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Shivay calls Anika from his room...Anika gets scared she hurriedly walks to the room....

Anika- Yes,  Shivay...Do you need anything?

Shivay- What do you mean by Do you need anything?...look at this shirt why isnt  it ironed properly...Do you want me to be late today for the meeting? And lose the deal?

Anika- No Shivay its nothing like that I just...

Shivay- Stop arguing with me and just go and do this...and look why arent my shoes polished? Leave it I will do myself complete useless....

Pinky- Shivay? How can you talk to your wife like that?

Shivay- Mom plz...I know how to deal with low standard middle class people...

Anika- Shivay plz calm down!

Shivay- how can I be calm till you are there in my life...Just go and do what I said...thats my order...

Anika left with tears in her eyes...this happend not only once...but it was his everyday routine...he taunted Anika...made her work day and night like his servant and Anika...she listens to him what he says...and with all love she does it happily what he orders her to do...as she believes his hatred can  be turned into love.... with love...

Shivay hated Anika as she was middle class and he always believed in line age and high class...he was married to Anika only because of his mother as she liked Anika alot for her Anika is an Ideal bahu..... but Shivay being Shivay will never accepted her as his wife...

Everyone even Pinky askedd Anika to leave him...divorce him as he behaved as a mosnter towards her....but Anika whi has her heart filled with love for Shivay...She beleives that one day Shivay will accept her as his...She believed that one day this monster will turn into a loving caring human and more than that a husband....She will be his Anika one day....His life will revovle around her...Always he would think about her...She strongly beleived that one He will introduce her to the world as ANIKA SHIVAY SINGH OBEROI....

Anika- Come Shivay dnr is ready...

Shivay- you dont need to order me...

Anika serves him...and as he takes a bite in his mouth...he spits it out shocking Anika..She manages to ask...

Anika- Shivay is everything allright...

Shivay looked at her angrily...

Shivay- Dont you dare make food again...you will kill me one day...Why have you come into my life? I was happy alone....

Each time Shivay talks to Anika rudely...her heart breaks into millions of pieces...his harsh rude words pierce her heart out....Anika sat down crying....Shivay goes into his room and shuts the door in anger....In his room...

Shivay- Why does it affect me when I see tears in her eyes? Why does my heart cries when I see her in pain? Why do I feel bad when I see her eyes pleading me to have mercy on her? Why does it hurt me when I see her struggling to make everything alryt?....Why does she affect me? No I am Shivay Singh Oberoi and I cant melt for a girl...atleast not for that low standard middle class girl...She means nothing to me yes nothing....I cant even dream of living with her....No....I will have to hate her so that she might leave me and go to someone else who will keep her happy...who will love her truly...I cant accept that I love her...Never....She deserves much more better person than me....Yeah!  And I promise you Anika...I will taunt you unless you leave me and leave the house....Because I love you....but I cant live with you....As its against my principles and my rules...Shivay Singh Oberoi will never go against his rules...

On the other side Anika is crying as hell...She is not able to control her pain...Pinky sitting beside her is consoling her...

Anika- When ever I try to do something special for him he does something that breaks my heart....his each word pierces my heart...Its been 5 yrs since we got married then why does he still hate me? Was it my fault if I was born in a middle class family...is it my fault if I have no identity...When I was born I had no identity...and today I am Shivay Singh Oberois wife and still have no identity...I just want to make my place in his heart mom...but he hates me to the core...

Pinky- Everything will be alryt....He will learn to love you...and you will teach him to love unconditionally...I know that....

Anika- When mom when? I dont have much time left....The more I try the more I fail..and that breaks my heart even more...he just wants me to get out of his life....But he doesnt know I take each and every breath to see him in front of me And if I dont see him I will stop breathing...I will die.... I cant live without him...I want to live this time with him...watching him...so that it wont hurt me when I leave him....

Pinky- Trust me Anika...that day will surely come...Now you should not think much...as its too late just go and sleep dear.....

Anika goes to her room and sees Shivay is already asleep....She goes to the pool side and sleep there...it was her place...Shivay never allowed to sleep in his room...he made a special corner near the pool to sleep....Poor Anika never complained about the place....During Summer that area was to be the hottest corner and during winter she felt as if she was sleeping in Antartica....

Anika still loved it as her husband said her...Next morning Anika as usual Anika wakes up earlt and make breakfast for Shivay....but Shivay doesnt eat anything which was made of Her hand...instead he orderd from outside....And called his friends to join him at his house...

Anika served them and when she was asked who she is...Shivat didnt give importance to her...Which broke her more... when he was questioned about his wife..he lied to them that she was gone to her parents house...later when they left Anika went and asked him...

Anika- Why didnt you tell them that I am your wife?.

Shivay- because you are not...

This shatterd Anika...For him she was nothing....but a joke....

Anika- Are you ashamed of me?

Shivay- Yes I am...Shivay Singh Oberoi ki shadi ek anpad jahil gawaar se hui hai...yes I am ashamed of you...alot....

Days passed by Shivay hoped one day Anika will leave him and go...he taunted her for everything...her dressing sense...her cooking...she being middle class... Everything and everyday....Anika silently listened to him never questioned him....While Shivay waited for the Anika to leave him and be happy with someone who loves her....

And the day arrived when Anika left him....

It was morning he called out Anika Anika...but she didnt come...He searched for his mom too but didnt find anyone in the mansion... she wasnt to be seen anywhere...He went to her cupboard and opened it he saw everything on its place ger clothes...that means she was there but where? He became crazy by now...searching for her here and there..he again came back to the cupboard so that he might get some clue..and this time he saw was a file...City hospital...what he saw was the horrific shock of his life...he felt as if he has lost his land beneath his feet...

Shivay- Annn.....iii.......kkk...aaaa B..rai...n  t....um....o...r.  La...st....stage....

He ran to the hospital to find she must be there....but....but.....he was late...very late... When he reached the hospital what he saw was her body lieing on the stretcher lifeless in front of him....Her face became pale....She was no more pink as she used to be as all the blood that used to circulate in her body....is no more...Doctors ttried to bring her back....it was of no use....As  he wanted he went too far from him....Forever.....Pinky beside her crying...He lost her...

Pinky came to him and slapped him hard on his face...Pinky knew about her  condition and supported her as a mother...

Pinky- now happy you are? She left you forever....now she wont be there to trouble you....All she wanted was a bit of your love so that while dieing she could have that happiness in her eyes that someone is her in this world who will remember her...love her....She is gone...and you know what? Before going she had tears in her eyes...she said that she was not able to be a good wife and ask me to tell you to forgive her....for the pain you sufferd due to her...but your pain is nothing in front of her pain...its nothing...look at her....the way she is lieing there...she wanted to see you last time.. But she couldnt.....

Pinky collapsed on the floor crying ...Shivay is completely in shock to see her condition...he goes to her and asks her to wake up...

Shivay- Wake up Anika....wakeup....You cant leave me like this...wake up...Why have you done to me this? You have to answer me wake up.....

No use...no respond....

Just then nurse came and gave him a note and said that was left by Anika...

It read---
Dear Shivay...

I know I am not a person who belongs to your class...I am just a middle class girl...but this middle class girl had always loved you...even you hated me but I had that faith that I will make you fall in love...But before that my life has come to its end....I wished Shivay You would be here and give me strength....but you never stood up for me...I know you will get this note when I will be gone...I had promised Mom that I will make you fall in love...I will teach you how to love...but....destiny had planned its own game.....Shivay you were always scared to love someone because you beleived that the loved once will leave you when you need them...But thats not true...I wanted to prove that love can change anything..love is the thing that happens to less ppl....and if they value it at the right time...then they are lucky...I am not one of them...The person whom I loved more than my life...always hated me to the core...I know I talk too much and I must be making you bore with my talks.... but before going let me tell you...You are free now Shivay...completely from from Anika...Forever...Now I will never trouble you again....


He caressed her name written on the paper...He valued her each word now...He started loving her never like before...but this wont bring her back..Now his life is nothing just a regret...he regretted for his each and every behaviour towards anika..he regretted for each tear she had shed due to him...he regretted for the pain he had given her...he regretted for ignoring her..he regretted for not holding close to him when she was scared to die....he regretted for not spending time with her..... He regretted for not keeping her happy during the last days of her life... he regretted for losing her..FOREVER And now when he lost her forever...he felt each and every pain she had gone through....He remembered her wherever he went...Everything in the house reminded him of her...Her cupboard,her clothes, He just breaks down there and cries whole heartedly his tears were full of hatred towards himself....Love for his Anika....Guilt of his mistakes....Regret of losing her.... he missed his Anika....He never hated himself this much as much he is hating on losing her...Now he realised his love for her also realised that he cant live without her.....But when she was with him.. he never wanted to live with her....He has lost everything...his love, his life, he has himself lost somewhere in the world of regret...Now all he could do is to regret.......

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This was my first OS....so plz tell me how was it😘😘😘


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