5| The Honesty

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Right now, I was sitting in my car, watching as Drew walked up the steps to a large, pale yellow house, holding the...unique...gifts he bought. With a few girls scattered along the wrap-around porch in their pajamas, I could tell this was a sorority house. But, as much as I didn't mind the view, I had something more important to look at, so, tearing my gaze away from them, I paid attention to the familiar girl opening the front door.

I couldn't really hear what she was saying, but by the look on her face, she wasn't exactly happy. And, judging by Drew's growing dejected posture, it wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. Because of this, I found myself looking away, not able to witness the meeting any longer. Instead, I mindlessly drummed my fingers against the steering-wheel, humming the new melody I came up with a few nights ago.

You said it's a crazy stupid dare, and you probably wouldn't care, but-

The sound of my passenger door opening jerked me out of my head, but instead of Drew getting in, I saw Natalie. Looking through her black, circular-rimmed glasses, I could see the sadness in her hazel brown eyes.

I was about to ask her if she was okay, but she spoke before I could.

"Why did you bring him here?" she questioned softly, her stare holding mine and leaving me with nothing to do but answer.

"Even if I didn't, he still would've came."

Sighing, she leaned her head back on the headrest, closing her eyes in the process. Looking out the window and back at the house, I could see Drew trying not to watch us the whole time. No doubt, he was stressed and going crazy with fear of what we were talking about.

Calm down, buddy. I got you.

"Nat, I need you to be honest with me, now, before he gets hurt." I began, fully aware I was tredding on dangerous territory, but it needed to be done, for both their sakes.

By now, she was looking at me again, anxious of what I might say, but clearly willing to answer truthfully.

"What is it?"

"Do you think you'll ever forgive him?" The second the question left my lips, her face winced, but I pressed on. "Because, I love you both, and want nothing more than for you two to work things out, but...I also love him too much to just sit back and let him fight a battle he's already lost. I won't do that—not even for you."

"I would never ask you to do that, Riley," she whispered, her mind obviously in knots that I was tightening with my words.

"I know...just, if you're really done with him, you've got to make it plain, or he'll never give up."

Biting her bottom lip, she looked out the window at the guy pacing her front porch, his arms crossed and eyes honed in on the ground. The car was utterly silent for a moment, until I heard a sniffle coming from the beautiful girl beside me.


"I don't want to be done with him," she said heartbreakingly soft, her eyes glossy as she looked back at me. Her small nose was turning pink, along with her cheeks as she began to cry. "God, Riley! I don't want us to be over! I feel like he's the best thing that ever happened to me!"

"Then, tell him that," I pressed, motioning for her to do it, now.

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

Wiping her face off, she looked back out at Drew. "Because."

"Because what, Natalie?" I knew she knew the answer, she was just struggling to find the words to explain it.

Letting out a heavy breath, she leaned forward, running her hands through her hair before saying, "I feel like...I don't know, I just...I feel like I lost myself in him. I was so close to giving up a part of me that I swore I never would until I was ready, and I know I never would have come that close if it were anyone else but him. For him, I feel like I could lose a piece of who I am and be okay with that, and that's not okay. And, ughhhh, God, Riley, that scares the life out of me."

Rubbing her face, she looked at me with so much confusion and sadness that I just wanted to hug her and let her know everything would be okay. That she would be okay, regardless of what happened after today.

"Am I crazy?" she asked. "Cause...it all seems to make sense in my head, but then I look at him and I wonder what the heck I'm doing pushing him away."

Surprisingly enough, I felt like I understood what she was trying to say. There was no doubt in her heart and mind that she loved Drew. The problem was, she was afraid her love for him was causing her to love herself less, to the point where she'd give up her values or beliefs just to please him.

The two had been through so much in their relationship, even though it had only been about two years, and it definitely brought them closer emotionally than most kids our age would be. They were in deep, and sometimes the deeper you go, the more it hurts when you have to come up for air.

"You need space," I concluded, searching her face to see if I was right. When the stress seemed to dissolved out of her features, I knew I hit the nail on the head. "You're not crazy, Nat. You're human, and humans get hurt."

When she nodded her head, I added in, "We also hurt people—sometimes the last person we ever want to hurt, but we do. It's another thing that makes us human. Just...keep that in mind when it comes to that green-eyed idiot we both love, okay?"

With a hint of the tiniest of smiles, Natalie said, "Riley Baker, when did you get so poetic?"

Chuckling, I shrugged playfully, "I'm a songwriter, Nat. What did you expect?"

After our laughter and temporary bliss ended, we were faced with the reality of what would happen next.

"Take care of him for me? Y'know... since I won't be?" she asked, referring to the distance she needed to put between them.

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere until I know you both are good."

Pulling me into a tight hug, Natalie said a quick "thank you" before getting out of my car and heading back up the stairs to her house. I watched on as she stopped and said something to Drew that I figured had to be along the lines of what she decided in here. Giving him a brief kiss on the cheek, she went inside, closing the door behind her without a glance back.

When Drew got back in the car, it took him a minute to speak. His gaze was glued to the sorority house, and even though Natalie's "sisters" were looking at him with gossip-hungry eyes, his stayed trained on what I could only assume was the window to her room.

"So," he sighed, finally looking away. "She wants space."

"I'm afraid she needs it, buddy," I sympathized, patting his back to let him know I was there.

That was the hardest part about all of this—being there for the both of them, considering the two wanted different things. Still, as their best friend, I had to want the best for them, even if it meant it hurt the other. That was my dilemma, but I'd deal with it for them. I couldn't imagine there was much I wouldn't do for Natalie and Drew.

"Then that's what I have to give her," he accepted solemnly.

Pulling away from the curb, I drove us back to his dorm. Heartbreak was tiring, I knew that from personal experience, and I could tell the only thing Drew wanted to do in that moment was sleep away the present.

"I'm going out, man, but I'll bring you back something to eat when I come back," I announced, opening the dormroom door and then closing it behind me as I made my way back to the spot on campus I sat a few days ago where I managed to bust out more musical progress than I had in weeks.

The sun was still relatively high in the sky, which seemed to draw a lot of students out into the Decemeber weather. At least it wasn't too cold out, as long as you had a jacket on, and the crisp air made things even more enjoyable for me.

Sitting down on the floor of the little gazebo, I leaned back on the railings of it and got to strumming, trying to refine the chords and finger-picking so they'd compliment the melody I sang. I was making a ton of progress, so much so that for once, I actually felt confident that I'd move onto the next round of the competition. It wasn't until I noticed a small crowd forming around me that I stopped.

"Uh, sorry, everyone...but, this piece isn't really ready for an audience, yet," I shared, hoping the college goers would, y'know, go.

Some did, while others lingered, looking for a free show or something. Shaking my head, I started packing up. Well, guess that's it for tonight. I wasn't upset or anything, considering:

1. I didn't own this space.

2. I wasn't even a student here, and

3. I'd already gotten a lot of work done, so I could use the break.

Making my way back to my car, I couldn't help but overhear a group of people talking. One of them said something that struck my interest, reminding me of an invite I received but completely forgot about.

"So, I'll see you guys at Sigma Kappa's party tonight, right?" one of the guys asked his friends.

"Dude, there's no way I'm missing it!"

Smirking at the memory of the blonde girl behind the kiss, I got in my Tahoe, feeling just like that guy. There's no way I'm missing it, either.

Pushing through the door to the dorm, I plopped down on an unconscious Drew, waking him up.

"What the-"

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" I shouted obnoxiously while smothering him.

"Whyyyyyy?" Drew whined, shoving me off him so I ended up falling to the floor.

Okay, owwwww.

"Because, you bully," I began, earning me an unamused look from my brother from another mother...and another father. "I got invited to a party and you're gonna take me!"

With a stone cold expression, he deadpanned, "Do I look like I'm in the 'partying' mood, to you?"

"Uh...not exactly."

"Because I'm not. Hey! And where's the food you said you were bringing me?!"

Oh yeahhhhhh.

"Dang, I forgot," I chuckled. "My bad."

Shaking his head, he sat up and grabbed his phone, dialing in a number.

"Who are you calling?" I asked.

"Papa John's. Want anything?"

"Nah, I'll eat something at the party, which reminds me! Can you tell me how to get to the Sigma Kappa's house, since you're being lame and won't come with me?"

The tensing of his body didn't go unnoticed by me.

"You, uh, you've already been there, earlier today." What? When? "Sigma Kappa is Natalie's sorority, so I couldn't even go with you if I wanted to," he explained, causing my mouth to form an 'o'. "But, have fun. Those girl's throw great parties."

"I can stay, if you want me to," I offered.

Waving me off, he replied, "Nah. I'm good. You go out, have fun. "

With a slight frown, I patted his back before heading toward the door.

"I won't be gone all night," I assured him. "Let's watch a movie or something when I get back."

"Sure, man," he agreed with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Closing the door behind me, I pulled out my phone to send Nat a text.

It sucked that Drew couldn't come, but my life didn't stop just because he was in a rough patch. Besides, he wouldn't want me to mope around for his sake and I had no intention to. Instead, I planned on completing a mission. My mission.

Find the girl with the ocean eyes.

Hey, guys!
I know it's been FOREVER since I updated this story, so sorry for that! The only explanation I can give you is...life. Also, I'm human and suck at multi-tasking. 😅

Either way, I just want to thank you guys for your patience and love even when I'm a bumbling idiot that can't finish a chapter to save her own life 😍. I love you guys!

Thoughts on this chapter? Things I can improve on, other than my update schedule (which is nonexistent)?

*Peep those new aesthetics, though. 😉

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