Trans Positivity Week - Saturday - Fighting

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I feel like this one isn't as good so I'm sorry

{Trigger warning > trans and homophobic slurs}


This Friday night, Will was going to be taking Nico out to get some dinner, take him to the movies to see Love, Simon, then, they were going to go on short walk through the park.

It was going to be the first date Nico has ever gone on, and he's excited yet nervous at the same time. Hades, Nico's pretty sure, teared up when he ran into the living room, shouting happily that he finally was going on a date with Will.

Hades had given him a hug and asked for the details (because they were both secretly twelve year old girls).

Friday night couldn't come fast enough. All week, Nico and Will blushed each time they saw each other at school, but they would also share a small smile, so Nico didn't worry to much about it. Will also started giving cuter morning texts (not that they weren't cute before) and also started with goodnight texts. It made Nico blush when there was no tomorrow, especially when Hades saw them one night. (Though all he did was smile and say how nice of a boy Will was and how happy he was the two were dating.)

But when it was Friday, Nico had Piper and Annabeth come over to help him decide what he should wear, since he wasn't the best at matching clothes himself. He ended up wearing a grey button up shirt and pants, that he quotes, "makes his ass look nice," (maybe he wore them because it was the only clean pair he had [they weren't] or possibly the idea of Will checking his back side out wasn't to terribly unpleasant). They helped him with his hair (which ultimately ended up the same as it always is) and they helped him decide which cologne he should use.

When Nico was done getting ready, he sat on his bed and chatted with the two girls, thanking them for helping him and them teasing him in response.

Soon, the door bell was ringing, and Piper and Annabeth excitedly wished him luck and reminded him to 'not do anything you wouldn't want us to know about. If you do, use protection.'

Nico threw a pillow at Piper before anxiously running a hand through his hair and running down the stairs. Hades had answered the door and let Will in.

Will, the terrible cliche he was, brought Nico roses. Nico rolled his eyes, though he was smiling and a light blush dusted his cheeks.

"You look amazing, Neeks," Will murmured as he handed the flowers to Nico, making him blush more. He awkwardly glanced at his dad and mumbled a small thank you. Will followed Nico to the kitchen so he could put the flowers in a vase. Then, Will grabbed Nico's hand, and with a goodbye to his father, they were walking out to Will's car.

They had a reservation at a Italian restaurant, thanks to Will. Nico laughed when they showed up, calling him a cheesy dork but loving it nonetheless, since it was one of his favorite places to go.

In the beginning of dinner, it was kind of awkward, but in that good I-like-you-a-lot-and-don't-want-to-mess-his-up type of way. It let up eventually, though, and they were talking about random, weird, things ("what would happen if Squidward and Spongebob got together?" "Oh my gods, Solace, shut up.") And laughing at stupid things they did when they were younger ("When I was six I found condoms in my mom's drawer and thought they were balloons, so I blew in them. She was so mad and I couldn't figure out why").

It was fun, and by the end of dinner Nico's cheeks and stomach was hurting with how much he laughed and smiled. Will payed for dinner, much to Nico's dismay. And then they were walking out hand in hand.

"Do you want to walk to the movies? It's not that far and we have a bit of time," Will offered, and Nico nodded, leaning into Will's side. Will smiled down at him and wrapped his arms around Nico's waist.

Nico stopped when they started passing Ben and Jerry's, an ice cream parlor. He looked up at Will and smiled, asking if they could get some, to which Will nodded with a small smile. Nico smiled when he lead them inside, and Will's hand moved down to the small of his back. It spread a safe sort of feeling through Nico, and he hoped it never went away.

They ate their ice cream in the parlor, joking and laughing. When they finished, they stayed seated, since they still had a while til the movie started. Soon enough, they were throwing away their trash, and walked out of the small shop. Will grabbed Nico's hand again, and they started the walk to the movie theater.

They only stopped when Will heard a slurred faggots muttered behind them. Will frowned, looking over his shoulder. The guy, Will noted, was obviously drunk, so he turned away from him and continued on walking. His frown grew when he heard the guy say it again, and louder. This time, Nico heard him, and glanced behind them.

"Ignore him," Will mumbled, squeezing his hand. But-

"A little make up and," the guy hiccuped, "And you could be as hot as a model, shorty." Will turned with a glare, and the guy laughed.

"That got your attention," he laughed, swaying on his feet, he looked at Nico, "don't tell me you're a tranny."

Without warning, Will punched him.

Nico gasped, letting go of Will's hand and looking up at him with wide eyes, feeling as if he were frozen. They guy glared at Will as he held his now bleeding nose, and gave Will a punch of his own. Nico wasn't sure what to do, so after Will got in a couple more punches, Nico seemed to unfreeze, and he grabbed Will's hand, which was up in the air, ready to strike again, and quickly dragged him back in the direction of the car.

The guy shouted slurs as they walked away, but luckily didn't follow them. When they got to the car, Nico wordlessly got into the passenger side, Will in the driver's side. They sat there in silence for a second, Nico bringing his knees up to his chest and hugging himself.

"Can we go home?" Nico asked when Will just sat there.

"Oh, uh, yeah," he started the car, then looked over at Nico with a frown, "are you mad at me?" Nico shook his head no, then leaned over, looking at Will's nose.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, and Will shrugged.

"Yeah, my hand hurts more though," he muttered. Nico looked at his hand, then grabbed it gently, placing a soft kiss to it. Will smiled, "Thanks, it feels much better." Nico giggled, then pressed a kiss to his cheek, close to his nose, but not on his nose. Will's smiled only widened.

"My lips hurt, to," Nico rolled his eyes and leaned back into his seat, blushing. Will laughed, putting on his seat belt, "It was worth a shot." They drove back in relative silence, and soon they were pulling into Nico's driveway. Nico looked up at him.

"Thanks," he murmured, "the first part was fun."

"I'm sorry I ruined our date," Will said in reply, Nico frowned.

"You didn't. That jerk did, though," Will sighed, looking down at the steering wheel with a frown.

"I should have left it alone, I shouldn't have punched him. I'm sorry." Nico smiled softly, reaching over and gently guiding Will to look at him.

"I wasn't your fault. You were just sticking up for me, so thank you," Will smiled softly at him.

"You're amazing, Neeks," he muttered. Nico smiled. He hesitated for a second, but then leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Will's lips. Will smiled, putting a hand on Nico's cheek and kissing back.

Nico wasn't really sure what he was doing, considering this was his first kiss, but he didn't mind, and he quickly decided kissing Will was really nice, and, if he was being honest, he found himself wanting to kiss him over and over again when they finally said goodnight and Nico went inside.



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