~ Chapter 13 ~ (🍋)

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Branch was originally blue.

Blue like the feathers of the whistling birds, blue like the clear ocean, blue like a pretty flower of this color under the rays of a sunrise... Blue! Blue was such a pretty color, her dress was blue, her crown was blue, she
LOVED blue so much!

The Branch walking in front of her was gray though. Gray like the hopeless gloom they were traped in. She still liked that color of his skin though, she liked Branch. Like a lot. But she did not liked the fact he was frowning, having that grumpy typical expression, that he was hurting, holding his wounds with loud hissings of pain. She knew Branch didn't liked that color deep down. It disgusted him. She could also see some fresh red blood running down his arm... They would need to change that bandage once they took a break, it was getting bad.

- W-Wait up ! She called for him.

He stopped. Now he stopped. He turned to her silently, anxiously observing her clumsy moves to join him, crossing the few meters that separated them that felt like kilometers. She used the new crutches that he had crafted earlier to allow her to walk by her own.

Once she walked up to him that new bond they were sharing showed to that stupid, cruel forest around them; he pressed the side of his burning face against her round cheek covered in freckles, taking in a shaky breath. He stayed there, she stayed there--

Wait-- Bit to the left- There. Safe again.

- A-Are you okay ?... He asked her.

His voice was low, hoarse, broken and she was so worried... Maybe he had catch a cold in the violent storm last night? It has been already a few days out in the forest, both being completly lost, she hoped that he wasn't sick... This would be real bad. Since they had started to walk he had been wheezing and shaking.

But he was doing okay, right?

... little did she know he was way much more than simply sick. Oh, way much more...

His chest was moving weirdly, raising hardly and falling with a strange struggle to fall back on the left. It had a slight concerning shape. She didn't thought more about it and pressed her face against his in return to his need for affection, nuzzling just to feel his presence, feel that he was still alive and well by her side, warm with a well beating heart. Both were shaking and holding each other like they had never did before. They wouldn't leave.

- A-Any trace of the river ? She asked him, taking the time to catch her breathe.

They had been searching for their only natural compass all day... Well since the moment they had left the damp tree trunk, when the sun had come back to its highest point in the sky. It was scary to think they maybe had missed a searching group because they had been fucking cuddling in that shelter all morning. Though it hadn't passed Branch's mind so Poppy didn't mentionned this little detail. She still wished for more cuddles like those in the future after all...

And trolly molly, tired and scared Branch was suddenly craving for all her attention. Like so much the pink troll was actually concerned for his well being. Not that she complained about his hugs but they needed to keep looking! If they stayed glued to each other in this way, enjoying their scents and warmth, it would lead them to nothing at all... The solution would be therefore to search in a more territorial way.

It meant seperation, so they could cover more territory, but was it the best solution? What if one of them got lost? Hurt? And they would never get back to each other's side again?

She hugged him tightly, making his chest hurt a bit and realize that he had to answer;

- Uhm... N-No, Branch said to her, thinking about every word before he said them, taking her away from her thoughts, I don't know what way we ran, I have no idea where the river is... We could be anywhere at this point...

He felt as if all of what was happening was his fault alone... The fact they fell in the crazy river, the fact they had almost drown in the wild rapids, the fact her leg was hurt and she had difficulty to walk, the fact that he had lost sight of the river during the hurricane. He felt as if he couldn't protect her like he had always promise himself he would, he felt like he was a fucking failure! And gosh, his chest was hurting so bad, so bad that his expression showed a very scrunching look of extreme discomfort.

That look alerted Poppy greatly, and she leaned in to see his face better; he was pale, as if he was going to throw up. She felt a urge of protection and gently lifted his chin so he would look at her;

- I think we should rest a bit... She told him, what do you think?

Ashamed, he agreed.

Together, they walked for a few more minutes, both trolls supporting each other's body, before they spotted a giant mushroom. Poppy helped Branch sit down, back against it so he could take back bit of his energy. The poor thing... Why hadn't she fell alone in that river? If she would have listened to him he wouldn't be that pale right now, he would instead be collecting sticks or drinking his favorite tea in his safe anti-predators bunker.

- Hey, I'm here, what do you need? She asked him, seeing he was in a really bad shape.

Had she missed something that was obvious ? If only she knew more about safety like he did she would know exactly what to do to make him feel better... The only power she had was hugs and comfort, or bring him what he needed.

- I-... Hhh-- I'm bit hungry actually but don't go too much away, he pleaded.

Again, she hugged him and Branch made that weird squeal. She felt so bad he was hurting... But where exactly? For now he was hungry, she would bring him something to eat.

- Don't worry, I will get back, she promised, just relax...

She gently caressed his arm to let him know she wasn't trully leaving and went by her own through some bushes... Certainly she would find some berries there and she got lucky! Right there were delicious looking red berries! She laughed and collected the more she could for her and Branch, he would be so glad she found those!

- And those smells so great! She told herself as she throwed one in her mouth; Hm! Taste just as good!

Mistake here.

She walked back to where Branch was hiding. She noticed he had closed his eyes to rest under the shade of the mushroom, so cute...

- Branch? She called his name gently, he opened his eyes slowly to met her pink gaze, Look, I found you something to eat! She said proudly.

She placed the berries in front of him, but he frowned, his brain processing... Until he pushed them away;

- We aren't eating those! He said in fear

She frowned, why? He had tried to make her damn bark few days ago ! And he wouldn't eat delicious berries ?

He facepalmed and showed the berries, about to explain something but she was faster than him;

- They taste delicious though! Cmon, you told me yourself, the forest isn't a buffet restaurant after all!

His eyes widened in fear, in shock he pulled her closer and felt her pulse, it was fine for now but they had to act immediately!

- Poppy did you ate one?? He asked, placing a hand on the spot where her carotid artery was.

Feeling him check up on her this way made her worry, she raised an eyebrow and grabbed his hand;

- Uh... Yeah? Is there a problem??

He immediately panicked like she never saw him do before... As if he was about to turn even more gray than he already was. He started to dig a hole in the dirt, keep looking at her as he did so;

- Poppy, listen to me, you need to throw up! Right now !! He explained in a rush

- What?? Why?

Her heart started to race when he pulled her hand so she would be kneeling above the little hole in where he probably wanted her to throw out her breakfast in.

- It's poisonous ! You gotta get it out of your system! RIGHT NOW !

It took her not even a second to realize what Branch was telling her. She felt her heart panic as well. She looked at him with worry, her breathing getting faster;

- WAIT WHAT?? I don't wanna die!!

She couldn't die! Not now! She hadn't told-- Branch, she couldn't--

Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes as Branch felt her pulse again. She was fine, but she couldn't keep that berry in her stomach that long!

- If you don't want to die THEN FUCKING THROW UP ! He pleaded her, desesperated.

He didn't let a blink slip as he added;

- I-I can't loose you too! Not like that! Cmon, please Poppy!

She wanted to help, she wanted to do what he wanted her to do and throw up but she couldn't. The ball in her throat was blocking any way out, she was sobbing in fear, and words came out without her having any control anymore;

- I DON'T HOW TO! I can't die! I - - I never got the chance to tell you something really important Branch !!

- WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT! He told her, please!!

She suddendly crashed against him, sobbing loudly.


Silence. Only loud scared breathing.

She told him. She told him what has been trapped. She was shaking. She didn't want to leave him. Not like this.

-... O-Okay! Branch's voice made its way to her ear, we gotta get it out, okay ? He caressed her hair, We are gonna force a gag reflex ? Alright ? Cmon, finger in the back of your throat, you gotta do that for me ! He pressed her.

He hated to do so but they had to get the poison out quickly.

He took her hand and showed her how to place her fingers to shove them in the back of her throat safely. She coughed loudly many times but nothing was getting out, and plus, it was super uncomfortable.

- I can't do it! It's not working! She cried out, on the vedge of panic again.

Branch had enough; if she couldn't do it he would!

- OKAY HERE !!! I'll do it myself! Trust me and open your mouth!

She looked at him with wide eyes;

- WHAT?? Ew! No way!

- Hey you're lucky it doesn't have to be my fucking dick! he blurted out in anger, making them both fluster; I-I mean--- You have to throw up Poppy, it's an emergency!

He showed her his finger placed just as he had showed her;

- Trust me? He asked.

His blue eyes were screaming fear, screaming panic and worry. He couldn't loose her, no he couldn't. She knew he would help her, she knew it was for her own good. That he knew what he was doing.

Branch would keep her safe.

- O-Okay, do it! And hurry! She said.

She opened her mouth the widest she could, and Branch did the work like an expert; he cupped her chin and shoved his finger in her mouth, easily reaching the back of her throat. Easily, he activated the gag relflex without any harm and soon she threw up in the hole, panting loudly afterward.

- T-There.. He finally sighed in relief.

He handed her some water they had collected in a leaf earlier and she rinsed her mouth, using part of their honey as well to take away the horrible taste of her mouth while Branch washed his hand. She signed loudly;

- T-Thank you, Branch, she chased her tears.

It had been more fear than harm. He was silent, staring in the void, until he speaked up the most beautiful words she had ever heard from him;

- I-... I- I love you too.... By the way...

Both trolls took time to process this... It end up in quiet laughs of joy and relief... Now that was some great news.

* * *

Later the two trolls had found another cave to spend the night, and Branch had easily started a nice fire to keep them warm. The cave was surprisingly bigger than the other ones they had found the days before, and the flames were dancing on the walls of the room like beautiful waves.

Poppy was placing larges leaves they had found as bed on the ground so their resting time could be more comfortable while Branch was roasting - safe to eat this time - little mushrooms on the fire. She couldn't help herself but look up at him with a shy smile, her eyes sparklings...

" - So... what... Are we... dating?...

   - That... sounds pretty awesome actually! "

She couldn't help a warm feeling to spread inside of her heart... She was oficially Branch's girlfriend! And he was her boyfriend! After all those months trying to tell him how she felt about him, they had finally broke the wall, and he actually loved her back, he actually had been struggling for so long as well !! Seeing her smile at him, the corner of his mouth even moved up in a flustered giggle... Oh. My. Gosh. HE WAS SO CUTE!

Both sat down to eat their roasted mushrooms, and Branch agreed for her to lay agaisnt him without any protests. She cuddled up to him joyfully, he was so warm!!

Branch on his side couldn't believe this as well... The crazy pink troll he had loved for literal years actually felt the same way about him. She loved him, she actually loved him! Of all trolls, he was the one her heart had choosed, he was so happy he couldn't help but gave her a nuzzle on the cheek again, she giggled and whispered to him how much she loved him, gosh he had dreamed of this for so long!

The whole way to that cave, they had talked out about their feelings, understanding a lot more about each other. It was as if now that there was not this constant fear of being rejected anymore, they just connected so easily... A dream came true.

The roasted mushrooms were soon ate, and both trolls layed down for the night for the first time without any fears. Not a single nightmare could bother them this night for sure.

Both were staring at each other, Branch's vest around her shoulders to keep her even more warm. Poppy eyes seemed to glow with the flames of the fire as his fingers ran through her hair, her pupils dilated to take as much as view of him she could get.

-.... I can't believe this is actually not a dream, he whispered in this hoarse voice.

She frowned a bit, and melted a bit more in his embrace; he let the tip of their noses brush together;

- What do you mean?... She asked him

- Well... I dreamed of that moment for so long and now I'm just... Scared if I fall sleep, I will wake up without you in my arms again... He admited

He shook his head a bit; it was so stupid. She smiled to him with a giggle, she kissed his chin;

- I'm real Branch, can't you feel me? She teased him, moving agaisnt his chest to get more comfortable.

Her fingers gripped to his side and he hummed;

- Ah yes, I can, he chuckled, I can also feel you are crushing my foot under your thigh.

- You choosed to put it there mister! She gave him a little slap, making him laugh, C'mon, just-- shut up and give me that kiss !

- Isn't this like our 7th first kiss? He teased again.

- I said shut up and kiss me ! She laughed.

They both giggled softly and their lips connected in a loving gesture. Poppy felt her insides burst in butterflies and cupped his cheeks; it felt natural, it was as if they had been doing this for years actually. Quiet night couldn't bother them. Poppy moved away to place some kisses on his collarbone, lost in her thoughts; everything was great right now. They were safe in a cave away from possible storms and predators. Branch and her had admitted their feelings to each other, and they were now a couple... But now ? They were still in the forest, would they find home or were they destined to live in this dangerous place?

- Hey Branch?... The pink troll whispered to him.

- Yeah Angel ?...

Angel, he gave her a nickname... She bit her lower lip, letting her fingers ran along his hip covered with just made natural bandage... He was hurt, she was hurt badly as well and yet they were alive. But when would be the moment death would seperate them? The world wasn't cupcakes and rainbows and this whole adventure... Had made her realized she could loose him at any moment. That she could wake up one morning and he wouldn't be there.

- What's... She sniffed back a tear of fear, What's gonna happen next?...

They stayed silent.


... Soft kisses, soft kisses up her neck. Branch let out a shaky breathe of surprise at the feeling of her hand running up on his side, and he wrapped his arms around her, she pulled him closer, wanting to feel her whole body agaisnt his. The creature in his stomach roared in victory...

They didn't really needed to speak up, they knew what they wanted, only one look and they knew it was gonna happen right there and then, in total consent. After all, they could loose each other at any moment so...

They would love each other as if it was the last time they would.


Their noses were crushing and pressing against each other's between their messy and desperate kisses. They were chosing what they were exposing; letting each other's the key to open their fortress of stone. This moment was their moment, and it felt just right.

- Poppy, a-are you sure about this?

She nodded, placing her palms on both of his cheeks so he would stay close, she needed him right now, and it was the same for him;

- Y-Yeah, I--I want that Branch, I want you...

A huge shiver crossed his whole body and she jumped a bit; was he okay?

- I--I'm fine, I'm just very happy... He chuckled, I-I want you too...

Happy, he was happy. Gosh, the word, it sounded so great coming from him. She wanted to hear him say it again, before it would be too late. Before they would never have this chance again.

The pink troll gently guided his large hands to the end of her dress; they pulled, getting the fabric away from her body, above her head. Both were shaking, the cool air hitting their skin with the princess letting out a little gasp. Branch covered her neck and shoulders with sweet kisses, worried;

- Are you cold? He whispered, his warm breathing touched her chest.

- A b-bit, she admitted to her love.

Slowly, making sure not to scare her, Branch lifted his body above hers, getting on top of her. His skin was already burning, he was just like a warm mashtato, though he instead smelled like the forest and bit of - - .

Blood, he was hurt, and they were doing this. Poppy placed a hand gently on the bandage of his chest, checking if he was okay;

- B-Branch- she cried out silently, Are you... Can we?...

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles;

- I told you, I'm fine, he rassured her, It's okay Poppy, I'm fine.... If you are worried about not wearing any condom I literally got tested few days ago cause I'm paranoid even though I'm a freaking virgin and - -

- No no! That's not that! She stopped him, even though she was bit rassured it was his first time as well, I trust you and I'm taking the pill but-- B-But you are hurt, what if... And if you...

She was terrified... What if he hurted himself even more during their first time? She did not wanted him to try too hard, but she could tell he would if he needed too. He would if he had to.

She hugged him, taking in a deep breathe;

- I-I don't want you get even more hurt... She told him.

They stayed still, analysing their situation again; His shoulder, his side, and his whole chest was hurt, his jaw was purple at this point, his ear couldn't move... In plus of the thing he hadn't told her about. Compare to this, Poppy's leg was doing pretty great; it was still covered in bandage and didn't hurted that much anymore... Though it was still freshly open underneath, she could put some pressure on it and deal with bit of pain if it meant love in exchange.

... Then she had it. She knew what to do!

- L-Let me get-- move a bit, Branch, there...

She pushed him down gently, both rolling on their improvised bed made of leaves. Branch's blue eyes were traped into her gaze, his hands caressing and placing locks of pink hair behind her ears, he just couldn't get his hands off her. His shoulder pressed down on the ground while Poppy passed a leg above his lower body.

Perharps with her on top it would get from him less efforts?

She stared at him silently, the cracking of the fires only could reach their ears mixed with their breathings. She could feel how close they were, skin against skin, and hips pressed down on his... She could even feel something going on down there as she stared at the silence troll with admiration. Branch smiled to her like a big dork, blushing furiously, now, not only his jaw was purple;

- Y-You're right, that's less painful, he rassured her, his chest relaxing and being less tense, You wanna take the lead?

Such a gentleman... She promised herself that whoever would try convince him otherwise would pay it; he was the biggest softie. She was glad he was letting her in. Finally.

Poppy nodded quietly;

- Do you mind it? She asked him, trying look more confident than she actually was.

- Not at all... He chuckled.

She shushed him playfully... Until, finally, she let her body press down against him safely. Their skin touching felt like electricity shocks and their heads were in the clouds as they kissed each other, refusing to let go. She could feel Branch's hands ran up her thighs, pulling up her hurted leg on his vest he had just placed there; way much more comfortable.

- Hm~ Mister, am I kissing Branch or a doctor? She laughed, feeling his hands pat her bandage as if he had finish his job.

- I literally studied in engineering– Branch was short cut by her tongue making its way to gently massage his, Hmm--~

His heart beat was getting crazily faster than usual, he wondered if making another troll's organ beat more than 180bpm was even legal, or making it feel like their own bodies were going to explode would send one of them in jail. Still, she was the princess, no worries, she could change the Law.

Their kisses got more messy and intense and he suddendly heard a tiny sound; from Poppy as he played with the knot of her bra, she had let out a tiny moan, he knew he was doing something she liked, and somehow it made him feel so good. He had to tell her again;

- I love you...!

So natural, so good to tell her how much he loved her. She whispered those words back to him, sending happiness through his whole flesh, and her hands touched his, helping him get rid of this useless piece of fabric between them.

When her chest touched his, it was his turn to let out a sound he had no idea he could produce; the feeling made his whole body shiver, like if fireworks were running through his veins.

- What was that ? She murmured against his lips

- I-I uh- Damn I-- you're sexy? I--

She laughed with a few tears of happiness in her eyes, embarassed, finally realizing he was talking about her chest, he got scared he offended her and removed his hands from her body;

- Branch I... Okay okay... Relax, cmon, deep breathe with me, baby, she chuckled with him, in.... And out...

In and out... It hurted. His rib hurted. That, he didn't let her saw it. She only thought he was super embarassed and ran her hands on his chest, feeling his warmth;

- Ya know what? I fucking hate clothes as well, he joked, pulling away his shorts painfully.

He was getting too much sweaty anyway. And she couldn't help but burst out in loud giggles as he throwed the shorts away, almost sending them in the damn fire.

- Ah!- he sighed in relief when he pulled them away the last moment with his black hair.

- Branch, I appreciate the way you wanna get closer but throwing your shorts in the fire is probably not a good idea! Poppy let their noses brush again.

- I swear to all this is trolly-

He rolled his eyes and both kissed again, needing to feel each other's love...and this time Branch could feel something-- inside his underwears, right down there were Poppy was sitting- it was getting hard, he moved a bit, which caused the pink troll to know something was getting him nervous.

- Are you okay? She whispered

- H-Hh--

The gray troll pushed his crotch against hers and-- she let out a way much louder sound now as he started grinding. Through the fabric she could feel him, and her inside bursted in desire for him. She wanted to give him her love so bad, and she wanted to feel him as well.

- B-Branch oh - - oh my-- ooh...

Next thing she knew? They were completly naked.

She pulled her panties down and so did Branch, letting his erection free to press against her now wet area. She was naked with Branch holding her against his hurted chest and it felt so right. How have they been wasting so much time ? Both were shaking and almost tearing up as they kissed, shared warmth, wrapped their arms together, it was so right.

- I love you so much... I love you so... Poppy told him, she told him many, many times, he could never get tired of this.

She knew the next step would hurt, but did she really minded? Poppy was already hurting anyway, so much worst than penetration probably would. She wanted Branch inside of her so bad, she just cupped his cheeks, and he knew. He knew somehow it was happening, that there was not a single barrier left, that she would feel his love more than she ever wished she would.

- Y-You got this Angel ? He asked her, You're sure?

- Y-Yeah, I want you so bad...

He nodded, both lined up and slowly, Poppy took him inside of her intimacy.

At first it was uncomfortable, like.... really uncomfortable. She winced in pain, feeling Branch's size tear her insides to make his way. He also looked bit uncomfortable, his fingers wrapped around the sides of their leaf bed. She stopped. They stayed still, taking the time to get used to this new sensation; it was new and a bit odd, and she never thought it would really be with Branch. She took time to proceed this.

- Hhh--... P-Poppy? Are you okay?

She looked inside his eyes... He looked so innocent in such a moment. He just wanted to make sure she was doing okay.

- Y-Yeah, she smiled through few tears of pain, I'm okay... I...

She saw the wounds on his chest.

She suddendly started to sob, crawling into his cuddles. Branch, shocked and feeling his erection slide the rest inside of her, thought he was responsible of this sudden confusing pain.

- Poppy?? Did I hurted you?? Angel??

But in fact, this pain was in fact love, the urge to be with him until their last breathe.

She started to move.

Then he knew what Poppy meant by cupcakes and rainbow; his mind filled with glitters and colors and Branch let out a moan of pleasure, his arms jumped by themselves to press firmly against the ground and try hold in the urge to thrust back. She kissed his jaw, and he couldn't help but cry out in joy.

And Poppy was enjoying this as well, oh it felt like dear heaven. Feeling Branch fit inside of her perfectly and moving in and out at this accelerating pace felt so fucking good, she couldn't help herself but moan out his name, the pain fading away while her cervix started to feel good. Real good.

Her stomach was already burning, and she could feel Branch shaking, his breathing was messy, so fucking messy but they kept going, Branch even starting to thrust back, knowing he wouldn't last long. They couldn't stop, they wanted to love each other so bad that the pain of their injuries faded away completly.

- P-Poppy I--I won't last longer! He warned her, about to pull out.

- T-That's okay, stay! She told him, I-I'm protected!

Rassured, he stayed, and after a few more thrusts Poppy cried out loud, euphoria spreading inside of her as Branch, at his first time, hadn't enough strenghts to hold back any longer and had to give a couple hard thrusts before he collapsed under her. The princess just let out more euphoric cries, feeling the gray troll fillin' her up like they had agreed.

Once he was done he stayed inside for a few more minutes, just enjoying feeling her this close to him. Poppy was smiling, he was rubbing his thumbs against her cheeks, both now exhausted and satisfied.


- This... This was amazing...

Poppy was the first to speak few minutes later, feeling Branch's arms still wrapped around her waist. The gray boy's breathing was slowly coming back to normal.

She turned around to cuddle with him, he let out a grumble of protest but relaxed when she hugged her big teddy bear.

- I love you Poppy, he told her.

She rested her ear against his chest, humming a lullaby to him because the pain was coming back as well. She strocked his hair, staying with him, she wouldn't leave.

- We will get back home, I just know it Branch...

Branch didn't responded, he just hugged her tighter.

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