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It's a beautiful day outside.

Birds are singing.

Flowers are blooming.

On days like these,

Monsters like you.


"Very poetic aren't ya, Lloyd?" Darkness growled.

"Hehe..I'm glad you think so. But there's more from where that came from." Lloyd grinned.

"Whatever. You protecting Cole is so very adorable. That demon doesn't deserve to be protected by YOU. It's very foolish." He said.

"It's more foolish when I leave him with someone like YOU." Lloyd shot back.

"I'll return for that stubborn brat. Just wait..You'll regret it when you let him out of your sight." Darkness smirked as he disappeared.


Cole whimpered as he hugged Lloyd tightly and he buried his face on Lloyd's chest.

"It's ok. He's gone." Lloyd rubbed Cole's back gently.

Cole then sobbed.

"Look at me..being scared and weak." Cole muttered.

"Everyone has fears, Cole. Even the others." Lloyd said, honestly.

Few days later...

"Hey Lloyd! Can you please get my laptop?" Cole asked.

"Anything for you." Lloyd smiled.

"Lloyd...you really don't have to act as my bodyguard or my servant." Cole said.

"It's my duty to care and protect you, Cole. Because your'e my best friend." Lloyd said.

"Oh my loyal servant, would you please get my laptop from my bedroom?" Cole joked.

Lloyd giggled.

"As you wish, my lord.." Lloyd grinned and walked to Cole's room to get his laptop.


You're the master of earth and I am your loyal servant.

We were friends from the start that from Darkness got torn apart.

I will try to protect you from everything that hurts.

And I'll do as you say.

Even the yandere way.


Lloyd was walking with Cole in a forest to go to Lloyd's hiding place.

The lake.

Suddenly, Cole got ambushed by one of Diego's henchmen.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Lloyd yelled.

The henchman slashed Cole with his sword but it missed by only leaving a wound on Cole's cheek.

The henchman cursed under his breath and retreated.

"Cole! Are you ok?!" Lloyd asked.

"I'm fine. He only slashed my cheek but it'll be fine. Its like a scratch." Cole answered.

That night...

Cole was sleeping in Lloyd's room which the henchman didn't know.

The henchman was planning to assassinate Cole in his sleep.

The henchman then sneaked into Cole's room.

And see Cole sleeping there, the blanket covering his body except his blank asleep face.

The henchman grinned.

It's now his chance!

"Little demon, time for you to wake up." The henchman said as he gently made Cole's body sit up.

Cole's wavy hair covered his eyes. He looked like he's really sleeping.

Then the henchman saw a smirk on Cole's face.

The henchman's eyes widen.

Cole brought out a knife under the covers and slashed the henchman's neck.

The henchman was scared and shocked.

He fell to the floor as blood trickled down from his neck.

He looked up to see Cole's blank, emotionless face.

His red eyes stared down at the henchman.

The henchman let out a cry of shock.

It's not Cole.

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