Chapter 20 Scavenger Hunt

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"What is wrong with this guy?!?!" Melody gaped at the pictures on shock.

There were folders of pictures of me and Cindy from middle school all the way up to now. Some folders were password protected and others showed all pictures. It would have me from the moment I woke to when I went to sleep. Sometimes the pictures went into the night.

I felt violated. Justin had stalked me for years, he'd seen me in vulnerable moments and even things I wouldn't want to relive. 


I looked up at Melody as tears welled up into my eyes. Justin has violated every inch of my privacy, he'd seen more of me then anyone else in my life. I felt like someone had just taken away all my dignity with one single click. Melody inched closer to me as I shook in fear.

He could be watching me right now for all we knew, he could be right out! I sucked in a breath, running to my windows trying to close all my blinds and make sure that all the latches were closed tightly.

"We just need to find Cathy..." I whispered to myself, walking back to Melody.

She looked at me worriedly before nodding and turning back to the laptop. Melody was good with computer she'd find Cathy, I knew she would... Maybe.


"I got something!" Melody shouted.

I yawned, she'd been searching all day and I think she looked through every file in that thing. Standing up I stretched before heading over to Melody who was hunched over her face inches from my laptop. I laughed a bit, the first time all day.

"So where is she?" I mumbled.

"Thaaaaat... I don't know." She sighed.

"What do you mean you don't know!" I groaned.

"I narrowed it down to three places where she could be... I just don't know which one."

I leaned down next to her and looked at the three files she opened. Two of the files had photos of Justin on these unknown islands and the other had some pictures of Cathy.

"These seem recent," I mumbled.

"Thats good, if she left something here she had to leave something at these places too if she thought Justin was going to do this." She said enthusiastically.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"We're going on a scavenger hunt."

Why do I have a feeling this is going to be a long night?


Here it is...

I hope you like it

I might discontinue this story

But I don't know yet

Here you are






And Inbox

Thanks Lovelies

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