Chapter 2

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Catherine sat in the meeting room in the castle of the Kingdom of Faerghus. Rhea and the others were discussing a plan. Catherine sat in listening and yet her mind also wandered. The room reminded her so much the similar room back at Garreg Mach. She sat amongst so many meetings, strategies, and so on with others in that room. Yet for the past five years, they had been forced away from Garreg Mach which remained under the control of the Adrestian Empire and the accursed Black Eagles students that led them. Catherine's brow furrowed in thought. She remembered how Byleth was knocked far from the field years ago and how they hadn't been seen or heard from since. It had led to a stalemate within the war, but rumours had spread that Byleth had somehow returned. The satisfaction Catherine had heard when Byleth was assumed gone yet the relief she felt when the rumours surfaced confused her. Even though Catherine had come to despise Byleth and their every movement and breath, she couldn't help but remember their time at the academy.

Long before the war, when everything seemed so simple. Byleth had fit in so we'll among the faculty and Catherine had enjoyed getting to know them. She even took up training with them and learning various skills from them. Those days when she gladly fought alongside them against the Western Church. She felt jealous at how Lady Rhea preferred them, but she also felt that Byleth had been special. And how wrong had she been. Thinking of the moment when you had betrayed Lady Rhea infuriated Catherine, moreso than when the Western Church had planned to assassinate her.

Yet this betrayal felt worse. And Catherine knew it wasn't just her. Rhea was changed. Her calm and calculated yet also kind demeanor was gone and was replaced with an unstable, furious Rhea that only wished to destroy the rebels that began this war. Cyril had changed as well. He had always been stoic and kept to himself, but he had grown so much since then. He had become a true wyvern lord and became adept at battle, as good as Shamir and Catherine. Manuela and Hanneman had both disappeared after hearing the nose. Catherine felt angry that they had just run, but did feel some relief that they were safe from the Empire. Then Alois. She remembered how hard it had hit him. After all, he saw Byleth as his sibling. After Jeralt's death he had changed slightly, but especially after Byleth's betrayal, Alois felt like a different man. Still, Alois fought with dignity and honor, wanting more than anything to defend those he loved, especially his family. And the way Gilbert had changed. Especially knowing that his daughter Annette had sided with the Black Eagles in this war. Catherine glanced over at him. His expression was cold and focused, yet a bit mournful as well. She knew he'd probably have to go against Annette in battle or at least one of them would. And who knows who would make it out alive?

The meeting ended with a strategy for their next move, an attempt to end this stalemate and gain the advantage for the church to be able to reclaim Garreg Mach.

After leaving the meeting room, Cyril approached Catherine.

"Catherine, Lady Rhea gave a message for you." He reached into his bag and pulled out a letter, handing it over to her.

"Oh? Thank you, Cyril." He nodded then went on his way to tend to training the new recruits.

Catherine slit the envelope open and pulled out the letter. She read through it as she headed back towards her sleeping quarters. Inside were details instructions about Catherine's next mission. She perked up as she read it, her heart beginning to race.

You'll be essential during this battle to take back Garreg Mach. As you heard in our meeting, it will be coming up in a month's time. Until then, I would like to see you training even harder. There's a list of battles and training regimes posted on the billboards around the city. I put my faith in you, Catherine.

-Lady Rhea

Catherine slipped the letter back into its envelope and laid it on her desk. As she changed into her sleeping wear, some old training shorts and a tank top, her mind wandered away from her. It wandered through fantasies of reclaiming Garreg Mach for the esteemed Lady Rhea, once more having the holy land for the Church of Seiros. She undid her hair and laid down in her bed, her Thunderbrand at her bedside. Staring at the ceiling, Catherine thought of Byleth once more. Just before it all went wrong. When Captain Jeralt, an esteemed knight, had died. I'm sure he'd be disappointed in Byleth's choice. I know Alois definitely agrees, thought Catherine as the darkness of her room comforted her like that of a warm blanket. Closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep, memories of her life played in her mind and entered her dreams that night as well.


"Gilbert. Let me go with you." Catherine said as Gilbert prepared the horses for a trek towards the border of the Alliance. There had been an issue of monster sightings around the border on both sides.

"Hm? You don't have another mission to do?" Gilbert was slightly taken aback, but he did not oppose Catherine coming. She shook her head and so he continued, "Alright then, that'll be fine. Your skills and weaponry will certainly be useful against these monsters."

Catherine readied her own steed for the long trip from the Kingdom's capital to the border with the Leicester Alliance. Rations were stored up and all kinds of armor, spare weapons and ammo, and various healing potions were stored up. Together, Gilbert and Catherine left to lead their troops to stop the monster attacks. And after all, Catherine knew monsters would be far stronger than Byleth, allowing her some perfect training. If she can take them out, she knows she'll be ready to face Byleth regardless of the Sword of the Creator that they wield.

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