Chapter 30- His last fight

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Tristan has been keeping me in the loop these past two weeks. He says that his conversation with Lachlan went surprisingly well, and that he didn't even seem that upset over it. 

He says that Lachlan told him, "What's fair is fair." And that's how that conversation ended.

Dad has been gone for two days. His trip is supposed to last for ten days, so he'll be back in a little over a week.

Carson has been trying to boss me around a couple of times. Which is why before he left, I made dad sign a documented agreement that I was in charge. This way when he tries to force me to do his chores because he's "older" I get to wave the paper in his face.

He tore it up once, but I made copies.

When I was home from school today, I had the house to myself. Carson was out spending time with Maylan today. I thought I would invite Tristan over to keep me company since I haven't had the chance to see him since his last fight.

That was yesterday, he wasn't at school today.

I had my phone out to dial his number when I heard a knock at the door. I was surprised when I looked out the peep hole.

I opened the door to reveal Braedon stading there, looking slightly nervous.

"Hey sis." He greeted.

"Hi Braedon. What are you doing here?"

"I thought we could spend some time together today. Maybe go out for a shake, that seems to be a favorite of yours."

I thought about this for a moment. It might be a little awkward at the start, but he was here and willing to spend time with me. Why would I turn that down?

"Yeah, okay. Let me grab my jacket." I left him waiting at the door while I went into the entrance closet to throw some warmth on before stepping out into the chilly air.

We were buckled in his car driving for a while, listening to some burned CD he had in his stereo.

"I didn't know people still burned CD's you dinosaur." I laughed.

"Hey I'm only 24, and I don't see why not. You don't have make a monthly payment for access and it's the same quality."

He had a point. We didn't say much for the rest of the ride, and then I began to recognize the area we we're in.

"Where are we?" I asked for clarification.

He didn't say anything as we pulled into the parking lot in front of a small Italian restaurant. The one with the magical freezer door that took you to an illegal underground fighting ring.

"Braedon, I'm not supposed to be here." I admitted nervously, and it didn't want to be here either, not without Tristan at least.

"It's Monday, no one's here. I just need your help with something."  He said and opened his door to climb out. I just sat there twiddling my fingers for a second while he stood and waited for me.

I don't see where else I was going to go, so I got out from the car and followed Braedon inside.

We made it past the judgmental door guard and walked through the dark hallway.

This place looked so much bigger without the entire crowd here. It was almost peaceful without the shouting and cheering of people in excitement of the fight.

We went back to a door I didn't see the last I time I was here. It had a small window with the blinds shut.

Braedon looked back at me as a number of confusing thoughts passed through my mind.

"Just try to remember, this is all for show." He said and then grabbed me roughly by the arm before swinging the door open and dragging me into the room, with Lachlan and Tristan who were in the middle of a heated argument.

Their words were cut off when they both turned to see me. Lachlan looked satisfied and gave a single nod to Braedon who still had his hand wrapped around my arm.

One look from Tristan, and I knew exactly what Lachlan was doing.

Just for a second, Tristan's anger dissolved from his face when he saw me. Then his jaw locked immediately back into place and his blue eyes flood into a shade darker as he turned back to Lachlan, "what the fuck is this?" he shot out.

"My insurance." He replied calmly. Braedon dragged me forward and sat me down into a chair not far from the one that Tristan was standing in front of. I rubbed the sore part of my arm when he finally let go.

"Did you think I would actually let you walk away, with all the money you've been making for me? And now I have a star fighter from a different ring here." he motioned to Braedon, "The bets from this one fight alone would make some of us very rich."

I didn't realize there was a fourth person in the room until he came around and leaned himself on the desk in front of me.

It was Nolan, the guy that was with Braedon the one time I came here. He pulled a knife from his side pocket and casually ran his finger along the blade. Then he looked up at me and lifted the corner of his lips in a smirk.

Lachlan spoke again, "So Tristan, I want to keep you here as a fighter, what do you think of that?"

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