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It didnt take very long cuz i actually started her a while back and got around to finishing her now. Sorry it took so long XD

I at first wanted to draw both Chulchres and Drasna in one picture but i eventually decided to just do them seperately. Thats just too much going on at once XD

I havent finished Chulchres yet, im still kinda tryna figure out how to do him XD

But anyway

I really like how she turned out

Considering her design and colors are pretty simple i wondered at first how to make her stand out more, so i just made her fur super huge XD


Also since her reference image didnt have specific pupils in her eyes, i didnt really give her dark pupils. So she looks so mYstErIOUs

Hope you dont mind the little eye spots i gave her, i just do it so she has some sort of eyebrow and so her forehead isnt so empty.

I got her done quickly, like in an hour or two, cuz her design is simple and i was already half finished with her. But im proud of her and i like the mood and expression i gave her.

Next up: Chulchres... HOO BOI THIS IS GONNA BE FUN

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