oh god this is going too far

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Hey so remember my emo lefty doodles

Aka this guy

Yeah um
I made a high school au/story surrounding him

I have gone to literal garbage

You might as well let me die

Ok no but im writing a story about it with sora giving me ideas now and then, maybe someday ill post part of it or write some oneshots for it here on wattpad, but im still trying to figure out the characters' personalities and designs, only 3 have design ideas so far besides lefty and ft freddy, and i only have a very basic plotline. But i guess im just gonna post their personalities here so you guys can see how cringey i am and maybe get a feel for the universe if you're actually interested


-not actually that emo
-kinda whiny sometimes
-always has a good snide remark for whatever you might say to him
-king of comebacks
-that one kid in the back of class that talks back to the teachers all the time
-is passionate about music and enjoys singing or playing bass guitar
-hates hugs unless he's really upset
-will have depressed moments
-likes sleeping
-has weird dreams about the puppet and the canon fnaf universe
-its not a phase mom
-normies REEEEEEE
-likes his emo hair
-has a love-hate relationship with his red eyelids/eyeshadow
-is self concious about his black eye
-has emo hair to hide his black eye
-is totally probably gay
-denies being totally probably gay
-makes jokes about being totally probably gay
-maybe he isnt totally probably gay
-we'll never know cuz this isnt a shipping story its about friend and family bonds dammit

~Funtime Freddy~

-lefty's weird-ass best friend
-has no quiet mode unless he's being dead serious and even then he's still not really that quiet
-very silly and goofy
-easily excited
-not easily angered but if you do tick him off... RUN
-can imitate pretty much any voice or sound
-likes to sing badly just to annoy people or make jokes
-can actually sing really well but doesnt do it often
-wants to be friends with everyone
-everyone knows him and most people like him
-likes jokes
-loves hugs
-hugs lefty all the time
-doesnt get enough sleep sometimes and will have moments where he just passes out if he's too tired
-trying to help lefty figure out his dreams
-needs help with his homework
-teachers both love and hate him
-avoids getting in trouble with the teachers by laying on the charm
-can cute his way out of any situation
-never feed him sugar cuz he will go insane for about 15 minutes and then abruptly crash after coming down from the sugar high
-self concious about his missing hand but also not letting it hold him back
-slightly self concious about his voice if people point it out
-doesnt like to ask for help with stuff like opening jars or cans unless he's alone with lefty

~Funtime Foxy~

Please do not argue about their gender in the comments. Leaving your opinion and discussing it calmly is fine but if anyone starts anything i will start deleting comments.

-is male for this particular story
-tol leggy athletic boi
-likes sports and excersize
-is lowkey fabulous
-doesnt like how pink and girly he is
-doesnt like his tail that much even though girls think it's amazing
-will gladly do your makeup or hair despite not wanting to be seen as girly
-pretty popular among the jocks

((I would put funtime chica here cuz she's gonna be kinda important but i havent figured out anything about her so))

~Rockstar Bonnie~

-overall pretty nice and popular
-cares a lot about lefty
-just wants everyone to be happy
-is arguably the nicest towards lefty out of all the rockstars
-doesnt talk all that much but speaks his mind whenever he does
-will sometimes spit pure gold in terms of well timed remarks

~Rockstar Foxy~

-Arrogant sometimes
-kinda an ass
-has a bit of a rivalry going on with funtime foxy
-has sass wars with lefty
-teases lefty (its all in good fun tho)
-wants to be seen as tough so he hides his sensitive moments
-doesnt try to hide the fact that he cares for his parrot tho

~Rockstar Chica~

-kinda crazy
-is friendly towards everyone
-doesnt know the meaning of personal space
-has a temper
-will blow up at just about anyone at just about any time for just about any reason
-has a fear of slipping on stuff because she had an accident at one point which explains her fear of wet floor signs and such

~Rockstar Freddy~

-leader of the gang
-wants to always be respected
-a bit of a control freak
-always on time
-wants everyone else to always be on time
-is fair to his friends and family
-doesnt want anyone to be left out
-doesnt understand lefty most of the time
-actually loves lefty a lot and just wants the best for him and the rest of the rockstars
-tries really hard to be a good brother to lefty but they just dont get along sometimes
-doesnt like accepting defeat
-holds grudges sometimes
-needs a surprising amount of time to himself just to think about stuff
-will be super sincere if he realizes he made a mistake

Yeah thats most of the characters i have worked out so far

After writing all that im kinda surprised by how much i had written for rockstar freddy. I like to think he's a really interesting character in my au, and maybe the most balanced. Hes relateable to a lot of people in a lot of ways but he also has a pretty rocky relationship with lefty, who is the main character in the story. So he's almost an antagonist sometimes when lefty and him argue or when lefty decides to be edgy, but rockstar freddy isnt evil in the slightest. He just doesnt understand how lefty thinks and acts since they're so different. Ive never had a character dynamic like that and i hope i can do it justice when writing about it.

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