Misunderstanding (2)

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Guyssss thanks for 203 follower and 19k reads ♥️

Here's part 2 and I kind of don't like the way it turned out. . . But it's also extra long because you guys liked the last one being long. . . And I didn't want to make another chapter. . .


Nico cries for a long time, glad that he has no one coming to his cabin after dinner, but it also made him feel strangely lonely. He didn't realize how much he appreciated Will being for him when he was upset and needed someone to make him feel wanted and loved.

But it's gone back to how it used to be. He cries, and soon, he's falling asleep comfortably under the covers.


When he wakes up, he sighs, then pouts. He rolls over and stares at his wall.

He wonders how long Will has thought of breaking up with him. He wonders why he didn't break up with Nico sooner instead of letting him get to the point of falling in love with Will. Nico feels himself getting misty-eyed.

What had he done wrong? Was it just him in general? Was he boring Will? Nico pushed the palm of his hands to his eyes to keep the tears from falling. He didn't know what he'd do without Will. Will was his happiness, and he saw no reason to be without him by his side. His life simply had no purpose without Will.

Nico let's out a sob. Gods was he pathetic. Nico takes a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut to stop himself from crying.

He sits up, taking a few more deep breaths to calm himself. Sniffling, he stands up and gets dressed. When he's done getting dressed, he sits back down on his bed, picking at the rips at his knees.

He contemplates what he should do for the day, since he usually goes to the infirmary and helps, and if he isn't doing that, he's doing random camp activities with Will, or Will and him would just hang out in the Hades' cabin.

Nico sighs and falls back on his bed. He wonders if he should leave camp. One of the only reasons he stayed in the first place was because of Will, and it seems he's fucked that up already.

Nico bites on his lip. Crying isn't an option.

Deciding that he doesn't have anything better to do, he rolls up under the blankets and falls asleep.


Jason comes barging into his cabin about an hour later, declaring that Nico is going to practice with him in the arena. Nico groans, rubbing his face after he stretches.

Jason grabs his blankets and pulls them off of Nico when he curls back under them, making Nico gives a more annoyed and louder groan.

He knew eventually one of his friends would force him to get up, but that didn't mean he wanted it to be so soon.

"Jason," he whined.

"I'm not letting you wallow over some guy, Nico, so you're sparring with me whether you like it or not." Nico pouts, huffing as he glared at the ceiling.

"Look," Jason said, sitting down besides him on the bed, "Just because Will broke up with you doesn't mean you can't do stuff, you still have friends that you can hang out with. It's Will who's missing out, because you're a great person and if he doesn't see that, it's his fault. There is guaranteed to be someone else that will make you happier than Will ever did, Nico-"

"Stop," Nico said, putting his face over his face, "I don't- just stop."

"If you talk about it, it'll make it better, Nico."

"I don't want to talk about it," Nico said, "it hurts, and I don't want to talk about it right now," he whines, "I just want to go to sleep, please."

"Sleeping isn't the answer, Nico."

"Fine," Nico groans, sitting up. He looks Jason in the eyes, and starts, "Will broke up with me. We were playing a game in the big house, and I was about to tell him I loved him and I think he knew that because before I could say it he broke up with me. Yesterday, when I went to the pavilion with you, he walked in holding some girl's hand, and it hurt because I love him and he doesn't love me," Nico looks down, picking at a loose thread on his ripped jeans, blinking rapidly, "Will doesn't like me anymore. It hurts because he's made me the happiest I've been in a long time, and I thought I made him happy but I- He got bored of me, and I always knew he would but I let myself believe that Will wasn't going to leave me," Nico hugs his legs to his chest, putting his head on his knees, trying to hide his tears from Jason.

"You need to talk to him," is all Jason says, Nico shakes his head.

"I can't," he says, "he's happy with his new girlfriend," Nico says bitterly, wiping under his eyes.

"Okay," Jason sighs, "how about you go sparring with me, just to take your mind off of Will, then come back and you can sleep as long as you want. But you have to eat. You can't just waste away, I'm not letting you."

"It's been a day, Jason. I think I'm allowed to be upset right now," Jason shrugs in response. Nico sighs, "Whatever." Jason smiled as Nico stood up.

Jason stood up as well, walking over to the door as Nico grabbed his sword.

"How long do you want to train?" Nico asked, walking over to Jason, who shrugged.

"Two hours tops, maybe," Nico nodded walking out of the cabin with Jason. They walked to the arena in silence.

Nico kept his head down as they passed the infirmary, biting his bottom lip. Jason bumped his shoulder into Nico's, and Nico took a deep breath.

Sparring didn't help take his mind off of Will.

Because he used to spar with Will.

And Will would complain the entire time, saying that Nico was to difficult to beat. Nico would roll his eyes with a fond smile because he always went easy on Will. He would call for a break after five minutes and dramatically drink an entire bottle of water, saying how 'strong' Nico was and saying that there was no way he could compete. Nico would blush, and Will would laugh, pressing a soft kiss to Nico's cheek.

Nico asked to take a break about five minutes in, even if he wasn't tired.

"You're distracted," Jason claimed, Nico shrugged.

"I used to spar with Will a lot," Nico mumbled, dragging the tip of his sword into the dirt. Jason hums, leaning back against the metal bleachers.

"I'm sorry," Nico says, "I'm trying. I'm sorry."

"Hey, no, it's okay. I understand," Nico groans, standing up.

"Want to continue?" He asks, Jason nods, and walks after Nico.

Not much longer, and Nico is taken to the infirmary because he got distracted, and Jason hit his shoulder.

He gripped his sword tightly, angry at himself and internally freaking out because Will was supposed to be at the infirmary right now.

Kayla greeted them when they walked in, and going through some papers, frowned.

"Will is the only person available right now," she looked at Nico, "is that okay?"

"Yes," Jason answered for him. Nico regarded him with a look, "Nico, you shoulder has a huge cut in it. You can't wait for someone else to open up." Nico sighed, muttered a 'fine', and Kayla went off to find Will.

They walked out a few minutes later, Victoria, Will's girlfriend, by his side. She was smiling, her cheeks red, her lips swollen, and Will didn't look much better. Though, he wasn't smiling, probably because Kayla looked angry.

Nico's breath caught in his throat, and he looked at his feet, gripping his hand in his jeans. Victoria said a quick 'bye' to Will, then she left the infirmary.

"Come on," Will said simply, and Nico nodded, walking with Will.

When they got into the room, Nico sat down when Will told him to, and tried his best to not look at Will as he worked.

"How did you do this," Will sighed after a few minutes.

"Sparring," Nico replied simply.

"Were you wearing armor?" he asks.

"No," Will purses his lips.

"What have I said? Every time we spar I tell you to wear armor what makes you think-"

"I wasn't sparring with you," Nico snapped. Will huffed.

"I don't care who you were sparring with, you should protect yourself so you don't get hurt," Will replied.

"Why do you care? Why are you so worried over this?"

"Because I care about you, Nico, we might not be dating anymore but that doesn't mean I won't care if you get hurt. Whether you like it or not I'm going to take care of you-"

"Maybe you should take care of your girlfriend instead." Will's mouth opened, like he was about to say something, but then he closed it, giving Nico a glare.

"Is that why you're being so difficult?" Nico glared at him, "You have no right to be upset about me dating Victoria, you were going to break up with me anyway."

"Why the hell would I do that?" Nico asks, his voice wavering. Will gave him a look.

"What?" Will breathed, sounding uncertain, "You were going to break up with me. In the big house?"

"No I wasn't. I thought- You broke up with me because you thought I was going to break up with you?" Nico asked. Will nodded, and tears started forming in his blue eyes.

"I thought you were going to break up with me. And I thought breaking up with you would hurt less then you breaking up with me," he explained awkwardly, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, "It- It didn't. It still hurt. It- It hurt really bad," Will let out a sob, "I miss you so much and it's barely been four days."

Nico wipes at his own eyes, then angrily punches Will's shoulder.

"Ow," he cries, looking up and glaring at Nico, holding his arm.

"Do you know how upset I was? I was- you broke up with me and I thought you didn't care about me anymore," Nico shouts, "I thought I didn't matter to you anymore."


"I was going to say that I loved you, but then you broke up with me, and I thought you knew I was going to say that and that's why you broke up with me," Nico said, his eyes watering and he visibly deflated, "but then you started dating Victoria and that only made it hurt worse."

"I'm sorry," Will said after a moment, "oh gods, Nico, I'm so sorry."

"You should be, you asshole," Nico muttered. Will grabbed Nico's hand.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked quietly, and Nico let out a watery laugh.

"You're dating Victoria," he mumbled, frowning. Will groans, putting his face in Nico's (unhurt) shoulder.

"Damn it," he mumbled, "I forgot about that," he paused then, "I guess I'll break up with her, all we did was-" he cut himself off, and Nico's frown deepened.

"What?" Will looked at him with guilt.

"All we did was kiss and I might have pretended it was you?" He said quietly.

"William Solace-"

"I'm sorry," Will groaned, looking back up at Nico.

"I can't believe you," Nico grumbled.

"I'm sorry," he grabbed Nico's hands, putting his head on to Nico's chest, "I- how do I do this?"

"You need to be nice about it," Nico mumbled, running a hand through Will's hair. Will sighed.

"Okay, I'm just going to do it. Nicely," he stood up, and Nico grabbed his hand quickly.

"Fix my shoulder first," he stated, and Will laughed, sitting back down.

When he finished with Nico's shoulder, he looked up at him and smiled. Nico smiled as well, and Will put a hand to Nico's cheek.

Nico leaned into the touch, putting his hand on top of Will's, looking at Will's lips.

"We're okay, right?" Nico nodded, then Will nodded, "I'm sorry I hurt you," he whispered.

"S'okay," Nico replied.

"Can I kiss you?" Will asked, and Nico nodded.

"Please do," Will leaned forward, presses their lips together.

Nico wrapped his arms around Will's neck, sighing in content as he smiled against Will's lips.


I'm, okay, I actually really don't like how this chapter turned out and I'm sorry that you guys had to wait so long for a crappy chapter.



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