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On February 14th, Valentine's Day, Nico wanted nothing more than to spend the whole day in bed with his boyfriend.

But, sadly, they both had work. So instead, Nico woke up early, carefully sliding out of bed so he wouldn't wake Will, and went out to the kitchen.

He got out stuff to make pancakes and bacon, and quickly went to work. Though, as he was almost done cooking, he felt arms wrap around his waist, a head dropping onto his shoulder, and he groaned.

"Will," he whined, "you were supposed to stay asleep so I could wake you up and feed you and it was going to be cute and romantic."

"Oh, sorry, love," he pressed a kiss to Nico's cheek, and Nico pouted.

"Go back to bed and pretend your asleep." Will laughed, released Nico, and went back to their room.

Nico smiled to himself as he places a couple pancakes and bacon on a plate, going to the fridge and putting strawberries and grapes into a small bowl. Then, he grabbed a glass, and poured orange juice in it, putting every thing on a tray, and walking back to his and Will's room.

"Will~" Nico said happily, going over and sitting next to him. Will rolled over and looked at Nico with a smile.

"Oh what a surprise! I had no idea this was going to happen!" Nico rolled his eyes, leaning down and kissing Will's cheek.

"Eat, I'm going to go get ready for work."

"No, Neeks, stay with me," Will insisted, sitting up.

"I can't, I'm going to be late if I do," Nico sighed. Will pouted, but leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Nico's lips.

"Thank you, Nico," Nico smiled in response, kissing Will again.

"I'm taking a shower."

"Can I shower with you," Will asks, giving Nico a seductive look, and Nico glared,

"No, eat you breakfast, I'm already going to be late."

"Yeah, I am as well, but," he shrugged and smiled, "call in that your going to be late, or better yet, that you won't be able to make it in today?" Nico laughed.

"Eat, Will," Will nodded, digging in to his pancakes, and Nico went to the bathroom.


When Nico walked back out, he saw Will already dressed, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"I left you some bacon and grapes, also I packed you a lunch as a thank you," Will said, turning to look at Nico, who smiled.

"Thanks," Nico replied, grabbing a piece of bacon from the plate.

"Okay, I need to go," Will said, pecking Nico's cheek and grabbing his bag, "love you, Neeks."

"Love you, too," Not to long after, Nico was leaving as well.


When it was nearing lunch,  there was a delivery to Nico's office. And when he went to the front, he saw a large bouquets of black and yellow roses, causing Nico to blush and smile.

"Nico Di Angelo?" The guy asked, and Nico nodded, accepting the flowers, "there's also this."

The guy takes the plastic bag hanging from his arm off, reaching inside and pulling out a teddy bear, and Nico's smile only widens.

Will and Nico don't usually do anything for Valentine's Day, but when they do, Will tends to spoil Nico, and Nico can't say he minds too much.

"Thank you," Nico says, holding the flowers in one hand and the bear in the other.

The guy nodded in response, asked him to sign a paper (which he did with difficulty), then was gone.

Nico blushed as he walked through the offfice, back to his desk (ignoring the small smiles and envious looks from his co workers).

And when he was at his desk, he opened the card attached to the bear.

'Have a wonderful day at work, kitten, I love you <3'

He stifled a small giddy giggle, putting the flowers near the corner of his desk along with the stuffed bear, and continued working, his blush slowly dying down.


Nico was pleasantly supprised to see Will already home when he opened the door.

"Hi," Will greeted with a smile, Nico returning it with his own as he set the flowers and bear on the table.

"Hey," Nico goes over and wraps his arms around Will, standing on his tiptoes and pressing a kiss to Will's lips, "thanks for the flowers and teddy bear."

"Anything for you, love," Will mumbled, his hands on Nico's hips.

"You're to good to me," Nico says, putting his face in Will's chest. Will hums, wrapping Nico in his arms and slowly swinging them side to side.

Suddenly, Will lifted him up, and Nico wrapped his arms and legs around him, smiling wide. He was brought over to the couch, Will laying down and cuddling close to Nico.

"This would be more comfortable on the bed," Nico stated, but Will simply smiled.

"Too far. Too lazy," Nico laughed and Will opened his eyes, looking at Nico lovingly, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear, making Nico blush.

Nico kisses Will, and Will smiled lazily, wrapping his arms around Nico again.

Nico places a hand on Will's cheek, bringing him in for another kiss, one that lasts longer. Will sighs into the kiss, one of his hands going up to curl in Nico's hair, and Nico smiles mischievously as he bits on Will's lip softly, resulting in a small rumble from the back of Will's throat, making Nico giggle.

Nico looks into Will's eyes and Will looks into his and it's all warm and happy and fuzzy. They're smiling at each other, and Will silently thanks every god he's ever heard of for giving him Nico, for letting them meet, for letting them fall in love.

Will can't help it as he leans in, pressing a small, chaste kiss to Nico's lips.

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