to everyone who is feeling sad today

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So if any of you are like me you fit two descriptions

A. You're kinda sad and tired all the time

B. You find enjoyment in small actions or events rather than the grand scheme of things

So with those in mind, i know that there are MANY of you that are probably sad, depressed, ir just not feeling good today. So im putting together a little list of things you can do to just make yourself feel better at least for a few minutes. This is for all of you.

1. Go outside and just walk around for a few minutes when you next have the chance

2. If you have pets, go find them and love them

3. Cuddle with your favorite plushie(s) for a bit

4. Make yourself a cup of hot chocolate (or tea, or coffee, or whatever hot calming beverages you like). Bonus points if you make hot chocolate or coffee and put a marshmallow peep on top trust me it will make you smile

5. Listen to nostalgic music from the early 2000s

6. Listen to the soundtrack of a game you like

7. Doodle something you like. You dont have to be a top tier artist, it doesnt have to be a request from anyone, it doesnt have to be a full completed drawing, it doesnt have to be anything out of your comfort zone. Just sit down and doodle something you actually enjoy doing, even if it's "dumb" or "immature".

8. Rearrange your art stuff. You know you probably need to and it will make you feel productive even if it's just like putting your pencils in rainbow order.

9. Watch vines

10. Look at memes

11. Light a scented candle

12. Watch cooking asmr videos. I would suggest the youtube channels Hanse, Cooking Tree, and Hidamari Cooking. Even if you dont like asmr, it usually ends up being pretty calming.

13. Go murder that pimple that keeps bothering you

14. Watch a movie that you havent watched in a few years

15. If you see someone else being sad, cheer them up. Tell them theyre doing a good job, or say something you like about them. It doesnt matter if theyre online or if you even know them that well or at all. But the best thing we can do to cheer each other up is provide support, even if it's just saying "hey, i really like (blank) about you". Even if it's the only time you'll ever speak to that person, i can guarentee theyll remember it and pass on the kindness to someone else.

Well that's that. I hope that at least some of these things are doable for you guys. I see a lot of negativity and sadness on this site and in my followers, and i just wanted a way to cheer you guys up. I love each and every one of you and you ALL MATTER. No ifs ands or buts. We are a community that can and should care for each other so i encourage you, right now, to tag someone that you know is feeling down and show them this, tell them they are worthy, that they are loved, and that we're all here for them.

The world is a dark, cold, fucked up place but we can act as lanterns in the dark for each other until it's bright enough to find our way. We just have to figure out what makes us glow and embrace it.

With love to everyone reading this,


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