? They liked each other? Could they tell this out loud? The two let out a growl of discouragement and turned back to back, lost in their thoughts.

Admiting feelings was hard, wasn't it ?

Poppy could feel the presence of the silence troll who was still behind her. His breathing was slow. There was so little space that they were forced to stay so close, but they didn't have the strength to get up at the moment. Comfortable, safe.


Comfortable, safe.

Gosh, stubborn.

Branch was so fucking stubborn.

But she liked it as well.

Why couldn' t they keep their hands away from each other? Already she could feel their hands searching, they ended up on their hips, holding each other, blushing.

Why was it so complicated just to talk to him ?

Sometimes she felt like she would just get up and sit on top of him, just hug him so hard, until he screamed. But she couldn't, because she wanted Branch to enjoy this. She didn't wanted him to push her away like he always did.

She wanted him to enjoy it. Simply.

Otherwise that wouldn't be okay. At all.

She wanted to hug him, press their lips together, gosh if she could she would just press their entiere bodies together until they melted and merges in one another. She wanted him to enjoy it, to ask for it, to hold her close back, to rub her skin. She would get her burning forehead against his and he would whisper her name-- she would just--

-... Did you ever wanted to bite someone until they bite you back?

She couldn't believe what she had just asked.

- ..... What the fuck–

They stayed silent longer, Poppy was glad he didn't said nothing more to this weird question of hers. She murmured a slight 'Nevermind' and he just turned back around with the cutest chuckle and hid his face against her shoulder, holding into her to calm her down. She let out a sigh of happiness.

- You are trully one of a kind, Poppy... He said to her, And... Weird question, I don't think I can answer that one... Just-

He moved, they needed to follow each other's body, pieces of puzzle, perfect fit.

Just a bit on the left-

--There, comfortable again, safe again.

Plic, ploc plic,

They didn't move for long, quiet minutes. Branch could have sworn she had fall asleep again in his embrace. Still she couldn't sleep... She was so stressed and scared they will never get back... But Branch's compliment made her feel all warm and cozy inside... She was sure it was the first time he ever gave her a compliment that touched her that deep inside her heart... After all he was right, if she was able make him laugh, she was trully one of a kind, right ?

Was he craving to have her that close to his soul too? Did he wanted to keep her close forever or was he just doing it cause he was afraid she would ran away to try find the river by herself?

... How much did he missed home?

She was trying to imagine it... of course he was missing something... his bunker? His favorite food? Did he just wanted to hide in his shelter because being out in the wild for days was a huge challenge for his paranoid self? 

Did he have someone waiting for him too ?

Poppy had her dad, the SnackPack, the other leaders, all the village was waiting for her return probably.

Branch? He...

He had no one, right?

Poppy felt her heart broke harshly, again thinking about it made her heart squeeze in pain for her friend. How could everyone in the village let this amazing man alone ? No one deserved to be left aside, why did Branch never accepted to be part of their happiness? Why was he always so miserable?

- Hey, Branch ?

The troll sniffed out loud, his hand grabbing the fabric of her dress on her hip; his fist clentched and unclentched. He didn't meet her gaze, but she knew he was listening. His ear twitched to the sound of the raindrops falling agaisnt their hideaway.

So she asked a smarter question;

- Do you miss someone ?

Branch was a bit surprised by this question she asked to him, emotions and feelings rushed all over him like that crazy river they fell in, as he began to remember the ones he loved dearly. It was hard to say it outloud, but his lips spoke for himself;

- I do miss s-some trolls.

Her heart jumped in her chest, so he wasn't trully alone? She felt proud of whoever those trolls were, she wasn't the only one that cared.

- Really? Do you mind telling me who?

She was all excited now, but tried to keep her composure, not to scare him off. The silence troll took the time to think of an answer that wouldn't reveal how weak he trully was.

How broken he trully was.

- I uh... I miss my dad and uh... I miss my mom ya know... I just miss my family...

- You do? Do they live in Trollstopia?

Branch scoffed, he sniffed again, she realized it wasn't because he was cold or because of those raindrops falling on them... he was crying in fact. Nonono! Had she said something wrong?

- T-They're gone Poppy.


Oh oops.

- Oh, I-I'm sorry I had no idea...

- No no, no that's alright, it's fine, it happened a long time ago.

But it wasn't alright, it wasn't fine. He was crying. If it wasn't because of his parents, there was surely another reason.

Then she had a flashback.

'' I'm a pop troll, he growled before she could finish her sentence, not a silence troll or whatever that shit is... All that the village tells you are lies, rumors and crap, he growled, insulted, the trolls of silence do not even exist... It's just the more nice way to talk about a gray troll... A gray troll is a troll with scars Poppy, and that's fucking it. ''


He had scars, scars comes from injuries.

He was hurt, deeply, so much his skin at took the color of his sadness.

If it wasn't his parents there was surely something else.

- I... I lost my mother when I was just born, ya know? Poppy told him.

She turned her head around to meet his gaze, streching her arm out to place it behind her head. Branch blinked a bit, trying chase tears.

- I... I don't know Poppy...

- Branch.. She said camly, I can't listen to you if you don't speak up, I can't help you if you refuse to let me in...

His lips formed that thin line again, trying keep the emotions inside. But maybe it was his broken rib that wasn't protecting his heart enough anymore?

- I... I was 3 back then, I had an argue with my dad that day.

- What was the fight about?

- I don't really remember to be honest... Branch admitted, I think I didn't wanted him to go on some trip... He never came back, I don't get why he never came back...

He looked down in shame, shrugged, laying back down on the cold ground... Still Poppy could say it wasn't everything.

- Who else do you miss?...

Damn, she could read this mind of his really well... And the door to his heart was open, he couldn't stop talking, open up to her about the most kept under lock secrets of his life.

- Grandma... I miss grandma, she... She was the one that took care of me most of my young life... We would make cakes, complete puzzles and sing all day... He smiled sadly, but then... I...

She touched his cheek, he sobbed quietly;

- I-I should stop talking... It's probably the fuzz-odils... His voice cracked.

- Branch... It's okay, I'm listening.

She was listening, he bit the inside of his cheek, his chest was hurting so bad.


- I was... One day we went walk in the forest and I was singing... I can still remember her screaming Poppy...

He looked down, sobbing.

Poppy didn't need more to understand what he meant... Surely a creature had took what was left of his family. His singing had brought the attention of a predator...

Poor Branch.

She hugged him tightly, caressing his hair, that explained why he hated so much to sing, why he refused himself to be happy with the other trolls.

- And...

It wasn't the end of the story.

- I miss Pops...

-.... Pops? She repeated.

- Herman... Gary Herman, the one that took care of me after all of this.

And he told her everything... Who was Herman?

According to Branch a wise and generous old troll that had adopted him after he lost his grandma.

Herman had saved Branch. He teached him everything about the forest... Not only this, but how to read, to write and even to cook...thanks to Herman he had been able to build the bunker!

He told her good memories, bad memories... How Herman would pick him up so he could reach the sink, how Herman wouldn't sing but would always tell him awesome stories... Their favorite activity would have been to take long walks in the forest. The pink troll was listening to every single word, chuckle, cry, and smile from Branch carefully.

She learned that Herman had fight so hard to be able get the custody of Branch. Trolls had been saying how...

- ...A gray troll shouldn't raise another gray troll, Branch scoffed.

It was stupid, Poppy agreed with him... Herman had told so much trolls how Branch was the reason he was still alive back then. Both were so happy with each other, no matter if they were both gray trolls. He was the greatest thing that happened to the young troll. Branch was making him happy. And Herman was making Branch hopeful again.

- He sounds like a great man, Poppy admitted to him

- He used to tell me... '' See your eyes? It's still blue... You are young, you have life in front of you.. You still have a second chance, it will come to you... ''

Gary Herman had died 3 years ago.

Branch was deeply hurt by the lost of his dearest friend. He looked at Poppy with so much pain in those blue eyes of his.

- I'm glad you trusted me so much and told me all of this.. And... I'm sure he's so proud of you, Branch, Poppy whispered

Plic ploc

The gray troll smiled to her as she chased a tear from his cheek.

- I have... A last question, she said.

Branch caressed her cheek. She shivered.

- Yeah... ?

- What... Were your colors? She asked.


- Blue.


It was some times ago.

Poppy was sobbing, she was a sobbing mess. She had run miles away from the village of Trollstopia, holding a poor torn piece of paper against her chest. She didn't know– she had no idea– where was she going?

She didn't know, she was following a trail in the forest she hoped would lead her somewhere she could hide away from embarrassement.

She had already explained to them all... Creek was a friends of hers who now thought he was the future king of pop trolls because he had saved King Thrash from certain death... Everyone had assumed that Poppy had fallen under the spell of this boy because of things he said. Rumors.

But she didn't, she liked Creek, but not that way. Never she would.

And King Thrash... Now paralyzed. Creek hadn't prevented that.

Barb was crushed, she was suppose be by her friend's size but Creek had just--

She cried louder, thinking about what nasty things he said about her. How could her friend betray her like this? She couldn't tell anyone, she couldn't because that would take all their attention off King Thrash that needed all their love.

Love was more needed than madness on another troll. King Thrash needed her to stay silent.

Perharps she could someone else's support.

She had just spotted a light in the distance. Princess Poppy walked to it, not caring who that could be... This troll would share her secret, they would know that secret because she wouldn't be breathing anymore soon if she kept it on her shoulder longer.

It was a troll, she crashed in his arms.

- I'm so tired! She sobbed, I-I-- I'm so so tired!!

- Poppy ??

Branch. It was Branch.

Out of all trolls... It was Branch.

And still.

Branch was the one that rocked her softly, Branch was the one that carried her to his bunker... Branch was the one who cuddled with her and listened to her crying, about all the things that happened that day.

Branch was the one.

He was the one that healed her injuries.

That night, holding the true Poppy against him... He realized how he trully cared for her, how he would died if anything ever happened to her. How she was the light, the sunshine that kept him alive.

Poppy was the one.


Branch fell in love with her.

Poppy fell in love with him.


Damn it, they just fell in love with each other so bad.

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