Backstory/ The incident

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A/n I said bill would be in it, I never said how. 


Person Dipper's POV 

"Are you uh Bill Cipher?" A lady asked. "Uh uh uh..." I mumbled. She looked quite annoyed. "Kid are you him or not?" Mabel ran to the door. "No but we're his children ." She answered. "Yeah, Al.... Dipper Cipher. That's me." I mumbled. "My name is Linda Norton, I'm afraid I'm taking you from your father." Mabel looked at me, this was the start of the new life for us. "No no no! Pine tree! Shooting star! No my kids no!" Father screamed as miss Linda took us in the car. 

 3rdFoster house 1

"Dipper! Help!" Mabel cried. Some kids were picking on her again. His eyes started to turn yellow. His fathers curse was kicking in. "Leave her alone!" He screamed. "Make me!" His foster  brother laughed. The other 3 foster brothers started picking on Dipper. His eyes turned light blue. "EGESSEM SDRAWKCAB LLA SLORTNOC LLIB!!!!" He screamed. The kids felt a burning sensation in their hands. Then they couldn't talk till the Cipher twins were kicked out and moved to the next house.

 Foster home 2

Dipper agreed only to use his demonic power on emergencies only. He did a spell that got rid of them. The second house was extremely abusive. Dipper and Mabel were only in third grade. Mabel got to go to school, Dipper didn't. They loved Mabel to her face, but secretly hurt her brother worse than anything you could imagine, except that was on,y the beginning. His father had promised to see the twins and claim them as his own. They stayed in this home till there tenth birthday

Foster home 3 

This was where the twins stayed till about now actually. I'm not going to tell you much about this place, because it was the worst house and You'll know why soon.

Dippers POV 

"Morning Mabel." I said to my sister. She was already changed in her clothes from yesterday. She already took her shower. "Morning Dipper. Mr. Pines said for me to tell, you to take your showerand then   hep us finish the pancakes." She said. I went to the bathroom, got undressed and turned the water on. 

Mabel's POV

I walked by the bathroom door. "Hot hot hot hot!!!!" Dipper screamed. Then I hear the lever turn. Then I heard a sigh of relief. I ran down the stairs.  "Good morning Mr. Pines, how did you sleep?" I asked. "Good kiddo , how 'bout you and Dipper?" He replied. "I was fine, Dipper kept tossing and turning." I explained. He started the batter on the stove. It boiled. It was about an hour before Dipper came down. He must have changed his bandages. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts. I guess everything went down hill from there. 

Dipper's POV

"Mabel watch out!" I shouted pushing her out of the way. The batter exploded on my arms and legs and all over my clothes. I screamed as loud as I could. It burned so bad. The man scooped me up in his arms and ran me to the bathroom and started the tub for cold water. He took my clothes out and put me in the water. I had burns all over myself. He took off my bandages. "Don't'" I shouted. 

Stan's POV 

This kid had small cuts along his fingers. And along his arms there were bruises and his arm was different colors. "What happened?" I asked being quite alarmed. "Foster homes, I protected my sister  for everything." He sighed. "What is this from?" I asked gesturing to the deep scar across his stomach. "Got that when I was seven, the guy broke a beer bottle and cut me. They claimed I was playing with one and it broke and they tried to get it away from me and I cut myself." I gasped. It wasat least   6 inches, and on a seven year old. "Why did you not tell the police the truth?" I asked. "They woulda straight up kill me, and claim it was an 'accident'. I never told anyone." He whimpered. "So Christmas is in 6 days, what do you want?" I asked trying to change the subject. "A family." He whispered. "It's okay Dipper I'm here now." I exclaimed. I bushed back his hair. "What's this?" I asked. He has a constellation on his for head. "Oh it's a burn. My dad did it to me when I was five. He started to call me Dipper as a punishment." He told me. "Your name isn't Dipper?" I asked. "No, it's Alexander, but I used to be called Alex. I prefer Dipper though, kinda like it personally." I nodded. "Okay Dipper, how 'bout we go to the mall now." I explained. "I would like that Sir." 

A/n I know it's long, but I'm trying to write as much as I can before Christmas. I'm also taking suggestions for THE TWIN GAMES, my other fanfic. Btw if your confused Bill is Dipper and Mabel's father. He will come back soon. 

💛 Bill's note 💛

Yes I'm the father of the twins in this fan fiction. What do you want from me?! I'm sorry? Nah! But since I'm all knowing I'll tell you something. Candy+ Grenda are Pacifica's friends and Ford is coming to the shack soon. Oh and that curse Dipper told you about, want me to tell you more? First you have to make a deal with me. oh and comment if you can figure out what Dipper said in Foster house one!! That is all servants you are demised. 

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