Chapter 33- Weekday Match

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I heard the noise of a crowd slowly forming outside of Lachlan's office, it must be night time now.

Which meant that it was time for Tristan to fight my brother in the ring. I don't know what I was feeling for it. Anxious, I guess.

This wasn't even his last fight, he would keep fighting after tonight and he would hate to do it. And my heart broke for him.

I shot up as the door suddenly unlocked, and Nolan stepped inside. He stepped closer to me and I stepped away quickly. I hit the wall soon after and he just chuckled under his breath.

"Time to watch your boyfriend get his ass beat." He said and then he grabbed me tightly by the arm and dragged me out of the room.

It seems like Lachlan was right about the crowd for a Tuesday night. There were just as many people here as I saw on that one Saturday night, maybe more.

No one looked twice as I was being dragged through the crowd. We didn't go all the way to the front, but we still had a good view of the ring and the two boys who were currently climbing through the ropes.

I saw Tristan first, and he looked absolutely exhausted. They must have had him training non-stop for this. It didn't even look like he would hold up in this fight. It didn't seem like anyone else noticed it though. They were just chanting his name while the other half were rooting for Braedon.

Tristan finally found my face in the crowd of people around him. I just focused on his face, I didn't hear the shouting around me, and I didn't care to see anything else in my peripherals. After the day I went through, being in his blue gaze was like a breath of fresh air, and after the day he went through, I could only hope he felt the same.

His facial expression seemed to ask me if I was okay. I was grateful that the room was dark and I was standing too far away for him to see my face. I didn't want him to worry and get distracted from where his mind needed to be tonight.

So I just nodded my head at him in assurance that I was okay, and I would be, because I was going home tonight. But he would have to come back here every weekend to fight again. I would be fine and he wouldn't be, but he still checked to see if I was okay.

I was distracted by this fact when the bell rang for the fight to begin. Braedon put his arms up first in defense and bounced from foot to foot. Then they started circling each other.

Tristan waited for him to make the first move as they continued to shuffle around the floor. Braedon nailed him with the first hit, but he brushed it off like it didn't even happen. He dodged the next throw by dipping under his arm, and suddenly they had flipped positions. They continued to circle each other again as the crowd roared with enthusiasm.

Tristan took one step forward and connected with Braedon's jaw. He threw another punch immediately after and this one landed on his cheek. Braedon spit out blood a moment later. He moved to punch Tristan and Tristan was able to dodge the first hit but not the second one. He recovered quickly again and uppercut Braedon. He threw another one on the same cheek he hit just before.

I could tell Braedon's temper was flaring from this. He stepped for him, faked a punch to his face, then threw his other fist out towards his stomach and landed a hard blow straight into his abdomen. Tristan doubled over from this and Braedon placed his hands on his back and he threw his knee up into another blow to his stomach.

He dropped to the ground and it was like I could feel the breath knocked out him myself. I didn't know my feet were moving towards him until Nolan grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. The force might have knocked me down if he wasn't still gripping me.

And then I felt someone grab me from my other arm in a gentler hold, "I got it from here asshole." He told Nolan.

"Tate." I said in relief.

Nolan's grip stayed cement hard on my arm, even as I tried to pull away from him. Then Tate pulled his jacket back to reveal a dark blunt object that looked strangely like a gun. "Fuck off." He said to Nolan and he finally let go and walked off in the other direction.

"Tate where'd you get a gun? Where's Carson?" I asked in distress.

"Later. Are you alright?" I nodded my head in response and then both of our attention was turned to movement in the ring.

Tristan got back up from the floor and visibly shook himself off, causing the crowd to go wild once again. He threw himself into it again, throwing punches to Braedon whose arms were up in a shield. Some of Tristan's blows managed to hit him in the sides.

Braedon eventually gave up his arm shield as he threw himself to the side and caught Tristan in his left cheek, and then another in the same cheek. He threw punch after punch, pushing Tristan back into a corner of the ring.

I didn't know much about fights, but I did know that being trapped in the corner was not a good thing.

"He's been in this position before right? And he's got out of it?" I asked Tate nervously.

He silently shook his head with a grave expression on his face and I was almost afraid to look back up in the ring again.

I was right to hessite, because when I looked back up Braedon was rapidly throwing punches on Tristan like he was nothing but a punching bag.

Then Tristan managed to get his arms up, leaving his chest and his abdomen exposed, but only for a moment until he shot his right arm for a punch that blew across Braedon's face.

Tristan threw another one and he managed to shove him back a step. That was all he needed to get out the corner as he dodged a punch from Braedon and once again managed to swing around him.

And all his hard work went to shit because Braedon threw his foot out and shoved it into his chest with so much force that Tristan was knocked to the floor. Braedon threw himself down after him and rained down punch after punch all over Tristan.

Each time his face was thrown from a blow I tensed further and further until I couldn't watch it anymore. I looked in the other direction as I saw blood flying from his mouth.

"Tate what do we do?" I cried out, "we have to do something, please."

He looked around worriedly, looking for something, or someone. He spoke words under his breath that I couldn't hear because of the crowd. He tilted his head to the side in a decision, then pulled his gun out from his waistband and moved quickly towards the ring.

I followed him but stayed at the entrance, and no one had the chance to stop Tate as he climbed through the ropes and raised the gun to the ceiling, firing three shots into the air as I covered my ears.

After a few screams around the room, everything and everyone went silent.


And then I realized he must have been waiting for Carson, because he ran into the ring shortly after with a gun of his own, "what he said." he spoke quietly and I was sure the only reason I heard it was because I was standing so close.

✨Authors Note✨

I'm pretty sure the only experience Carson has with a gun is through his video games... I could be wrong though.

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