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Hey Guys....,
Welcome back....

Thank you for all the support you people have shown to the story till here.

"Thank you uncle for letting me and Mishka live here for two days. Our flight is tomorrow morning and I will return back to USA with my daughter."
Nikhil expresses his grattitude towards the Maheshwari family.

"No problem Nikhil, you helped us to bring the son of the house back and we are thankful to you for that."
Says Dp. Nikhil smiles.

All were happy and were in their own tune. Soon the lunch got over and being it a Sunday all were at home that day.

In Raglak Room..

Laksh was sitting on the couch reading some business magazine when Ragini enters the room after spending time with the ladies.. Laksh looks at her and then says...



"I am hungry!!!"

"What!!??!! We just had lunch and Chachi made you eat 3 heavily stuffed paranthas!!! Still?? You have turned to a monster!!"
She says amazed while he chuckles.

"I dont know anything but am hungry."

"Tch...What do you want to eat?"
She asks irritated.

He replies.

She looks at him wide eyed.

"I want to eat you!!"
He says coming to her and resting his arms around her shoulders.

"Cheeee yaaar!! Sooo cheesy Laksh! Eeeww!! What has happened to you? You were so better before."
She says jerking off his hands.

This time his eyes come out of the socket.

"Ayeeee...who are you? Where is Ragini? Tell the truth!!"
He says.

"Laksh Shut up!!!"
She says rolling her eyes.

"You have changed a lot Ragini. You used to shy whenever I tried flirting with you but now you are saying that am being cheesy!!"
He says pouting.

"Exactly you used to flirt with me. But now you are hitting typical cliche punchlines which are hard to digest!! God knows what happened to your sense of romance!!"
She says shrugging her shoulders while he narrows his eyes at her.
And then he nods dramatically to her and says...

"You know what...Maybe you are right...Actually its been time yaar practicing flirting. I didnt flirt for 6 freaking months. Afterallll........"
He says and again wraps his arms around her waist this time and continues...

She asks curiously.

"Afterall there wasnt any beautiful, attractive and splendid woman around me. So my flirting bee died. But seeing the woman infront of me today after sooo long, it got revived!!"
Whispers Laksh in her ears huskily and now she blushes hard. Her cheeks turn red. And she pushes him to go inorder to hide her shyness.

But he stops her and back hugs her.
He says..

"Was it good?"

She nods smiling maniacly. He chuckles.

It was night and Ragini,Swara,Laksh and Sanskaar were sitting in Raglak's room gossiping.

"Stop it both of you now;!! Our ears are bleeding!! Sanskaar, bro do me a favour, take your wife from here or both won't stop chattering until tomorrow!! "
Groans Laksh.

"You are right Lucky!! And am taking her away!! "
Sanskaar gets up at once and pulls Swara with him immediately making both Ragini and Swara shocked.

"What the hell!!? "
Both exclaim.

"Shutup! "
Says Sanskaar as both of them leave.

Laksh glares Ragini while she smiles sheepishly.

"I never knew you talked this much and that too nonsense! "
He says rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me!! Have you ever seen yourself talking!??? You just talk, talk and talk!!! So stop judging me!! "
She too rolls her eyes.

He again rolls his eyes and then both shoo their faces away from each other ignoring one another and lay down on the bed facing their backs.

Soon, all in the mansion sleep....

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

With each passing second...
The Maheshwaris were nearing a danger.

And it became real, when the guard of the house was shot dead with a gun fitted with silencer.

We see many men armed with guns enter into Maheshwari Mansion in the dark.

After a few minutes, when all the men were inside, someone takes a vase kept on the side table and throws it down with full force inorder to make a large sound.

The vase broke into pieces making Ragini and Laksh jerk out from their sleep. They look at each other questioning of the sound.

"What was that?"
Says Ragini looking towards their room's door.

"Should we check?"
Laksh asks.

Says Ragini getting up from the bed and Laksh removing the blanket from him sighing. Both go towards the coridoor to see Swara and Sanskaar already there.

"Hmm..Did you get to know what was that?"
Asks Ragini.

"Naa...The sound was a strange one. It was very sharp."
Replies Sanskaar.

"Lets go down then."
Says Laksh.

Other three nod and they start moving down.

While other family members also join them as they start climbing down the stairs.

"Laksh....turn the light on!"
Annapoorna says and only at that instant the lights turn on. It was too bright that all closed their eyes.

Gradually adapting to the light all look at the scene infront of them to get the biggest shock of their lives.

Several masked men in black uniform were present in the hall surrounding the family from all the sides pointing their guns at them while in between them stood Angad and Mansi smirking.

"So...won't you welcome us?"
Says Mansi smirking. While Angad laughed. Then looking at Mishka, he says..

"Cmon Baby....arent you happy seeing your mom?"
He says going to her.

Mishka scares and she immediately hides behind Nikhil. Angad's eyes blackens. He gets a dark smirk over his face.

"Seems you bonded well with your Nikhil Uncle in a short time. That's great!"

Mansi immediately tried to change the topic.

" So...Mr. Laksh, you didnt let our plan succeed and we had to face a lot. But, I never give up...therefore, your family will compensate our money. "
Mansi says crossing her arms around her chest.

"I'll call the police!!"
Ramprasad says trying to take over the telephone but finds the line cut.

Angad and Mansi laugh.

"You think of us as fools? All the lines of telephones are cut. You all have no way out other than heading to us. "
Says Angad.

All look horrified at them.

"But you both were in jail? "
Questions Ragini.

"Hahaha... Long story Ragini.. ! "
Mansi says.

She then signals her men something and they nod. They immediately take Mishka away from the family while she whines.

"Aaahhhh!! "
Mishka cries.

"Mishkkkaaaa!!!! "
The family shreikhs. And Nikhil on the top.

"Leave her Mansi!! "
Nikhil shouts on her.

"Calm down bro!! We surely will. But before that you have to do one thing for us or you'll will lose her. "
Says Angad pointing gun on Mishka's head.

"Noooo!! Don't do anything to her!! "
He pleads.

"Good then.... Now you all will do we say. "
Mansi says. All look silently in order to listen the task.

"You have to rob a bank for us!! "
Declares Mansi while the family gets hell shocked.

"Whatt!!!! No!! "
Exclaims Sanskaar.

"We ain't doing anything like thaatt!!"
Laksh states.

"Alright then.. "
Angad yet again points his gun on Mishka.

"No please stop! Just stop! "
Ragini shrills showing her palm to them.

"Just give us sometime. "
Swara says.

"Alright then, you all have 3 hours for the decision. It's 4:30 am right now. Bank opens at 9...Cmon speed up. Hey you! Take them to the room and lock them. "
Says Mansi.

"You too accompany them Mansi. "
Says Angad. She nods and then goes.

The entire family is taken into Ap and Dp's room and is locked up there.

'"This is highly dangerous... We ain't doing the robbery. "
States Laksh.

"But we don't have any other option. "
Ragini says.

"There is a way. What if I escape through the window and call the police? "
Laksh suggessts. All look hopefully towards the plan. He movess to the window and as soon as he opens it, a bullet is fired.

Laksh stumbles of the noise.

All come to him.

"Are you fine!?? "
Ragini exclaims in concern.

"Yes he is fine. But next time you try to do something like that, the bullet will go through your head!! Understood?! ? "
The armed man says and closes the window.

Mansi opens the door and says...

"It would be better if you guys don't show over smartness!! The time is running guys., Speeden up!!"
And she again locks the door.

After a big discussion, it was decided that Sanskaar and Swara would go for the robbery Ragini and Laksh would stay at home and will try to figure out something.

While exiting the room, Laksh's eyes fell on sleeping pills and he took them with him hidingly.

In the hall,

"Take these trackers with you. We will be able to listen and track down you both. And if you tried to do any of the oversmartness, remember your family is at stake!! "
Warned Angad.

"Are you sure Swara? "
Asks Ragini.

She nods.

"Take care. "
Ragini bids her and Sanskaar.

"You too! "
And both of them go.

The family prays to get over the problem.

Screen freezes.


How was it??

I hope you all liked the update. 😄

Next part will be soon.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Till then,
Bye 😘
Take care😍
Love love😊

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