The Internet Lies : Jessica Lee's story

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This story is a true story came on the news .
I will add more details because I read some books. I am giving fake names because I don't want to use a dead person's name but we are allowed to use her story I got permission just not her name .
This is for people 16 and up maybe even 18 and up
Don't say I didn't warm you

This story is about Jessica Lee . R. I. P Jessica Lee.

When Jane Lee was little she really wanted a computer and what every other kid had .
Whether it was a barbie , a new game , iPad, ipod , you name it .

Her mother Anna Lee was a single mom with two kids . Jessica had a younger brother Joe. He was about two to three years younger then her . They were very close .

When there mom wasn't around they had eachother. They would spend time together and hang out together , watch movies , play video games . There mom had to work a lot just to provide for both Jessica and Joe .

Every girl in her neighborhood had a very big sweet 16 party. Jessica's mom couldn't afford a thousand dollars birthday party .
Jessica knew this and didn't push her mom .
She knew they were struggling and her mom was doing her best already .

Her mom tried her best to get Jessica nice things for her birthday. It wasn't as big as the other girls by far but her mother tried .
Jessica was asking and begging her mother for a phone even asking her mother if she can get a job to get a phone .

Her mother didn't let her work because her mother was already working and didnt want Jessica to work and have to get busy . She wanted Jessica to live a normal teenage life and not have to work . She also wanted Jessica to stay in school and watch her little brother Joe .

Jessica was sad and still begged even for Christmas. So when she turned sixteen she opened up a box with red wrapping paper and got the gift she has always wanted.

No it's not a dog or a car it's a phone. Jessica screamed and cried her grandparents and friends and brother were there . She was so happy she got up and screamed and told her mother thank you many times then kissed her brother Joe on the cheek. Her mother was very happy Jessica was happy . After all she did want Jessica to have a good birthday. For Jessica getting a phone was beyond exiting.

The phone wasn't a iPhone those weren't the biggest thing back then . Back then social media has just came out and everyone was using it. Of course Jessica needed to use it and all her friends at school touch her how to use it .

There is chatting with people and taking pictures of you and your life . People commenting on you pictures and saying nice and cool comment people liking your pictures it was just an awesome thing. Especially for young Jessica she didn't get much attention since her mother was always working and her dad was out of the picture.

She loved how she would post pictures and people would like them . She loved how she made her life seem so great even though it really wasn't. She loved how people loved her perfect life and how people loved her .

One day a guy on Social media named Logan Davis started following Jessica . He then DM her and said .

Hi I am Logan Davis
I just got a phone and I am so exited to be using this technology stuff .
I really like your pictures your very beautiful. You seem like a very sweet girl . I actually live in Northwood just like you . I go to Milkman High School .

Milkman high school was only 5 minutes away from her High school . She see. his profile picture and was amazed. A very handsome boy just called her beautiful.
She looked at a couple of his pictures. He was very good looking and looked around her age . She thought about it for a second and then met up with her friends at the mall . At this time she only meet up with one of her best friends Ava . This is what Ava has to say ....

Avas POV
Jessica texted me if I wanted to go to the mall and she needed to talk to me it's important . I knew she came to me because he mom would always work and well she had me . She couldn't tell her brother everything . I was thinking shit why did Jessica have sex why why why . I thought she was pregnant 😳 . I mean there was lots of guys trying to get with Jessica from social media even from school . Recently we went to a friend's party and she snook in boys. I thought Jessica had sex with a boy named Troy because they went to a bedroom alone and welll stood there for while . She said nothing happened and blushed. Troy said they had well sex and she was very mad .

She said it wasn't true and I believed her . She said they had a kiss and made out a little. It was her second kiss . Her first kiss was our first year if high school with a boy named Liam . He was shy and sweet like her and we all thought they were going to be together forever . We all knew they were in love . That was till he moved away and they never seen eachother again . Again we didn't have phone and all that stuff when we were growing up. It was all new .

I had a boyfriend Charles. He was nice her was older than me . I told my parents he was a year older than me and well we only went to the movies and kissed . I said his parents would kill him if he had sex . They believed me .

So my boyfriend would give us rides and take us places. Yes We had sex. I was a stupid teenager and I wish I wish I didn't lie but I did thank God I didn't end up dead .
I was a lucky one but many weren't. Charles was 25 and I was 16 . I didn't mind he would take me everywhere I wanted m If I needed a ride to Target he would take me.
If I needed a ride to my friends house he would take me and my friends.

We went to pick up Jessica and he dropped is off at the mall for like 2 to 3 hours . We ate some pizza and got some lemonade and we went shopping I did . I got some jewelry.
She said when we ate because I said you have to tell me know or I will die . She giggled and said okay there is this boy named Logan and I might date him .

Logan ? I told her I was like who Logan Bush. No ew no he's a nerd she told me . No there is this boy on my social media named Logan Davis. He is so hot and he thinks I am beautiful . She asked me if I should date him and I was 16 and a bad influence so I said yeah . He had pictures of himself so I didn't think anything. I just thought wow he is so hot I would so fuck him . I told her if I didn't have Charles I would date him .

She texted him
Hey Logan
Nice to meet you I am Jessica .
How do you like Northwood and the your phone ?

I was laughing hard with her . She was like let's see if he lives in Northwood. He texted back a couple minutes after.

Hi Jessica
I like Northwood I love Lisa's Cupcakes like when I ate there as a kid it felt special but now it feels more special because it feels like New York . I Have been to New York before and live to travel with my family . The phone is cool I take many selfies of myself and I like looking at you all day . I see your post and I am like man I wish I go to school with her she's so beautiful I would ask her out and take her flowers every Friday and I would make songs for her . I would watch movies with her and even take her to the movies. I would kiss her beautiful Snow White Lips.

He got her he got me . She loved Snow White and she loved the attention I loved his romance and emotions . I told her she had to date him and he is that good looking and wants her why would she wait . I told him he was so hot and romantic he is like a boy from the movies . I told her she should date him even incourged her . That was the worse mistake of my life and I made many .

Third Person
Jessica and Logan would text alot . They would always talk about there days thier morning what they are doing everything.

Hey Jessica
How's your day going?

Hey Logan
Its going well my little brother Joe got a A on his math quiz . I am so proud of him K helped him study.

Wow that's so nice Jessica congrats on you and your brother. I have a younger sister Molly . She is pretty cool she likes girl stuff like barbies and my little pony .

LOL no way .... How old is she ? Joe is in 8th grade .

Molly is in 5th grade. It's only Molly and me . I love her so much and she means the world to me .

Wow that's like me and Joe we are so close and he means so much to me .

So what are you doing ?

Oh me and Joe are just watching a horror movie . lol

Wow I love horror movies but I could never watch one with Molly she would get scared .

Molly seems nice

Yeah Molly is very nice . She loves ballet and dance . I always go to her dance performances . It's so funny . My parents work alot and it's very hard. I am like her number one fan . I have to be there for her ballet performances and for her school awards . I am with her all the time at home because my parents work alot .
Sometimes I feel like her parents

Oh wow I am sorry my mom works alot too . It's only her , Joe and me . I am always with Joe alone . It has always been him and me and I feel like a mom sometimes but mostly a big sister .

I am sorry Jessica I understand. It feels lonely sometimes I am glad I have my little sister in this big house .

Wdym ?

I mean my dad is a lawyer and my mom is a orthodontist. They both make great money and both are kinda of old . lol

Lol that's nice

Jessica knew that the school he went to was for the rich people she just thought he went there because his mom worked there or something. For her him being rich was great . They could get married and they could support eachother. She really wanted to be a dentist .

Hey Beautiful
How was your day ?

Good just a normal crazy Sunday

I love you so much your the light tk my dark and hard life. Your the queen and I am the king . I would do anything and everything for you. I would protect you and save you .

Logan would always say romantic things about Jessica and no one has ever talked to her like that so she feel fo him . One day she showed her friend and was so happy. Her friend and her said they should meet and she asked to meet him. At first she wanted to know if he was real so she asked him if they can call . He said yeah sure and well they called . She heared his voice it sounded like a teenager and back in the day they didn't have FaceTime so when you wanted to meet someone you would have to go in person to meet them .

She loved his voice and they would talk for hours. Her brother would always hear her talking to someone whether it's in her room , while she was cooking, while she was doing homework , even when they were watching TV .

Here is Joe's POV
My sister and I were very close . We only had eachother. She wasn't like a normal girl who didn't like video games and super heros and comic book . She loved boy stuff and she also loved horror movies . We would always rent a horror movie and eat popcorn together it was a normal thing we did .

When she got the phone I was so happy for her . I wanted one after her because I seen the phone made her so happy . She would always laugh looking at it and turn red .
One day she was talking to a guy and I always thought she talked to her girl friends .

I knew it was a guy because she said Oh Logan stop your to much . No Logan this and that. I heared Logans name many times and she would say he's just a friend or we are just working on a project. Till we were watching a movie together and she was on the phone laughing and I thought how are you laughing at a horror movie someone is getting slathered.

I look up from the TV and looked at her on the phone . I was starting at her for ever and she didn't even notice me till I said ..
Jessica ... Jessica I am trying to watch a movie.. Jessica
She said " Not now Joe Can't you see I am on the phone "and she walked away to her room and said "GOD " .

That was very wierd because when her friend called her when we watched movies she would say I will call you I'm like 5 minutes or sometimes a hour . This time she was just acting rude . She acted like a real bitch and she was always being mean . She thought she was something she was not.

One day she even wore a crop top to school . She would dress like a whore and my mom got home in the morning and seen Jessica about to leave looking like a whore.
My mom was like "Are you seriously going to wear that Jessica you look to old " , my sister rolled her eyes and left my mom had to chase her down and yell at her . She changed but she put the clothes in her backpack and put them on at school.

Another thing we noticed was that she would get bad grades. Her homework was never done and it was so not normal my mom even took her to the doctors. They said nothing was wrong just a normal teenager.

My mom told my sister you better not have sex and get pregnant your too young and I worked and work so hard for you to do better for yourself. I don't want you to end up with me with two kids no guy to support me and me having to give my kids whatever I can .

Even after that conversation Jessica keep talking to Logan he always told her nice things her good looks , how she is so easy to talk to and he feels like he has no one and he can't even talk to Molly .

She knew he was real he always posted pictures of himself and his sister Molly .
His big house is always there . He had pics of him with his big house . He had pictures of his two dogs Jonas and Nick . He told Jessica his dogs were named after the Jonas Brothers .

He was the person who posted a comment on every each of her post a heart . He made her feel beautiful, less lonely , like someone else . He made her feel happy she loved him and was going to do anything for him . She even told her best friend when they meet after a couple dates they might have sex together and get married .

She was planning it even planning on going to college with him . He said he would go any where she went.

After a year of dating and him being super nice he sent you stuff for Valentines and for Christmas and for Your birthday he remembered. He gave you great gifts and told you the truth .

My parents are getting a divorce.

Oh My God Logan I am so sorry I am hear for you if you need anything

Thank. My dad cheated on my mom with someone younger Molly is very upset .
She is crying and doesn't understand.
I feel so bad and I am trying to confourt her .

I am so sorry Logan tell me if you need anything.

Thank you I think we should take a break I need some time just to take care of my mom my sister and myself .

Oh okay ...
Take all the time you need
When Jessica heared this she was heart broken in her room for a while and crying. She felt lovely she felt like how could I do this why did I make a mistake maybe its me maybe I am not pretty enough. He is a really hot guy. I will do anything to get him back.

A couple months later Logan texts her after the break up.

Let her brother Joe tell us what he saw.
My sister was ways crying she would lock herself in her room. My mom wasn't home so she didn't see but I saw everything she changed so much . I wondered how could a phone change a person . It was just a stupid little machine. I felt so bad for my sister and wondered is she getting bullied at school I asked her but she would tell me to leave her alone .

She told me a while back she liked a boy name Logan . I thought maybe Logan broke her heart or maybe he told her something cruel because I know boys I am one . I also thought maybe he made a rumor. I called her friend Ava and told her what's going?
Why is ny sister crying and sad ?
She told me maybe it's her period . Periods don't last for a month they don't so I told her its not that.
She told me it could be she misses your dad .
I didn't belive her I was just so lost . My sister was crying over our dad who left us .
It did make sense she was always strong and would never seem to cry over him she was so strong and know the power got to her and she is broken .

I went to her high school because she told my mom she was sick and didn't want to go to school . She said she was having the worst cramps. My mom said as long as you aren't pregnant.

I went to her school and left my school early and I told her friend if they knew anything and I tried to look for a Logan Davis. No sign . I was so confused where is Logan Davis I even asked a teacher and he said you arnt from around her there isn't a Logan Davis that attends this school.

That day I went home and yelled at my sister how is she dating someone that doesn't go to school .

She told me he was a friend from social media attended the school for rich kids and she liked him he didn't like her and that's why she is sad.

I felt bad for her I know how it is getting heart broken .

That day we watched movies and ate ice cream and pizza . I told her the boy wasn't worth it . After a month we were staring to have the old Jessica back till ......

Narrator .......
Jessica got a text from Logan

Jessica I know it's been 2 to 3 months since we talked but I miss you I can't live without you . I wanted to help my family and myself and that was selfish what I didn't know was that you help me I can't help my self your my one and only and what I did was the biggest mistake of my life . I am so sorry I know you could never forgive me but I love you Jessica . I want to live I'm a house with you marry you and maybe even have a child when we grow up and get out of college.

Of course Jessica liked everything he said and never wanted him to ket her go never wanted to lose him so this time she was going to post sexy pictures on Instagram and make him need her make him want her so baldy . She said

What you did hurt me and I might have to think about it . Plus I have many guys at school asking me out .

It wasn't the truth a guy did ask her out but not many . She also loves him even though he hurt her . She doesn't even notice he hurt her she just sees the love she had or still has for him .

A couple months later after begging Jessica she said she would take him back . They were back and Jessica didn't want to lose him so what did she do . She posted many sexy photos of her . One day she was watching a TV show and texting Logan . Everything was great he made her laugh was polite and asked for a picture of her .
She got the phone and took a selfie of herself and sent it . He said can I have a sexy one and she took another one of her puckering her lips . He asked for a another sexy photo that she makes him have chills .
She took another this time her puckering her lips and showing her shirt aka her breast. He asked for a even sexier photo and she was confused .

She went to her room undressed her self and started taking pictures. As she was doing that her mom opened her door .. but it was locked and said " Jessica open the door I have your clothes " , her mother just got her clothes and folded them from the landry .
" Mom I am doing a project just leave them by the door " , he mother was confused and a bit concerned. She did as she was told and headed to make dinner .

Jessica sent the pictures to Logan and he said very nice things about her body . A week later Logan asks if he can meet Jessica he wanted to take her out for a nice dinner then walk around a garden for a while and maybe next couple dates she can meet his famliy and he can meet hers .

As soon as Jessica heared about this she was beyond excited. She was going to meet her soul mate her future husband. She was in love with Logan he was good looking nice and smart and plus he had money. Logan and her planned a future together. So agreed told her friend Ava she might lose her virginity and have sex with Logan some day after all she was 17.

She got dressed up and put on something good or whatever she could find again she wasn't the richest girl alive . After she told her brother she was going out with a friend and her would come home by 2 am . She waved her brother good bye and was never seen again !!!!! .

I am sorry it's long this is how all my stores are going to be a new story each chapter sometimes parts . I was the one who created this story well not this story . This is based on a true story her real name wasn't Jessica but I got facts from books websites podcast true crime and the news thank you . I just put everything I got and wanted to add to make a story here. This is my first True Story so please don't judge me
Well I guess you can but don't be so harsh like
I HATE YOU ! lol

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