Quiet Hospital

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Amy filmed, walking towards him as Mark stared into the back yard, slathering peanut butter over his beard as he tried not to consider the pain of getting it out later. "What are you doing?" She asked as she stopped beside him, pointing the camera at him.

"It's been too long." Mark spoke lowly, then turned, grabbing a royal crown from behind him and placed it on his head before pulling a cloak around his shoulders, then turned to Amy. "I have to let the squirrels lick this peanut butter off my face."

"Why?" Amy asked. Mark glanced into the back yard, furrowing his brow then looked back to her. After staring into the camera for a bit, he sighed nodding his head and licked the peanut butter off his hand.

"That jar is ruined now." Amy pointed out.

Mark looked over at her, hesitating mid lick and then shrugged, continuing as he turned and put the jar on the counter. "So... we'll cut there." He mumbled, licking at the peanut butter on his hand again. "At the intense stare, and go into the running shot."

He turned back to the door and then sighed. "I usually take the jar with me, right?" He looked at Amy who shrugged and then he nodded his head, grabbing the jar. "Yeah. I do." He tossed his head towards the back door. "Would you open that for me?"

Amy just smirked. "I want to see you do it."

"I WILL cover this door in peanut butter." Mark threatened, reaching for the door.

"Alright, alright!" Amy giggled, racing forward and opened the door, ushering him outside.

Amy took her place and Mark started at one end of the yard, running to the other with open arms as he screamed out, "I'M KING OF THE SQUIRRELS!" at the top of his lungs. As he finished his run, he grinned. "How was that?"

"Once more for good measure?" Amy smiled.

Mark panted, walking back across the yard and prepared himself to run again. "Good?"

Amy just gave him a thumbs up to avoid ruining the shot and Mark took a breath before he repeated his run, screaming out, "I'M KING OF THE SQUIRRELS!", once more. As he finished out his run, Amy gave him another thumbs up and he caught his breath as he slowly walked over. "My queen..." He grinned.

"Oh, no. Stay away from me, peanut butter boy." Amy teased, stepping back towards the house.

"Give me a kiss!" Mark pouted.

"After you clean up!" Amy laughed, heading inside and left the door open for Mark.

Mark followed her in. "Amy! I love you!"

"Uh huh." Amy teased. "Get cleaned up! I'm going to start editing."

Mark pouted as he set the jar of peanut butter on the counter and when he realized Amy had left the room, he chuckled to himself and headed to the bathroom to try and clean the peanut butter off his face.

When he finally got the peanut butter off, he made his way into the office and leaned over Amy's shoulder, kissing her cheek. "Hey. How's it going?"

Amy reached up and gently touched his face. "Good. These videos are short and simple, pretty easy to put together."

"Mhm." Mark grinned, leaning on the back of her chair.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Jack was doing his best to care for the others. With the doctors becoming more and more tired, he had moved them to the office and tucked them into the cots, promising to check on them later. Even the Jims and Wilford Warfstache were slowing down, and had returned to ward one without a fight.

Jack headed upstairs with smoothies and water to try and get something into the residents of ward three, who were becoming more and more confused, having completely lost who they were at this point. As he finished up, he headed down to check on the sick ward before starting in ward two. Hearing a voice, he stopped in the hall, listening.

"I won't even steal your stupid mask anymore, ok? Just... wake up." The voice was high pitched and riddled with glitches.

Jack leaned forward a little peering into the room and watched Anti as he stood over Marvin's cot. The creature gritted his teeth. "It was the only time I was gonna ask nice!" He hissed. "Wake up, you furry wannabe!"

"Ok... ok..." Jack sighed, walking into the room.

Anti turned to glare at him, his form flickering wildly between realities. "What did you hear?"

Jack sighed. "You want Marvin to wake up. I know, it's frustrating... I want him to wake up too. But yelling at him isn't-"

"It makes me feel better." Anti hissed.

Slowly Jack nodded his head. "Right. Ok. Can you take a break?"

Anti tilted his head, baring his teeth a moment before he broke down into giggles, grinning. "Is it making you uncomfortable?"

"I'm sure it's making everyone uncomfortable." Jack muttered. Anti looked back down at the cot, watching Marvin as he laid very still. "Anti?" Jack sighed, watching the creature glitch for a moment before he continued. "Where's Dark?"

"I dunno. What do you think I am? His keeper?" Anti growled.

"I just thought... maybe he found something... fun to do." Jack slowly explained, making it up as he went. "Without you."

Anti's eyes widened and he glared at Jack. "Dark? Something fun? You don't know that stuffed suit very well, do you?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Jack sighed. "Ok, fine. Anti, I need you to stop screaming at Marvin, and preferably be somewhere else."

Anti rolled his eyes. "Why do I need to be somewhere else?"

"Because I don't actually trust you to stop screaming at Marvin." Jack answered simply.

Anti looked back down at the cot and sighed. "Fine." He grunted, and turned, leaving the room. Jack made his way closer, leaning his hip against the cot as he watched Marvin sleeping. Anti headed up to ward one, and wandered into the room. The Jims were tucked in together in one bed, and Wilford was laying on top of the blankets of the other, Dark sitting in a chair beside Wilford's bed.

Hesitating, Anti listened as Dark read something from his phone, the echo playfully following along. "Peter was up on his feet, running through the house with the lion a whisker's length behind."

Wilford chuckled, shifting in the bed and weakly tossed his fist upwards. "Give him what for!"

Dark turned his head to watch the man, nodding slightly, though he wasn't sure if he was routing for the boy or the lion. Anti was even less sure as he crept into the room. "What are you doing?"

Glancing at Anti, Dark then looked back to Wilford. "He is not quite feeling himself, and he requested I read him this story." Anti rolled his eyes, starting to leave and Dark merely shrugged, beginning to read again. "He ran upstairs and dove under a bed. The lion tried to squeeze under, but got his head stuck."

Slowing down, Anti lingered, then sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed the Jims were tucked into, quietly listening as Dark continued to read.

Down stairs, Jack had made the rounds, making sure everyone was still breathing in the sick ward, and no one had turned to static, before heading upstairs to ward two, with food and drink. He looked over the Google units, sighing heavily. "Google?" He said softly. "Google are you there?"

Google Blue's eyes flickered, and his gears whirred loudly as he tilted his head. "Power low."

Jack slowly nodded. "Yeah. Of course. I'm sorry. Save your power." He said, sighing as he sat down beside Chase and gently patted his arm. "Chase?"

Chase sleepily tilted his head and smiled. "Jack?"

Jack nodded. "Don't you mean, Jack, bro?" He chuckled.

Chase frowned a little. "Huh?"

Sighing, Jack just shook his head. "Never mind. Do you want something to drink?"

"Please." Chase smiled, reaching for the cup. Jack placed a hand behind his shoulder to help Chase sit up a bit, and helped him get a drink.

"This will help you feel better too." Jack promised, offering him the straw from the smoothie. Chase nodded his head, contently drinking some of it before he tried to lay down again. Jack let him lay back and stood, patting Chase's baseball cap on the bed post before he sat down beside the air mattress on the floor. "Jameson?" He asked.

The pale man's eyes opened and he smiled, giving a slight wave to Jack. He opened his mouth to speak and when no words came out, his eyes widened and he clawed at his throat. "Jameson, Jameson it's ok!" Jack frowned, grabbing his arms and stilled him. "You're mute. You can't talk, remember?" Jameson frowned, shaking his head and Jack offered him a soft smile. "You can't talk. It's ok."

Jameson merely nodded before pointing to the water, and Jack sighed, giving him a drink.

In the next room over, back in ward one, Dark had finished reading the story and was watching as Wilford drifted off to sleep. Anti shifted a little on the edge of the other bed, his glitches rather controlled for the moment. "Is he... you know... not Wilford anymore?"

"That is not a problem yet." Dark muttered. "Though... Wilford is rather unstable in general. Being this tired, has made him a bit loopy...." Dark looked over to Anti, sighing. "Why do you care?"

"I don't!" Anti snapped, leaning back a little. He glanced over his shoulder at the sleeping Jims, then looked back to Dark. "You clearly care though."

"About Wilford?" Dark asked, looking over the man once again, before turning his attention back to Anti. "I do, I suppose. Yes."

Anti shrugged his shoulders. "And Yandere, and King and... the other ones."

Dark cracked his neck, watching Anti closely. "Are you still pretending that you do not care for Marvin, and... Jameson, and the others?"

Anti looked over his shoulder at the Jims again, then over at Wilford before he glared at Dark, and then his face softened. "Robbie... disappeared."

"He did." Dark nodded.

"I guess... we're safe?" Anti sighed.

Dark hummed. "You and I? Well, I feel much better, and yourself?"

Anti huffed, his glitches becoming more dramatic. "I was feeling better first! Remember? I got tied to a chair!"

Dark rolled his eyes. "Let it go." He turned his head as Wilford groaned in his sleep, watching him a moment before looking back to Anti. "Yes, I believe we are safe now."

Anti nodded. "Then I shouldn't really have anything to worry about, right?"

"I would, most times, quite love to catch you in a vulnerable moment... but we are both caught in one. You are worried about them... and so I am." Dark admitted.

Anti got up, crossing the room, as Dark sat up a little straighter. The glitch sat on the end of Wilford's bed. "I think I miss Robbie." He half whispered.

Dark nodded his head. "I think that is alright."

"Do you think we're not quite back to normal? Maybe a bit soft?" Anti sighed.

"Perhaps." Dark tilted his head. "Or perhaps watching one of our kind blink out of existence... changed things."

Anti nodded a little, picking at a tear in his jeans. "I know Wilford fell asleep... but do you think you could read something else?"

Dark shrugged his shoulders, skimming through his phone. "I will pick the story this time."

Sighing, Anti sat back on the bed a little, being sure not to bother Wilford. "Whatever." He muttered, settling in as Dark began to read.

Jack checked on the sick ward yet again, before heading into the office. Dr. Iplier was deep asleep, but Dr. Schneeplestein was laying in his cot, staring at the ceiling. "Doctor?" Jack asked hesitantly.

Dr. Schneeplstein tilted his head, sighing. "I have failed."

"No." Jack shook his head, making his way in and sat down at the desk chair. "You didn't fail. You figured it out... hopefully."

"Too late. Ve found it too late." The doctor yawned.

Jack leaned back in the chair. "We'll fix this. You did your job, now let Mark and I handle it from here."

Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled, closing his eyes. "Handle it for Robbie?"

"I... I'm going to try." Jack promised. "I'll try something." The doctor just nodded and Jack closed his eyes, leaning back in the chair. Hearing his watch beep, he sighed, pulling out his phone and read the text message. 'Video will post first thing in the morning. Be over to monitor King then.'. Sending a quick reply, Jack sighed. "We'll know for sure tomorrow." He promised the doctor as he got up. Dr. Schneeplestein seemed to have finally dozed off and Jack made his way back to the sick ward. With the doctors in the office cots that night, he figured that he'd just crash on the sick ward couch.

The video had to cure King. No one knew what to do next, if it didn't.

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