💫|The Truth

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Hi everyone!
I hope you all are liking the story...

PrecaP:- Nikhil comes to know the truth about Mansi.... Raglak and Swasan united. Laksh in grave danger. Mishka in Baari!

Happy Monday ❤️

Enjoy reading 💛

"Oh Shit!!"

"What happened Nikhil?"

"Ragini his life is in danger...! That Mansii....She is a bitch....Oh God..Now I can't even explain you!!! The time is short. Let's do one thing, Swara, Mishka is in my room....You stay with her and Sanskaar, Ragini you come with me!!"

"Laksh's life is in danger!!!? And Mishka is in the Baari? What is going on Nikhil?"

"Swara, there isn't a second we should waste. Please go with Mishka!"

"OK fine! Sanskaar Ragini, you both go!"

"Yes! Come Ragini. Nikhil you have the car keys?"


And Swara goes to Mishka while Sanskaar starts driving.

"Nikhil, we want to know everything."

"Sanskaar, its Mansi and her some dog boyfriend who killed Abhimanyu and cleverly framed Laksh into this."

"How do you know about this Nikhil?"

"Ragini...Look I am really sorry but I was also a pawn of the plan. I was very cleverly taken into the plan but they backstabbed me!"

"Stop the car Sanskaar! We ain't trusting this man!"

"No no please! Listen to me once....Just give me a chance! I am regretting my mistakes...! Please Ragini! Sanskaar trust me!"


"But Sans-----"

"Trust me Ragini..!"


"I and Mansi met in college and I fell in love with her. She too confessed her feelings for me. But after college she got married to someone and our story ended. I loved her truly so couldn't forget her. Two years after our separation, one day she called me and said that her husband died in a road accident and she is all alone. My suppressed feelings for her came out once again. She went to take the property over but the officials declined as Abhimanyu hadn't made any wish regarding this. So I thought to help her, we planned that we will trap a person who can play as Abhimanyu and can sign the papers. I was informed for the plan till this only. But when I saw you and Laksh, I felt really bad and thought to go and convinced to leave Laksh as soon as possible but there came a new entry. All the while I was fooled and the real motto of this was really different. She conned me for about 5 years...." And he explains everything.

"But why she wants to kill Laksh??"

"She had made papers regarding Life Insurance of Abhimanyu Khanna...And as she has proved him to be AK so after his death she'll get 4 crores +his property of 3 crores."

"What about you?"

"I am the biggest proof that Laksh isn't AK so....!"

"Hmmmmmmmm! Devilious Bitch!"

"What do you think? Where are they?"

"Sanskaar, we should first check AK house and will ask the guard!"


"Nikhil, Sanskaar! Wait....! Stop the car Sanskaar!!"

"But what I did now?"

"Shut up Nikhil!"

He pouts.

"Listen, we are three so we should get divided. Nikhil, you get down and go to the police, take Laksh's number and get it tracked down then come to the place with them. Till then I and Sanskaar will go to MM. If they are still there, then it's fine we will figure out something but if they aren't then I'll try to figure out some proofs and Sanskaar------"

"One second! They might have got a change cuz Mishka didn't go home yesterday and was with Nikhil! They must have enquired it from the school!"

"You don't worry about that...I very cleverly took Mishka with me...Without informing the school!"

"Okk! Ragini did you call Laksh!?"

"No!!! Oh shit!!!!!!"

"Try fast!!"

She takes Sanskaar's phone and dials Laksh's number but it goes out of coverage area. She tries again but no response. She gets panic and last time calls him but no response..

Just then Nikhil's phone rings:-
It shows Mansi. Sanskaar asks him to pick the call. He picks...


(Hi Nikhil..)


(You took Mishka from school...Why?)

Trio are shocked...

(How do you know?)

(She didn't return home and I got really stressed. So, went to school and checked the cameras where you came to pick her.)

(Ohh! I am sorry Mansi I forgot to tell you! Actually she called me from the school's number to pick her...so I thought you must be knowing about it. I am sorry!)

(No no it's fine. Accha could you please drop her home and we could spend some time too!)


(OK I'll call you! Bye.)


And he cuts the call and was about to throw his phone out when stopped him.

"Control your anger! We can understand..."

He nodded and went to the police station from where Sanskar and Ragini drove off to AK home where Laksh just entered and saw Mansi fakely tearing.

"What happened?"

"Where were you last night?!!!!"

Laksh didn't want to tell her the truth. Also, Hopefully if he would have told her then she wouldn' t carry out the plan right now and everything would have got fussed..! Swaragsan would have doubted Nikhil and everything could have got even worse than worst.
He thought to lie.

"I was with Rajan last night. We were working on the latest project.. Sorry! Forgot to inform you !"

"That's fine!"

"Why are you crying?"

"Abhi Mishka hasn't returned from school since yesterday! I searched for her everywhere but she is not there!!"

"What?!!!!! And you are telling me this now! Come let's go and find her."

Suddenly Mansi's phone rings. She checks on the caller's name.
'Angad Calling.....'

At once she picks up the call. Laksh looks towards her strangely. She goes aside to attend the call.

(Everything is done. Bring on Nikhil and Laksh with an excuse here!)

( You don't worry, I have got an apt excuse. Bringing them.)


And she cuts the call. Goes back to Laksh and says:-

"My friend found Mishka and is waiting for me there. "

"Wow! Great....Let's go!"

She smirks. They sit in the car and go. On the way Mansi calls Nikhil and asks him to bring Mishka to the certain place. Nikhil who was in police station got with police to the place and informed Sanskaar and Ragini who were already following their car as they saw them. Laksh's Phone was switched off...

Swara was in Misha's room only and was trying her best to take some information from her. Mishka told her that she knows everything and told what Nikhil told her. Swara looked on.

" I know, he isn't my Dad! Nikhil uncle told me everything."

"And you accepted it? What if he was lying!"

"I trust him blindly. He's always been my side and loves me a lot. So no doubts."

"Thank you Mishka...You are really a smart girl."

"Can I ask you something?"
"Ya ask!"

"Where will I go after all this?"

Swara was without any answer on this question. She could now only say onething:-

"Don't worry baby, everything will be alright..! You don't take tension about all this ❤️."

But she herself didn't know what will they do!

Here, Laksh and Mansi reached a secluded place where Laksh was feeling strange.

"Mansi where are we? This area is not the place where we should be!"

"We are at the right place!"


"Shutup! I said Na we are at the right place.....!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

She simply ignores.

At RagSan..

"Sanskaar, where they went?" Asks Ragini extremely panicked.

"Calm down...I know the exact location as Nikhil told so we are taking the shortcut!"

"Ok! And when will he reach there?"

"They have started...."

"Hmmmm!" Now she was a lil relieved but tension wasn't leaving her.

Mansi calls Angad.

(Where are you? I am here with Laksh, Nikhil and Mishti are on the way.)

(Just wait there. I am just reaching. With the goons.)

(How many are there?)

(Two with guns.)

(Okay! Come fast. He is getting dubious.)


And she ends the call while Laksh was looking around. She sees him and smirks...

"You die in suspense!"

Screen freeZes on her evil smirk.
And then it splits into four parts:-
Ragsan on the way , Nikhil with the police , Laksh's dubious face and Swara's hopefullness.

So Guyz how was it??

Don't forget to vote and do comment down.

Okay, now I have a poll game for you. You-all have to chose one out of the option and tell which one is your fav?

1. Thriller

A) I knew it
B) I can't live without you

2. Short Story

A) Business Partners?
B) I hate Love stories

3. Raglak Serial Track - I

A) Aashiqui
B) Role Reversal

4. Raglak Serial Track 2

A) Why Are you so cute!?
B) Kiski Khata? OS BOOK

So do let me know...!

Till then,

Take care
Love Love ❤️

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