Blue, Pink, and White

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oof I saw this guy with teal hair today and it looked amazing? I wish my parents would let me dye my hair.
This is tiring, Will decided, as he took the sheets off his bed.

He usually wakes up first, and he's so thankful for that on days like these.

Days were his stomach is in a painful twist and his lower back aches. Where he wakes up and can just feel it. Feel the nasty and uncomfortable warm wetness between his legs, staining his shorts and sheets.

He sighs as he tosses the sheets in the hamper.

Quickly and quietly, he grabs a fresh set of clothes, his binder, and a towel, and rushes to the bathroom. He starts the water, letting it warm up as he undresses. Will then steps into the water, letting out another sigh as it soaks his hair.

He quickly washes off, then takes a few moments to just relax. His stomach and back are killing him, but he was able to ignore it.

He takes a ten minute shower, a long one for him considering his hundred plus one siblings.

He shut off the water, dried off, then puts on a pair of boxers quickly. He then looked at himself in the mirror, frowning. Will let out an unhappy huff after a minute or two, then slipped on his binder.

After he was finished getting dressed, he shoved his soiled shorts and boxers to the bottom of the hamper.

He had to do laundry tonight anyways.

Walking out to the main part of the cabin, he sees a few of his siblings have woken up, and they're giving him sympathetic looks, probably taking the hint from his sheet less bed. He takes a deep breath and tries to ignore them, grabbing a new set of sheets from the small closet connected to the Apollo cabin. He puts them onto his bed rather quickly,

Will flops onto his bed, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath. He really wanted to be with Nico, in his cabin, but he knew the other boy wouldn't be up yet. Will smiles as he thinks about Nico, his pouty lips and dark, silky hair, his small and adorable height, what it feels like to have his arms wrapped around his thin frame, and, oddly enough, the way he smells.

Will can't really describe how he smells, but he knows he likes it and that it's turned into a comforting scent to him.

When he opens his eyes again, it's because it's one of his sisters shaking him awake (he hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep), informing him that breakfast is starting soon. With a sigh, he sits up and yawns, stretching his arms out.

Instead of going to breakfast with his cabin, Will goes to Nico's cabin, knocking on the door when he reaches it.

He hears an annoyed groan come from the inside and smiles softly. A moment later and Nico is standing at the door, looking like death itself.


"I'll let you skip breakfast this once if you cuddle with me instead," he interrupts. Nico's glare turns more into a concerned frown.

"What?" he asks, "Are you okay?" Will nods, walking past Nico. He kicks off his shoes and takes off his shirt, leaving him in his sweatpants and binder, then makes himself comfortable in Nico's bed. With a frown, Nico walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, putting a handing on his cheek.

"What's wrong?" he asked again, and Will closed his eyes with a pout. His stomach still hurts, along with his back, and he can slowly feel a slight throb presenting itself in his head. He feels slightly nauseous with all the pain.

"Nothing," Will whines, "I just want your love and affection." He then buries his face in the side of Nico's thigh, and Nico laughs quietly despite himself. He shifts so he laying down, and Will rolls so he's literally laying on top of Nico.

Nico lets out a squeak, his face red, and Will laughs. He moves so he's hovering over Nico, his legs spread on either side of his boyfriend's, his arms on either side of Nico's head.

Nico blushes at the position, and Will leans down and kisses him gently. Nico kisses back, of course, and wraps his arms around Will's neck, deepening the kiss slightly. But after a second, Will pulls away, and he's frowning as an uncomfortable breath leaves his lips and he flops on the bed next to Nico.

Nico feels a small twinge of anxiety in his gut, scared Will made the noise because of him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, turning so his body is facing him. He almost let's out a sigh of relief when Will wraps his arms around him, putting his head on Nico's chest. Nico runs a hand through Will's hair, "You always tell me to talk to you when I feel upset about something. I want to help you like you help me. Please?"

"Just-" Will cuts himself off with a pitiful whine, "My stomach hurts, and my back and my head." Nico frowns as he presses his face into Will's hair.

"Do you need to go to the infirmary? Do you think you're getting sick?" Will sighs, closing his eyes and mumbles a short 'no'.

"Will, if you're in pain you should probably go to the infirmary."

"No, it's- I mean I know why it hurts," he mumbles.

"Why?" Nico asks. He places a kiss to his hair when he lets out a groan.

"Neeks," he whined, he didn't mind Nico knowing he was on his period, he just didn't want to flat out say it.

"Is it," he pauses, then, simply, "blood?"

Will curls closer to Nico, humming. Nico runs a hand through his hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly, "is there something I can do to make it better?"

"Cuddle," he murmured, and Nico smiled.

He scooted impossibly closer, one of his hands resting on Will's hip, his thumb rubbing small circles on a small patch of bare skin. Will sighs, this time in content as he pulls back and softly presses his lips to Nico's.

Nico smiles into the kiss, chasing after Will's lips when he pulls back.


Trans Will is under appreciated


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