Unspoken Feelings

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I'm hearing all the alarms ring-a-ling

They go off every time that we're face-to-face

Why is it so hard to resist?

Temptation sweet as honey, I know it's too late


The rehearsal stadium buzzed with energy as the members of Twice, along with their staff, prepared for their upcoming concert.

Mina sat in front of the mirror, adjusting her hair while stealing glances at Nayeon, who was chatting animatedly with Sana and Momo.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as she caught Nayeon's gaze. It seemed like every time they were face to face, her feelings for Nayeon intensified, setting off a whirlwind of emotions she struggled to contain

"I'm hearing all the alarms ring-a-ling," Mina mused to herself, the lyrics of their latest hit song, I Can't Stop Me, playing in her mind.

But that gaze was quickly interrupted.

"Hey! What are you looking at?"  Jeongyeon smacked Nayeon's shoulder and jokingly followed Nayeon's eyes to see where the older girl was looking.

"You little ... What?" Nayeon was startled by the sudden approach, which made her jump a little. But soon, she regained her composure and asked the culprit impatiently

"I'm asking where are you looking at unnie?" Jeongyeon raised her eyes brown playfully

She knew what the older looking at, but still wanted to tease her.

"N...nowhere! J - just zoning out!" Nayeon's stumbled on her words

"Really?" Jeongyeon holds her chin while scanning the frightened rabbit in front of her

In response, Nayeon gave her a 'Don't-you-dare-to-not-believe-what-I-said' eye

Jeongyeon smirked. She gets closer to Nayeon and whispers

"Mina is such a beautiful angel right? I know you like her..."


Nayeon's heart shook as she heard what Jeongyeon said. All she wishes to do at that moment is to stick something inside Jeongyeon's mouth

Seeing the older face getting paler and paler. Jeongyeon felt contented with the joke. She continued: "I know you like her...because... we all like her too! Who can resist such a beautiful angel? :)))"

After Jeongyeon finished her sentence, Nayeon felt like she had just gone through a rollercoaster. But to Nayeon's relief, Jeongyeon's next words really made her want to click that unfriend button on the kakaotalk app and kick the girl's ass out of the room.

"Heh, the hot and beautiful angel sitting near the mirror! Are you ready for rehearsal today?"

Jeongyeon's loud voice grabbed everyone's attention including the girl who was observing their conversation from the beginning.

"Yes! Ready!" Mina replied softly with her signature smile

Even though Mina observed for a while, she was also startled by Jeongyeon's sudden question.

"Okay! Okay! My princess is ready! Let's begin the rehearsal!" Jeongyeon said while looking at Nayeon

Everyone was confused at first, but soon picked up Jeongyeon's joke and played along with it. Some know what's going on like the two bestfriends Momo and Jihyo, but some are still unsure of their guesses. 

The dressing room was filled with excitement and anticipation once again


During the sound check, as usual, Mina and Chaeyoung are sticking together. Part of it was what their fans wanted to see, but the biggest reason was that Chaeyoung had promised to stay by Mina's side to support the girl after her hiatus due to anxiety.

Nayeon knew it because their group had talked about it. They will take turns taking care of Mina and will not let her be alone. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing every time she watched Mina interact with Chaeyoung.

Their closeness always seemed to ignite a spark of jealousy within her, even though she tried her best to hide it. Her eyes and body always have their own consciousness, in just a few seconds of not seeing Mina, they will find their way to land on the younger girl.

Meanwhile, Mina also steals glances at the older girl. Seeing her smile fade whenever she's with Chaeyeong, makes her feel guilty and a little bit sweet because, at least, she knows there is a chance for her.

Being close to Chaeyoungie is her natural action. However, when the older girl keeps a distance from her, she likes to take a little revenge which is playing with Chaeyeong to make the girl jealous. After seeing the older girl's sulking face, her heart immediately melts. Every time like that she will think, let's not get on her nerves again

Chaeyoung was so used to this playful Mina. Whenever she saw Mina giving signals to her, Chaeyoung always asked Mina: "What did Nayeon unnie do again that upset you like this?"

Chaeyoung can't say no to Minari, so she can only think of a way to ask Nayeon what's going on.

In a moment, Mina and Nayeon exchanged casual glances, their eyes lingering a fraction longer than necessary before darting away.

"Why is it so hard to resist?" they both wondered silently to themselves

Therefore, there was a bitter-sweet kind of atmosphere throughout the sound check. As the rehearsal got underway, small interactions between Mina and Nayeon punctuated the air.

Mina would steal glances at Nayeon when she thought no one was looking, admiring the way her eyes lit up when she sang. Nayeon, in turn, found herself drawn to Mina's graceful movements and the way her soft gentle can touches some one heart.


During a break, Nayeon found herself standing beside Mina, their shoulders brushing as they chatted with the other members.

Her gaze flickering to Mina''s lips before forcing herself to look away. She couldn't afford to let her feelings show, not when they were still in the observation and hiding stage with each other.

Mina, sensing the tension between them, tried to lighten the mood. "I'm thinking of adding a new dance move to our performance," she said, her voice casual as she avoided Nayeon's gaze.

Nayeon nodded, grateful for the change of subject. "That sounds like a great idea," she replied, her voice slightly breathless.

Their conversation was interrupted by Jihyo, who approached Mina with a knowing smile.

"Hey, Mina, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked, shooting a meaningful glance at Nayeon.

Mina's heart skipped a beat as she followed Jihyo to a quieter corner of the stadium. She knew exactly what her best friend wanted to discuss.

"I can't shake the feeling that something's going on between you and Nayeon," Jihyo said softly, her eyes searching Mina's face for any sign of confirmation.

Mina felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, knowing that she couldn't hide the truth from Jihyo. "I... I think I might have feelings for her," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jihyo smiled sympathetically, placing a comforting hand on Mina's shoulder. "I had a feeling," she said, her tone gentle.

"But just remember, it's okay to take things slow. You don't have to rush into anything."

Mina nodded, grateful for Jihyo's understanding. "Thanks, Jihyo," she murmured, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the stadium, Momo approached Nayeon with a knowing smirk.

"So, what's going on between you and Mina?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Nayeon felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, knowing that Momo had caught onto her feelings.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, trying to play it cool.

Momo chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Come on, Nayeon. It's written all over your face," she teased, nudging her friend playfully.

Nayeon sighed, knowing that she couldn't hide the truth from Momo any longer.

"Fine," she admitted, her voice tinged with resignation. "I might have feelings for her."

Momo grinned triumphantly, giving Nayeon a playful shove. "I knew it!" she exclaimed, her laughter echoing through the stadium hall.

As the rehearsal continued, Mina and Nayeon couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the brink of something more. Despite the obstacles in their path, they both knew that their connection was undeniable, their hearts beating in sync to the unspoken melodies that lingered between them.

And as they took to the stage for their final run-through, Mina and Nayeon exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging the feelings that pulsed beneath the surface.

They both couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was something more than friendship blooming between them.

Their eyes meet again.

All the alarms ring-a-ling

The alarms go off when they are face-to-face

They both find it hard to resist

"Temptation sweet as honey," Mina shaking her head with a soft smile

"I know it's too late." Nayeon's heart pounding in her chest

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