16 Relationship

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I felt uncomfortable a bit because Quackity is in beside me in the sofa eating some slace of cake, and people is around us.

"Hey y/n"his tone was serious his eyes is only his mom on the kitchen helping my mom for foods.

I glare at him "what is it?"I raised my other eyebrow then he moves his head into me.

"I was on the thoughts all day since the day you confessed, probably this is the right time I...found the real answer"he picks his spoon then took a slice of the cake then eats it, I don't want to hear his answer that would be a Rejection, I was about to stand when Quackity holds my waist then pulled me back on my sits "hey what are you doing–" he holds my waist so hard but a bit so it can't hurt me "I loved you too"my eyeshadow widened then I inhale then looks around me.

I can't look at his eyes "wait this is so fast–" he cutted me off "I love you too y/n this is the way you said to me so fast so I wanted to hear your answer,
could you...be my girlfriend"he looks at me straight in the eyes.

we stared together in seconds until my mom and his mom appeared.

"hey sweeties what you two staring at each other? don't tell me–"I stand on my sit then holds quackity arm he looks surprised of what I did
I pulling him to stand then he does it.

"I'll talk to Alex a bit"i pulled him till we goes outside.

"Alex what are you saying right now? are you serious-"

he cutted me off with his hard sigh then he looks at me "I was faking serious"he cursed.

"I loved you y/n I give a thought about what's the truth on the my feelings, that day I was shock I don't know what would I do, I was fck up that day"he was moving his hands like he didn't know where he'll be put his hands.

he was shaking, I was speechless for now I'll think about it "Would you be my novia y/n?"he ask again now I looks at his eyes slowly his eyes looks sincere till I felt the tears around my cheeks "hey are you alright why are you crying?"he holds my face

"I...love you too alex"

"is that a yes?"


he pulled me against him then hugged me.

[3rd person pov]

Everyone in the house is on party until y/n and Quackity entered inside the house.

Y/n and Quackity looks at each other

"oh y/n and Alex you two are back oh– what are you two doing?"Alex mom asked.

"Oh mom it's nothing we are talking about something lol!"Alex lied

the two of you act that laughing at each other because his mom suddenly appeared.

"oh bien! (alright) anyway let's go we'll going to celebrate now!" his mom walks away to the both of you.

you and him look at each other again "are we going to keep it secret?"you ask he nodded "right now we must not tell this to anyone except to our friend"he says, you nodded "yeah I prefer not to tell right now to mom probably she'll tease us"Quackity agreed "yeah same to mom we'll tell it soon if the right time comes.

Y/n Pov

The birthday of your mom has ended
last week, and we and Alex stayed to my mom house.

"Good bye my daughter and to you Alex! and to you mi amiga Take care the three of you!"mom says to us

me and Alex entered inside her mom car.

and I took a goodbye to my mom.

"y/n be careful in your flights!"his mom said and Quackity smiled at me in secret 'I'll miss you and take care I love you' he whispered that wouldn't make his mom know

me and them is in different flights.

so we're apart.

we goodbye to each other.

"What?! Quackity is your boyfriend?! is that true are you not kidding?!" Dave yelled that would make my neighbor hear "did you hear it George?! they're in relationship now!"Dave yelled to his phone

George is on call right now listening to us "Oh my god! Quackity didn't tell me that!" I heard george voice

"keep this secret guys"i said Dave rolled his eyes while George "Ye I'll keep it secret,it was Quackity life not mine also!, and Quackity is famous it would make mess up to anyone..anyways congrats to the two of you"dave agreed "yeah girl congrats!"

"but I'll tell you this do you and Quackity agreed that would be a Long distance relationship is that alright?"George ask "yeah we talked about it..that would be fine"

George claps his hands on the call "Good! Take care of anything y/n I'll support the two of you!"

"you and his parent knows your relationship?"Dave ask again

I rolled my eyes "probably soon our mom is such naughty so we keep it secret for now"i said.

Dave put his phone on his ear he raised his eyebrows then he looks at his phone again.

"he end his call"dave said
and i just shrugged then Dave gets up on my bedside then he walks across the window.
"again girl i'll congratulate you and always be careful alright"he turned around me then he state near me then he hugged me.

"anyways we have school you must not forget that"he said my eyes widened"oh my-dave! you did not say that earlier im not dressed up!"i stand then Dave raised his two arm like he was surrending himself "sorry girl because you suddenly appeared that you and alex are now together!"

i raised my voice at him "however!you still not told me about it!"

We are now here... back to school.

"look who's here again the dynamic yt duo"Ziah appeared she was chewing a gum and her face full of make up.

and also there's a lot of guy behind her probably They're flirting about trash.

"Ziah you know you ruined our day"dave says suddenly ziah rolled her eyes "anyways y/n you're ugly"then she leaves.

Dave was about to attack her but i stopped him"y/n she says-"

"don't pick a fight with her she's nothing but a... you know"we laugh together.

"atleast you have a perfect boyfriend~"

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