I Can't Exist Without You(A Cool Love Story Of KKB)

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Hi, guys, this is sowji.. thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Screen shift to the hospital..one lady get labor pain...one elder man talked with an old lady...he said maa...I feel restless...I want to see her...that old lady said nothing will happen to her...so don't worry...beta...that man face shows....he is prem mehra...his wife is lishi mehra...she is admitted in hospital...Prem said maa...I can't see her pain...he was restless.his maa understands his feelings towards her...she consoles him...suddenly all heard a baby sound...Prem Mehra and his family member feel very happy..doctor comes out from operation theatre...said congrats mehra..u got boy baby...Prem maa said wow...I got grandson... screen shift to the big mansion...one lady get a labor pain...one lady said just bear this pain for a while minute...that lady screamed I can't bear this pain maa...it's really paining...one man was standing nearby door...he can't see his wife in this situation...his eyes filled with tears...his neighbors console him...suddenly all heard baby sound...that man feel very happy...slowly his face shows...he is ram arora...that old lady says he got girl baby...all feel very happy...Arora and Mehra's family feel very happy...few days after...lishi Mehra discharged from the hospital...Prem maa and is Mehra always spend their time with their baby.Prem Mehra is a very big businessman...he is always busy with his work...he spend the weekend along with his baby... screen shift to Arora home...ram Arora is working as a manager in kharna group of the company...whenever he gets a free time...he will spend all time along with his princess...few days after...they arranged the name ceremony function for their newborn baby...Mehra family invited all his neighbors, friends to his home...they celebrated name ceremony function in their home...likewise Arora family invited all his neighbor, friend, family...this is time to give a name for newborn baby...Prem mehra give honey and milk to new born baby.. he keep name as abishek... screenshift to arora family...ram arora was doing same rituals in his home...he keep girl baby name as pragya...abishek baby and pragya baby smiles...follow by all his family member doing their rituals...both baby are born in same day and same time....25 years later... screenshift to Mumbai...4 guys is doing exercise in gym... one guy said to another guy...hey purab...see..she is ogling at me...purab asked nikhil who is ogling at you...nikhil said see...oh god...she is coming towards me...guys don't jealous on me..if she proposed me...they are doing their workouts...that girl come towards nikhil...she asked can u come along with me...nikhil said r u asking me....that girl said yeah...you only...nikhil asked her y any problem...that girl said I want to speak with you alone...nikhil said sure...he shows victory smile towards their friends..he goes along with that girl...she give some letter to him...they speak something with eachother...few minutes after nikhil come towards them...purab said she proposed you...nikhil claimed no purab...she consider me as her elder brother...I look like her elder brother. All laughed😂😂😂😂..Purab asked then y she give a letter to you...Nikhil said that letter is not for me...she gives that letter to give to Abhishek...purab screamed abishek u get a letter again...suddenly one handsome guy turned..that is our hero Abhishek...Nikhil said I know abi...u don't like love letters...but please for my sake..accept this letter...she is looking at me.I want to maintain my geth...Please abishek.Purab, Akash laughed loudly...he is begging with him..Akash said to Purab, today that girl forgets her love for abi....abishek gets a letter from Nikhil hand...he goes towards her...that girl looks very curious...she thinks...she will accept his love...abi speak with her...few minute later...she come towards Nikhil...Purab, Akash, Nikhil look at her...she scolded him...Nikhil can't understand...Nikhil asked her...y r u scolded me...what I did...that girl said ask him...Nikhil looks confused...he comes towards Abhishek...he asked y she scolded me abi...abi said how do I know...ask her...nikhil said you are right...how can u know...k what do u speak with her...abishek said I tell the truth...Nikhil asked what truth...Abhishek said I already married... if I divorce her...I will marry you...that girl said your friend says you are still single...abi said he lied for my sake...he want to see my marriage again...nikhil looks shocked...abishek is prank with her...she believed abishek word...but she never believed nikhil word...purab and akash laughed loudly...they can't control their smile...nikhil said this girls always believe lie not truth...purab said no....no...she doubted on you...abishek keep his face as innocent...she believed him so easily...nikhil smirked...abi,purab ,akash smiled by nikhil antics...here purab,abi,nikhil,akash are college friends..they completed their colleges...purab was doing his father business...nikhil is working as marketing manager...abishek is famous singer...and he is doing his father business for his dadi sake..he will do anything for his dadi sake...when abi was 10years old...his father and mother were died in flight accident...he doesn't have siblings...his world is his dadi only...akash is working in IT company...akash,abi, purab,nikhil are best friends..these are 4 guys...they can do anything for their friends... Screen shift to one small home...one old lady was talking with one woman...that lady said where are these 4 idiots went...suddenly one girl entered said dadi today is Saturday...u know huh...di will spend all time with their friends.I think she went to that fatty home...slowly their face shows...that girl is purvi...she is Pragya sister...she is studying in 3rd-year fashion technology... the old lady is Rockstar dadi...she is Pragya dadi...that woman is sarala..she is Pragya and purvi maa...sarala said I can't control this 4girls...they are very naughty...purvi said maa di is innocent.that fatty(Tanu), motty(bulbul), kitty(Rachana) are dangerous maa...I think that fatty is disturbed our di... screen shifts to one room..one girl said pragu...how much time u take to prepare this food...we are restless..our stomach is paining..make it fast...suddenly another girl(Rachana) said else tanu will swallow you pragu..another girl(bulbul)laughed said exactly.Tanu throws pillow towards them...suddenly one girl(Pragya) comes along with tray...one girl said finally u came pragya....uffff... Slowly their face shows..that is Pragya, Tanu, bulbul,rachana..they are school friends and college friends.....Tanu said did u know how much I feel hungry...Pragya said Tanu eat slow...bulbul and Machu laughed by Tanu antics...bulbul said she will never listen to our words...Tanu said u know about my stomach...I can't control my hunger...pragya prepared food for them.She spends all weekend with their friend...Pragya is working as lecturer..bulbul,tanu are working in one private company...Rachana was doing business along with her father....her father is a big businessman...Tanu asked did u remember about the plan...bulbul asked what plan..Tanu said idiot r u forget...bulbul asked pragu...what plan about she speak now...Pragya said tomorrow we want to go to mandir to meet her younger brother..she told tomorrow is his birthday...she arranged a special darshan for his brother.Rachana said yeah....she told about that few weeks before...bulbul said don't worry we will go...tanu I never forget about that...Tanu said girls..tomorrow all wear traditional attire...Pragya is always like to wear traditional attire...especially want to say rachu and bulbul...rachu said k meri maa.I will wear traditional attire...Pragya asked which temple...Tanu said Krishna temple...rachu asked how will your brother come to mandhir...is he has any vehicle....tanu said I think he will come in the bike... screen shift to abi home...Purab, Abi, Akash, Nikhil are spending their time in abi home...suddenly Purab gets a call from his friend alia...alia is Purab school mate...purab pick up his calls..abi asked who called you.Purab said alia...he put the phone on speaker...Alia said hi handsome.Nikhil combs his head using his hand...when Alia said handsome...he gives geth look...Alia said guys shall we meet on tomorrow..purab look at all..all nodded their head..Purab said sure alia...we will meet...alia said guys can u come to Krishna mandir at XYZ place...actually I thought to introduce all to my parents...Please can u come to there?Abhishek never faith in god...he agreed for Alia sake...all said k...alia we will meet you at that mandir...abi can do anything for his loved one...abi think alia as his sister..alia calls him as Bhai...but they are best friends..alia is also abi gang...Purab said I thought u will say no to her..but u agreed.I feel very happy. Abi said I never trust on god...I come here to see our alia.that's it..all smiled...that day moves on happily... next day morning.Pragya, Rachana, bulbul, and reached there by car.they are waiting for Tanu's brother...suddenly tanu brother entered there..all wished him...they speak with him...his name is rocky... tanu brother attached with this 4girls...Tanu is his own sister...Tanu said lets we go inside..they go towards inside...suddenly Alia car entered there...Alia family members go inside...few minutes after Abhishek car entered...they parked their car.after Abi, Akash, Purab, Nikhil goes inside the temple...rocky was standing nearby pragya...alia saw Abhishek gang...she welcomes them...Alia family greeted them..suddenly pooja started..the priest started to say mantra towards Krishna idol...abishek is standing nearby rocky...Pragya, Tanu,rachu, bulbul was praying with god...Abi was looking at their friends and alia...abi think in his mind...y all are trusted this idol.this idol will never fullfill our wish...pragya closed her eyes...she was praying with god..tanu called rocky...he goes towards her..now abi was standing near by pragya....pragya can never feel anything..she was praying with god...abi saw one beautiful girl standing near by him..but he can't see her face...pragya thought rocky was standing near by her...the priest finished his pooja..the priest gives kumkum in their hand...pragya got kumkum from priest...suddenly she turned...she applied kumkum in abishek forehead...(background plays Allah warriyan)....abi looks on..she never see his face...she thought that is rocky...after she applied in her forehead...abi looks at her...suddenly pragya turned..she was shocked..abi look at her eyes...pragya look at him...suddenly bulbul pulled pragya towards her..abi looks at her face...he admire her...he doesn't believe in god...but she applied something in his forehead..he was mesmerized by her beauty...suddenly alia screamed...abi lets we go...both are looking at eachother their face goes to opposite direction..pragya think in her mind...oh god..what I did...what he is thinking about me...atleast I should ask sorry to him...pragya saw rocky..she asked him rocky where did u go...rocky said di i was standing with near by tanu di...pragya think in her mind..oh no...I should ask sorry to him...Alia introduced her family to abi gang...she invited them to her marriage...all said k we will come... Tanu asked lets we go, home girls...Pragya said girls can you wait for me in the parking area.I will come..all said k..abi was talking to his family...after they decide to leave from there...abi look at all directions...he can't see her..abi gang leave from the temple.Pragya searched for abi...but she can't see him...both gang are left from the temple....few days after..tanu friend invited Tanu and her friends for his marriage..so Pragya gang decide to attend his marriage..they arranged the marriage in Gujarat... Pragya, Tanu,rachu, bulbul packed their things...they reached wedding venue...groom is Tanu friend...bride is abishek friend.....now all understand whose marriage is this...yes...this is Alia marriage...they booked rooms for groom and bride friends. now the time is 7 pm ...Alia reception is started...our girls look gorgeous...our boys look handsome...Pragya gang come towards the stage... at same time abi gang comes towards the stage...abigya never see each other face....suddenly Pragya gang goes towards the stage. Nikhil said wow😍😍😍what a beauty... the whole gang looks at stage.abi was shocked...he meets her again... the whole gang mesmerized by their beauties....suddenly Pragya turned to look at the crowd..suddenly she saw abi...she looks shocked...abi was ogling at her(background plays Allah warriyan).Pragya looks shy...she thinks in her mind...today I caught..I never expect..he will attend this marriage... whenever Pragya looks at him...his gaze is only on pragya...pragya said sure he will scold me...i should ask sorry to him..that's better..Pragya turned...he was standing in the stage...he is looking at pragya...pragya looks restless...Pragya feel hesitate to talk with him..after they have their dinner..abi think in his mind...she looks really pretty....she looks very scared...if she thinks I will scold her....at least I will speak with her...she feel relax....he turned...he can't see pragya...nikhil was talking about tanu...she really looks cute...Akash said she looks fatty...Nikhil said don't tease my darling...I like that yellow saree girl(rachu)...she looks pretty.Purab said she looks like kitty...Akash said she is not kitty...she is my pretty queen..purab said I like that red and green saree girl...pragya was wearing green saree girl...abi feel jealousy.abi said puru just love one girl...don't love two girl...purab said I never love them...I just give a compliment about them...both girls look pretty...Purab said to compare to green saree..that red saree is more pretty...abi think in his mind donkey doesn't know the smell of camphor.I like green saree..she is more pretty than others(background plays tu meri jaan hai)...after they dozed off slowly in their room..next day morning...they finished Alia marriage...now time for leave to their home...Pragya gang were booked train....they get straight 4 seats continuously..they got their train...suddenly train started to slowly move on...suddenly abi gang was running towards their train...they got their train...Pragya was talking with their gang...Pragya said girls I feel sleepy...don't disturb me...abi gang comes towards their seat...nikhil looks shocked...he murmured my fatty...Abi saw pragya...he feel very happy...Nikhil is sitting in front of tanu...akash is sitting in front of rachu..purab is sitting in front of bulbul. The hero is sitting in front of heroin..bulbul, Tanu,rachu look at eachother....they are talking with each other... Nikhil was trying to gather tanu attention towards him...Pragya was sleeping in bulbul shoulder...abi was ogling at her...abi think in his mind...she is also coming along with us..suddenly she heard loud noise..it disturbs Pragya sleep...she screamed y r u making a sound...it disturbs my sleep...all are looking at pragya...she opened her eyes...she was shocked...Abi was sitting in front of her...abi saw her...(background plays humsafar toh hai magar).. Pragya was scared...Pragya was blinking her eyes...abi chuckled..abi raised his right eyebrows.Pragya looks at her friends...tanu asked what happened pragu? R u k??...abi think in his mind...her name is pragu...nice name...Pragya said yeah and...I am k...Nikhil asked hello...if we disturb your sleep...pragya said no...nikhil said thank god...Nikhil introduced himself...I am Nikhil...Pragya said hello Nikhil I am pragya..tanu, bulbul,rachu look at them..abi look at her..thinks in his mind my Pragya.nikhil said u attended Alia marriage...Pragya nodded her head...Nikhil introduced his friends...Pragya introduced her friends...after they talked with eachother...whenever abi look at pragya...pragya looks down...Pragya was worried...he will scold her...pragya decide to ask sorry with him...suddenly Pragya phone rings.tanu asked who is that...pragya said maa..tanu gesture towards boys...don't talk...tanu put it phone on speaker...abi gang heard pragya maa voice...tanu said maa...sarala recognize her voice...said tanu beta how r u??tanu said maa we are fine...sarala asked r u enjoyed well your friend wedding..bulbul said maa it's really amazing...purvi said did u pick up any guys in that wedding...pragya look at boys...pragya said purvi...tanu said no purvi we are still searching for groom...don't worry...if we get😉😉 we will come along with groom...they talked with sarala...sarala is very friendly with nature ...abi,purab,akash, nikhil looks surprised...how they closed with eachother...purab said to abi...they are also like us..abi smiled said yeah...purvi said tanu di we saw groom for pragya di...abi looks shocked..he feel someone stabbed inside his heart...he look at pragya...pragya asked maa is it true?..sarala said yeah beta...tanu,rachu,bulbul asked about groom detail....sarala said his name is abishek...abi and his friends was shocked..tanu said pragya abishek...maa nice name...abi feel very happy..after he looks sad...bulbul asked maa he is in Facebook...sarala said his dadi speak with me..she like your friends...her zodiac is matched with his zodiac...I also checked with pandit ji..it's perfectly matched...Pragya looks on..Tanu said maa she agrees with this marriage..maa just send groom photo...pragya look at tanu..tanu gesture her...purvi said di jiju looks too handsome...if u reject him...I will marry him...Purab, Akash, Nikhil,abi smiled..bulbul said purvi darling send immediately his photo...purab think in his mind...dadi told about this pragya...else some other pragya..purvi said di...I will send you soon...now network problem..tanu said we are waiting to see that handsome...we will decide who is best to our pragu...after they hang off their calls...Nikhil asked then u will go to marry soon...Pragya smiled..Purab asked did u ready to arrange marriage...Pragya said no I want to speak with him...after only I can decide it....abi asked your mom told your kundali matched with him..pragya was scared..but she replied so what..kundali can't decide that person character...if I like his character only...I can marry him...Nikhil asked what type of guy if u expected..Pragya said I never expected anything from him..but he thinks my family as his family..he should understand my feelings.I want a good character person.I never want a handsome guy...I give importance to character...because his character is good...he is also good look in my pov...abi was impressed by pragya words..nikhil said well..he is very lucky to have you in his life...tanu said yeah you are right..she is pure pearl...pragya said stop praising me baby..abi think in his mind...yeah she is not pearl...she is pure gem..after they have their dinner with together..they talk with eachother...pragya never speak more..whenever abi look at her...she looks shy...they goes towards their seat...pragya is sleeping in middle birth..tanu is upper birth..bulbul is lower birth...akash is sleeping in lower birth ...rachu is upper birth...pragya never look at abi face...she was thinking to say sorry to abi...suddenly she turned..abi was turned his direction...pragya feel disappointed..again pragya turned...after they dozed off slowly in their seat....suddenly train crossed in river track...time is 2am...suddenly pragya opened her eyes...she saw abi...he was sleeping like sweet kid...pragya smiled..she closed her eyes..after abi opened his eyes...he smiled..after he slept...nextday morning.all wake-up...they finished their breakfast...they reached their destination... the train was slowly moving towards station...all get up from their place...Pragya is thinking to ask sorry to him..she feels shy..after they reached their station...Pragya goes towards door..suddenly Pragya stopped...she looks at abi..abi goes towards the door...Pragya turned...suddenly abi stopped look at her...pragya reached nearby door...after both get down from the train...Nikhil gives his card to pragya...if u need any help...just call us...Pragya said sure..she gives her card to Nikhil..after they go towards their home...Pragya look at abi...abi look at her...pragya looks sad...they leave from there...abi steals that card from Nikhil pocket ...they reached their home.dadi shows the bride photo to abi...abi said no dadi I never want marriage.dadi looks upset...purab console him..they decide to meet bride family...Tanu look at the groom's photo..she looks shocked... Purab consoles abi..after they decide to meet bride family.Tanu,rachu, bulbul are busy with their work...suddenly Sarala told the groom family come to see her on tomorrow...pragya never see his photo. The next day morning...Tanu,rachu, bulbul reached their home... Pragya asked what happened tanu..bulbul,rachu look at groom photo...they looks shocked..Pragya asked y girls..y r u looks shocked..she take the photo from bulbul hand...Pragya said Abhishek...tanu said he is nice guy pragu..bulbul said yeah he is very handsome.. suddenly purvi said di..groom family came...Pragya looks mixed expressions...dadi said to see your bride abi...pragya come towards hall...Nikhil, Akash, Purab looks shocked...Purab said pragya...immediately abi look at her....he feels very happy...he never expect that Abhishek is him only..pragya look at him...abi said dadi I want to speak with her...sarala said k beta no problem.... pragya cursed herself...today I caught...pragya goes towards her room...pragya looks shy..abi said Plze be seat...pragya was sitting in her bed..abi asked ur mom talked about me only..pragya look at him...pragya said suniyil I am sorry ...abi asked for what...Pragya said that day...she told about that incident...abi laughed..said no problem Pragya.I never think u as bad...actually I forget about that incident..no needed sorry...pragya asked really..abi nodded her head..pragya feel very happy..pragya said I was scared...u would scold me...abi said y should I scold you...pragya smiled...abi asked now say r u ready to marry me...pragya said k suniyil I have no problem to marry you...abi was very happy...abi asked now u decide about my character...pragya said still I don't know anything about you...but I trust you whole hearted...abi smiled..he hugged her...pragya was shocked...abi said sorry..pragya said it's k...after they told their decision to their family...few days after...they finished all ceremony engagement, sangeet,mehendi function....finally wedding day arrived..abi filled pragya forehead in kumkum...he tied mangal sutharam around her neck(background plays mangalayam song)...pragya leave from her home to abi home...but she never cried...because she trusted abi...she thought he will never hurt her..pragya entered to abi home...she finished all marriage rituals...they arranged 1st night for them...pragya looks very nervous...abi was waiting for pragya arrival..finally pragya entered to their room..pragya closed their room...pragya was sitting near by abi..abi touched pragya hand.(background plays aye udi udi udi song).Pragya feels shy...abi asked r u ready...Pragya blushed...abi cupped Pragya face...he kissed all over her face...Pragya clutched Abi shirt...abi removed all her jewelry...abi kissed Pragya bare skin...after he removed her attire...Pragya was totally surrendered with abi....abigya are consummated together..few days after...Pragya feels vomiting sense. The doctor confirmed it...Pragya was pregnant...whole family looks very happy...abi hugged pragya...he kissed all over her face said I love you pragu...I am waiting for our new baby..now pragya is 6 month pregnant...rabul,akchu,takhil are married with eachother..abi was caring pragya like a kid..pragya loves his care and his love for her...pragya kissed abi...abi look at her..pragya said suniyil...abi said bolo pragu..pragya said I can't exist without you...abi looks on...pragya hugged him very tightly...pragya screamed haaa..abi was panicked r u k pragu...pragya said our baby is kicked me...abi kissed pragya stomatch...abi said baby don't punish your maa..we are waiting for your arrival...pragya smiled...she kissed abi cheeks...abi smiled...now madam is in romantic mood...pragya blushed...abi said pragu I can't control myself..plze pragu...don't blush infront of me..pragya smiled..few month after..pragya get labour pain...abi admitted her in hospital...he was worried about her..all consoles abi...suddenly all heard baby sound..all feel very happy...doctor said congrats abi...u got baby boy...all feel very happy...all goes towards their room...all feel very happy...abi kissed pragya forehead...dadi looks very happy...few days after...pragya discharged from hospital...abi cared her and his baby...few month later...they arranged name ceremony function...abi keep baby name as prabish...all finished babyname ceremony rituals..finally they took family picture...all smiled..

**********THE END**********

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