Ice Cream

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Okay so this chapter is steamy because they're teenage boys in high school and Naomi and Will's sister is out of the house for the weekend 🌚

(also someone had a question about snapchat- No, I do not look at your guy's snap stories if you decide you want to follow me on there. For privacy reasons, but be warned if I see a cat, I'm clicking the hecky peck out of it because cats are the bomb dot com okay thanks. Snapchat- gay_weefee)

After this chapter is a long awaited request chapter, and I'm going to publish it on either Wednesday or Thursday, but I'm waiting on something from the person who requested it. After that though, I am going to close requests and collab chapters, more information on that on the next chapter though because it's already written there lol

Anyway, enjoy


"Behave, Will," Naomi called, grabbing her bag. Will rolled his eyes, walking his mom and sister to the door, "No boys. Or girls. And no Nico." Will pouted.

"I can't have friends over?" She gave him a look, then-

"No one you would-" she paused, glancing at her six-year-old daughter, "do certain things with." Will rolled his eyes again, his cheeks heating only slightly.

"Don't worry," he said, glancing off to the side awkwardly. Naomi smiled at him.

She reached up and patted his cheek before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Please don't do anything I wouldn't do," She said seriously.

"Do you really not trust me that much?" Will asked, pouting.

"I trust you," she said, "but we're going to be gone for the weekend. It's a mother's job to worry."

"I'm seventeen, mom. I'll be fine. Promise." Naomi sighed, before Amelia, Will's sister, started tugging on her shirt.

"We're going to be late, mom," she whined. Naomi sighed again.

She pressed another kiss to Will's cheek.

"We need to get going then. Be safe, Will. Call me if you need me, I love you!" She exclaimed as she started walking to the car. Will smiled.

"Love you, too. Bye Amelia!" He responded, and they both waved at him. When the car was halfway down the street, he walked back inside, closing the door behind him.

He let a couple minutes pass, just to make sure they weren't going to turn around, and then he got out his phone.

He immediately pulled up Nico's contact, calling him. He went over to sit on the couch as he put the phone to his ear, waiting for Nico to answer.

He answered about four rings later, and Will smiled when he heard his groggy voice.

"Hello?" He mumbled.

"Neeeeeks," He sang, smiling, "afternoon, babe," Nico grunted in response, and Will could hear him shuffling around.

"What's up?" He mumbled sleepily.

"You wanna come over?" He asked, bringing his knees to his chest. Nico let out a whine.


"You can sleep at my house," Will responded in his own whine, "I need cuddles and a nap anyway. Amelia waited until the last minute to pack, and she never packs without help. It's a good thing she has a gay brother." Nico snorted.

"Don't fall into stereotypes."

"Too late for that, but okay," Will laughed, "so, are you coming over? We have ice cream." There was a long pause.

"What type?" Nico asked eventually. Will chuckles quietly to himself.

"Mint chocolate chip."

"Fiiiiiine," Nico groaned, making Will smile, "I'll come over. But you better have a bowl of ice cream ready for me."

"I don't know if ice cream is the best thing to eat when you first wake up."

"I don't care," Nico grumbles, and Will can hear him shifting again.

"Are you getting up?" He asks, and he can imagine Nico rolling his eyes at the question.

"Yes." Will beams.

"I'm excited to see you," he mumbles. Nico scoffs.

"I literally saw you yesterday."

"So?" Will whined, "do you not miss me?" he asked, as dramatic as ever. On the other end, Nico could only roll his eyes.

"You're a dork," he states, then, quietly, "of course I miss you."

"Awe," Will coos, feeling his cheeks redden slightly.

"I have to get dressed," Nico says, "So I'm going to go. Bye, Solace."

"Bye, Neeks, love you!"

"Love you, too, Will," he mumbled, before hanging up. Will smiled to himself, getting up to get a bowl of ice cream ready for Nico.


"Where's my ice cream?" Nico asked, the second Will opened the door. He smiles, takes his hand, and leads him to the kitchen. When he opened the freezer, Nico smiled, grabbing the bowl.

"I love you," he sighed, getting a spoon. Will rolled his eyes.

"Come on," he said, grabbing Nico's hand, making him whine as he had to let the spoon hang in his mouth, "we have the entire week end to ourselves and I plan on watching movies with you every second of it." Nico smiled around his spoon, curling his arm around Will's and nuzzling his head to his bicep. When he had his hand back, though, he continued with his ice cream.

Will flopped onto his bed, grabbing the remote, and Nico sat next to him, crossing his legs.

"What do you want to watch first?" He asked, turning his television on. Nico shrugged, putting more ice cream into his mouth. Will pouted.

"You only love me for my ice cream."

"Yeah," Nico sighed, Will huffed, though there was no heat behind it. Nico laughed, setting the bowl on the bedside table, and crawling so he was sitting in Will's lap. Will pouted up at him, and Nico smiled, pushing hair out of his face.

"I love you," he said softly, letting his hand rest on Will's cheek. Will leaned into Nico's touch, smiling softly.


"Of course I do, caro," Nico says, leaning down and gently pressing their lips together, "do you want me to show you how much I love you?" He mumbled against Will's lips, voice soft and sultry.

Will looked up at him, his hands going around Nico's waist. He shivered as Nico's fingers trailed up his neck, curling into his hair. He felt himself nod, though it was mostly involuntary.

Nico smiled, leaning down again and connecting their lips again. He slowly trailed his hand down Will's chest, the other going up his shirt. Nico could already feel Will getting excited, and it made him smile.

He trailed his lips down his jaw, surely leaving marks, but Will didn't seem to mind at the moment, though he knew he'd regret it later.

Nico hand lightly went over the button on his jeans, and he went back up and pecked his lips before asking if he could take them off. Will's breath hitches when Nico's hand brushes over him, and he takes a deep breath, letting his head rest back agaisnt his pillow as Nico's head trails down his body.


Both boys were panting as they lied back down together. Nico hummed in content as Will wrapped his arms around Nico, and he instinctively scooted closer.

He turned after a minute, though, reaching for his ice cream with out getting up. Will whined, and Nico laughed, kissing his cheek.



The next thing on my list of shit-to-write is airport (3)


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