The Beginning of the End

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After two weeks, Mark and Jack had posted videos to cover each of their egos. Of course the process had taken a bit longer for Mark, and he had appreciated Jack's help, and Amy's support through it all. Jack had just landed back home in Brighton, and while he was relieved to be home for a bit, he was feeling guilty and generally upset to be leaving his alternates behind. Throwing himself back into work, Jack was prepared to get back on schedule, and hopefully cover his trip back to the United States to pick up his characters later. Robin's questions were slowing as the work piled up, and Jack continued to dodge answering any of them.

Mark also turned back to making more regular videos, the ego hints completely dropping off, as he and Amy spent time in their evenings searching through the theories, and the demands for some conclusion to all of the wild hints and references he had left. Of course, there would never be any conclusion, and he had taken to given the odd answer of, "What hints?" which was driving everyone in his community absolutely mad.

At the make shift hospital, everyone was improving, but there was still a long way to go for many of them.

Dr. Iplier leaned into Ward Two, taking a deep breath. "Google?" He asked, looking around the room. The four Google units were on their feet, and scattered around a bit. Chase was sitting in the bed, his hat on his lap as he texted someone on his phone, and Anti was sitting on the air mattress with Jameson, who was writing furiously on a pad of paper.

One of the androids glitched, sending a ripple through the others, and Google Blue looked up. "Yes, doctor?"

"I couldn't seem to find that part online. Are you sure you-" Dr. Iplier began.

"The new power pack has been ordered." Google Red explained.

Anti giggled, his form glitching erratically as he grinned up at Dr. Iplier. "Why would YOU try to order robot parts, when they're literally built to be part personal shopper!"

"Anti, dude, calm down." Chase sighed, looking up over his phone. "The Googles aren't exactly working perfectly yet, and the doctor bros are just trying to help."

"Thanks Chase." Dr. Iplier smiled. "How are you feeling?"

Chase shrugged his shoulders. "A bit tired, bro, but I'm alright. You know?" He glanced down at his phone. "Missing home..."

"Jack better fucking come back for us or I'll make sure he's known as the black and blue Pewdiepie from now on." Anti growled.

Jameson shook his head, writing on the pad, "I appreciate how creative your threats are chap, but let's give Jack a good ol' break after all this, shall we?" He tapped Anti's arm, showing off the note pad, and Anti rolled his eyes, shrugging as he quieted down.

Meanwhile, Dr. Schneeplestein had made his way into Ward Three, to check on them. Bim Trimmer was seated in the arm chair, playing a game on his phone, while Ed Edgar was napping on one of the air mattresses. The doctor turned his attention to Jackieboy Man and the Silver Shepherd, who were sitting on the floor, playing a card game. "How are you feeling today?" He smiled.

"Better." Jackieboy sighed. "But I still feel weak..."

"You vill, for avhile." The good doctor nodded.

The Silver Shepherd shrugged. "Your hero cheats."

"Me?!" Jackieboy gasped, looking back at him. "You just played five eights in a row!"

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "Vhy play eights anyvay?"

"We're playing Crazy Eights!" Jackieboy grunted.

The Silver Shepherd only shrugged again. "It's not MY fault there was an extra eight in the deck."

Jackieboy shook his head, narrowing his eyes at him. "Just because I'm a hero, doesn't mean I'm a push over. I know you snuck it in there!"

"Do I need to separate ze two of you?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed.

"What is, Wilford's been tampering with your deck while you played." Bim muttered, still staring at his phone.

"Bim? Are you feeling alright? Vilford's not even here..." Dr. Schneeplestein rose an eyebrow.

Bim finally took a break, glancing up at him. "He's in the closet."

Frowning, Dr. Schneeplestein crossed the room and pulled open the closet door, finding it empty. "See?" But as he turned back, he came face to face with Wilford Warfstache who was now standing right beside him. "Scheisse!" He cried out, grabbing at his chest as he took a step back. "Vilford! Vhat ze fuck?!"

Wilford only grinned. "I was only playing..." He winked before taking a step back and wound up on the other side of the room. "This place is pretty boring."

"It's a hospital!" Dr. Schneeplestein cried out, before trying to compose himself. "You are supposed to be in vard one!"

"All alone? That's not much fun either." Wilford hummed.

"If you promise not to cheat anymore, you can just play with us Wilford." Jackieboy sighed.

Silver Shepherd shook his head, staring a this cards. "That's a bad idea."

Wilford quickly took his place, sitting on the floor beside them. "What about poker though?"

"Crazy eights or nothing." Jackieboy stated, giving Wilford a stern look.

Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Wilford narrowed his eyes at the hero before his boredom prompted him to give in. "I guess I can make it exciting."

Bim just laughed, turning his attention back to his game, and Dr. Schneeplestein groaned, rubbing his temples gently.

Downstairs in the sick ward, Darkiplier was keeping an eye on the recovery for the doctors, while they were busy with the other wards.

"Can I go out and see the squirrels now?" King frowned.

"While I value your enthusiasm, the doctors would like to see you walking better before you go outside. Can you give me another leg curl?" Dark asked, seated in a chair beside his bed.

King whined while he slowly and awkwardly pulled his legs up, wincing a bit as he stretched them out again. "It's so hard..."

"I know." Dark only nodded. "How about one more?"

"You said that three ones ago!" King pouted.

Dark smiled. "The more leg curls you do, the faster you can get out to see the squirrels." He promised, King struggling to do another.

"Just then, the news team entered the room, determined to get on everyone's last nerve in their quest to get the story of the illness that crippled everyone." The Host rambled off, with his old, bloody cloth snugly tied around his face once more.

"Shhh, Jim." Reporter Jim hushed the other as he crawled along the floor, into the room. He laid down and rolled across the floor, getting up on his knees in front of the stand which held Bingiplier in place on the wall. "The robot has gone dark again, the disease is reborn!" He cries out, looking back to the brand new camera in the other Jim's hand. "Run Jim! Run!"

Bing stirred as the Jims half crawled, half scooted away, his eyes lighting up as he looked around the room. "Suuuuuuh...."

"He just powers down when no one is interacting with him. He needs a new power source or something." Marvin waved his hand, awkwardly fidgeting with the mask on his face with his other hand.

Dark sighed, his attention turning to the interaction in the room as King relaxed a moment. "Yes, I believe the doctors were working on getting a replacement for him. His was non-functional for too long, which I suppose has damaged it."

Reporter Jim popped up, looking over King's cot to stare at Dark. "The broken man has all the facts!" He stated, looking into the camera again. "Full story at eleven!"

"That is the full story." Dark groaned.

There was a short pause then, which Yanderiplier took to whine out, "I want Senpai."

King smiled contently. "Does that mean you remember who your Senpai is?"

"I have a new Senpai." Yan smiled blissfully, staring off at nothing in particular.

"Oh no..." Dark sighed. "Who is your new Senpai?"

Yan shook his head. "I can't tell you... he doesn't love me yet."

"Dude, whoever it is, is so -bleep-ed." Bing shook his head, shifting a bit, the rack that was holding him upright, creaking a bit.

Clearing his throat, Reporter Jim turns to the camera. "Has the disease returned? Who does Yan love, and WILL they love him back? Are penguins fish? What did Bing really say? Jim News WILL get to the bottom of this!" He declared before crouching low and scuttled out of the room, Camera Jim scampering after him, keeping the new camera protectively close.

"ARE penguins fish?!" King cried out.

"Dude, no." Bing shook his head.

"What... did that have to do with anything?" Marvin sighed. "I know about magic, and they STILL don't make sense."

Dark groaned, shaking his head. "They are gone for now, do not worry about it. The more energy you spend trying to understand Jim logic, the less you have to recover."

"And so the room went quiet, with everyone forgetting about the Host again." The Host muttered.

King pouted out his lip. "I didn't forget about you Host!" He promised.

"I sometimes wish I could forget you." Dark stated plainly.

The Host tilted his head, then smirked. "Though if Darkiplier had really meant his statement, he likely would have allowed the Host to fade. Bleeding into nothingness, just as the zombie had."

Marvin frowned, looking over at the empty bed, and the room fell silent, even the Host being quiet for the time. Perhaps he felt guilty for bringing it up, if he was even capable of such feelings.

When Dr. Schneeplein and Dr. Iplier entered the room, having been satisfied with the progress in the upper wards, they immediately sensed the tension. Dr. Iplier cleared his throat, tapping his clipboard. "I'm sorry, but you're all dying." He declared. The statement was met with a chorus of groans, except Dr. Schneeplestein who smiled slightly, comforted by things getting back to normal, and happy that the mood in the room had been shifted.

Recovery was going along smoothly, and it would be no time at all before the hospital was going to be disbanded. A bittersweet thought.

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