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Ok, so I decided that these guys needed their own chapter because there is just too much to say about this team individually let alone all together.

Oh boy here we go.
So I told you that you'd see more RWBY in my art and I wasn't kidding. (If you don't know what that is you can just skip through this entire chapter.)
So this is Cole Feran, Team Leader of COVE, He is a wolf faunus the top pic is when they are launched into the forest and he's just chillin there waiting for his partner to find him, his favorite place at Beacon is the cafeteria. I have not figured out his semblance yet but I have his weapon.

So this is Thunder. It's like a giant axe with a container in the blade that holds dust in the edge of the blade. It also has another container that holds bombs that he can release by holding down the trigger just below the blade.

This is Vakiel (Va-keel) from team COVE, she is studious (likes to argue with Cole), and her favorite place at beacon is in the library. She wanted to be team leader and is jealous of Cole. I don't have her semblance figured out either but I have her weapon right here.

Ok just so you know, I drew this weapon design before I found out Nora's last name and I still haven't come up with a different name that would fit.
So this is Valkyrie, it is a long blade that splits it's blade into two and launches missiles (along with dust) it also drops the blade with a chain. (Very difficult weapon to use)

And this is my OC for RWBY. Her name is Opal from team COVE, the top pic is when they are launched into the forest and she kneels down and listens. Her favorite place at Beacon is the fountain out front. She finds that the most interesting stuff happens there, and yet it can also be a very peaceful place to think.
Her semblance is echo location, all she has to do is talk and she will be able to 'see' everything around her. (Yes She is blind, and yes it is a bit like Toph's ability but with her voice not with her feet)

Opal's Weapons (Yeah that's right, it's duel wielding) is called Beatles. Both weapons can be used like Tyrian's blades along his wrists, but she has to hold them (keeps them at her hips when not in use) Both can extend into canes (a bit like Ospin's staff) and these canes can be used as canes or swords. If she flips her weapons around she can use them like guns. If you are curious about the handle or the trigger, you can talk to me in the comments or in pm, I will answer questions about her weapons seeing as some people find them confusing.( If too many people start asking about her weapons, I might draw her using them in each setting)

As for the last member of team COVE, my friend as yet to discuss their dynamics with me so the most that we know at the moment is that...

Her name is Evelyn, she's sassy, and she's a flirt.
That's it.

Either way, that is team COVE, I hope you guys enjoyed the little show and please don't take any of these characters and use them without my permission or credit towards me. These children are mine and I am quite protective of them. I am protective of all my characters but it's certain fears that I have with each one.
Either way if you are interested in these characters let me know and I might post more on them. Maybe of each of them wielding their weapons or even of working together. Just let me know.

Well I hope your Night is Lit by the Stars!
Galaxies Arise!

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