Chapter 27 The Morning After

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Cathy P.O.V

Waking up to find Emma and Melody hovering over me was about the strangest experience of my life. As if everything was happening in slow motion, a chain reaction of shrieking occurred. I quickly sat up, screaming, accidentally headbutting the two girls hovering over me. They both groaned in pain, holding their heads as they backed away from me, giving me some space.

"Thanks for the lovely morning call," I groaned, looking between the two as I rubbed my head. 

"We were debating on whether to wake you up or not." Emma blushed, nervously shifting on the balls of her feet. 

"Um... I'm gonna go get some ice for my head..." Melody mumbled awkwardly after a few second, before rushing off the deck. 

I chuckled slightly, before returning my attention back to the girl in front of me. Emma let out a deep breath and took a seat next t me on the beach lounge chair. We were silent for only a few moments, not really knowing what to say to one another. I shifted over slightly, bumping her shoulder, trying to ease the silent tension that fell upon us. 

"It's really to have you back. I was worried that we wouldn't get you back, but you're here safe and sound now." She mumbled, leaning her head on my shoulder. 

"Em, he wasn't go to hurt me..." I think... 

"You don't know that... Justin's delusional and has done some seriously stupid stuff in his life and you were caught in the cross-hairs of it." She stated forcefully, turning to look at me.

"But I'm fine now; in a way this was like a super boring vacation I had to take." I chuckled. 

"I love how you try to be positive at a time like this," she laughed, a small smile spreading on her lips. 

"Let's just get inside, I'm absolutely starving." I giggled, standing from the lounge chair, pulling Emma up with me.


Justin P.O.V

"How could you have lost her!? You guys  were on a freaking Island! We're still on a freaking Island!" I screamed at my guards, stress taking over my system. 

No one spoke, as I began to pace back and forth in the main room, trying to to calm down, while thinking about how I could fix this. My mind felt as if it was going a mile a minute, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call Austin. It would take me a while to leave the Island, so Austin would have to do something from his end. As the phone rang, I turned to my guards, watching them squirm under my glare. 

"Go get the boat ready, we need to stop these girls before things get out to the press." I sighed. They all quickly nodded, before scattering out of the room. 

"Sup," Austin's voice entered my ears a few seconds after the ringing started and I rolled my eyes at his casual greeting.

"We have a problem." 


Here's the next chapter!

Sorry I haven't updated in so looong!

I've been super busy, but since I got a day off school since Hurricane Matthew didn't hit near where I live I decided it was an opprotunity to publish the next few chapters of this book.

I hope you all enjoyed it!

I will be posting the next chapter later today!

Love you all <3

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