Chapter 17 Leaving

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Cathy P.O.V

I nervously entered Justins house looking around. His friends were always here, so were those stupid body gaurds. I knocked on Justins door waiting quietly for him.

"Finally!" He exclaimed letting me into his office.

"Sorry I took so long"

"It's fine Cathy, sit down" he ushered, before heading to the other side of his desk.

"What do you need?" I asked taking a seat in one of the two chairs opposite of him.

"I need you to stop hanging around Emma you two are getting too close for my taste, so I want you to disappear for a while"

"But my family-"

"I've taken care of it, now I have a car waiting for you, and if you don't do as I say then just remember I can and will find you" he sneered.

"Can I at least get my stuff from Emma's place?"

"Fine just don't tell her anything"

I jumped up from my seat leaving Justin's office. Opening the back door a balding man stood not too far from a black tinted car.

"Justin said I can see a friend before we leave" I murmured before heading to the back.

"Give me the address" he said gruffly

I sighed before putting it into his GPS. This is going to be a long ride.


I knocked on Emma's door awkwardly shifting on my feet. Some muffled sounds came from the other side and Melody opened the door.

"Oh Cathy, Emma's just inside-"

"Listen I have to disappear for a while-" I cut off looking at the driver before looking back at Melody making a gesture for her to let me in.

She moved away from the door frame and I quickly went inside closing the door.

"Ok listen, Justin's planning something. I don't know what but it's big, make sure Emma stays safe, and don't trust Austin"

"But he's her boyfriend"

I walked around her and into the living room grabbing my stuff.

"Just trust me on this Melody, now I have to go tell Emma that I- never mind just tell her goodbye, and keep her safe" I sighed before going back to the front door.

"It was nice to see you again Melody"

I opened the door and exited before she could do anything else.


Melody p.o.v

"I need an aspirin" I muttered after Cathy slammed the door.

Walking into the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water, before trudging to the living room, and plopping down down on the couch.

I took a swing of the water before covering my face with my hands.

"Who was it?"

I jumped looking back at Emma standing by the living room entrance.

"Cathy, she came to say goodbye" I sighed.

"Goodbye? Where is she going?" She furrowed her eyebrows

"I don't know but she told me one thing" I murmured.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"Don't trust Austin"


I don't know why I was feeling kinda dramaish today

I know it's been like forever and this is all u get I'm sorry

Especially since this chaps so random

Do not judge my weirdness

But anyway this is the very short chap I have for you all

I hope you enjoy it at least

Hope to start updating soon again

Schools been really busy

Anyway later all

Don't forget to....






Love you all 😊

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