Chapter 6 The Concert

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When we reached the stadium i got out and went to the backstage entrance…. what i saw was sooo unexpected.

Justin was there why and how did he know i would be here.

"Hey Emma" he winked

"Not the time" i responded.

"Can you listen to me?" he asked.

"Why should i?"

This is so not the time.

"Because i know you still like me" he said in a cocky way.

"What makes you so sure" i respond clearly annoyed.

"Come on no girl moves on from me" he answered cocky still.

"You did not just say that" i said rolling my eyes.

"Now Justin can you move you’re blocking the door".


"Why can't you leave me alone".

I pushed him out of the way and walked through the door.

There was a guard and i handed him the vip pass from Austin.

He let me pass and i walked slowly looking to find where i was going.

I saw a door and i had a star with Austins name. I knocked twice and waited patiently.

The door opened to reveal Austin smiling. Suddenly i felt very self conscious.

But on the other hand Austin looked amazing.

I was snapped out of my trance when Austin spoke.

"Emma you look Amazing"

"Oh thanks but you look better then me".

"No you got me beat" i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.

" Ariana here i should wish her luck too".

"Ok her room is right down there".

"Thanks I'll be back" i smiled and he closed the door.

I walked to the room he pointed towards and knocked. Ariana opened the door and smiled.

"Hi Ariana" i smiled.

"Emma its nice seeing you again"

"You too" i nodded.

"Would you like to come in?" she asked.

"No i wanted to wish you luck i am going back to Austin anyway".

"Oh so you guys hit it off" her smile grew wider.

"Yeah you can say that".

"Ok i won't keep lover boy waiting" she laughed.

I giggled and we said our goodbyes. I walked back to Austin’s room knocked and he opened the door.

"Wow that was fast come in".

"Thanks" i walked into his dressing room as he closed the door. I became very nervous now.

"Here the concerts going to start".

He motioned me to join him where he was now sitting on the couch.

"Are you nervous?" i asked.

"Who wouldn't it’s kinda scary but Ariana is opening so that kind of lessens the pressure".

"Wow i have never seen you this nervous".

"Well i love performing so thinking of it helps me not get scared".

"So why do you need me?"

"Is it bad to want you here" he asked.

"No i like being with you"

"Are you feeling better?" this confused me a little.

What did he mean... then it popped in my head.

"Oh Justin yeah I'm fine"

"i was worried but you can always talk to me" he responded sincerely.

"I know"

"Did something happen?"

How could he tell…. Ugh i am such an open book. Ugh i hate it

"I saw him outside of the stadium".

"What did he want" Austin asked.

"What he was asking yesterday" i replied.

"What are you going to do"

"I honestly don't know i want to be with you, but its hard when my past keeps surfacing" i responded sadly.

"Well its your decision" he responded i heard the sadness in his voice.

We sat quiet and i began to think. Austin is such a great guy. And i really care for him. But justin is back and messing everything up.

I know what i need to do. I need to move on. And i really like Austin. He is one of the sweetest guys i ever met.


"Austin would you..." i blushed.

"Emma you’re blushing" he smiled.

"I know i was going to ask you if you would be my boyfriend" i whisper the last word.

After i said that i sat down quietly. Why did i say that. I'm such a total idiot. I mentally face palmed myself.

Why isn't he speaking. Oh god this is killing me. He's gonna say no isn't he. I hate my stupid mouth.

"Emma I'd loved to" at those words my heart was filled with butterflies.

"Really" i looked and smiled at him.

"Yes of course why did you think I'd say no".

"It's just your you and I'm well me" i frowned.

"Don't be upset your perfect" my heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Mahone you have to go Ariana is about to finish"

"Coming!!!" he yelled.

He took my hand and dragged me with him.

"I'm going on stage stay right here so i can see you".

I blushed and nodded.

Austin began to sing Say you’re just a friend. And i couldn't help but sing along. I loved this song. This song is my total favorite.

Hey hey baby you been on my mind

I knew you for a long time

But I've been thinking baby you should know

Hey hey baby we can compromise i really want you to be,mine

I've got a million places that we could go

He suddenly stopped and shocked the crowd.

"Guys i need your help to bring out someone special here".

Oh no what is he doing.

"Come on out Emma" he said coming towards me.

No no no no. He holds his hand out for me. God no please I'm begging you.

"Austin please no."

"Guys she scared lets give her some encouragement" he spoke into the Mic. Everyone in the audience began to cheer and clap.

My cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Come on Emma they want to meet you" he spoke to me quietly.

I hesitantly took his hand and walked on to the stage.

Just looked at me and smiled. Before singing say something. All i could do was smile. Austin is soo sweet.

When he finished singing people started chanting.

"Kiss kiss kiss kiss."

Austin smiled and i blushed.

"Guys seriously" he laughed.

That didn't stop the crowd.

They kept shouting "Kiss kiss kiss."

Now i didn't know what to do. So i pulled myself closer to Austin. And i put my hands behind his neck.

I leaned in and kissed him. When i pulled away the crowd went wild. There were applauses’ and awws as the crowd went insane.

I giggled and Austin smiled.

When everyone got quiet Austin sang 11:11.

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