The Happily Ever After?

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Mark nodded his head slightly, but he wasn't paying attention to what was being said to him at all. As camera Jim showed off their footage, Mark was watching the Googles across the room. "The poor alive again man." Reporter Jim mumbled, drawing Mark's attention back.

"Right... the zombie." Mark sighed, staring at the footage. "This is great stuff guys, and I can't wait to see the edited coverage of everything... but you'll have to give me a minute." He pulled away from them, slowly starting towards the Google units as he sent off a quick text to Jack. Looking up from his phone, he smiled. "Everyone seems to be here... but Yandereiplier. Have you guys been keeping tabs on him?"

"Not close tabs." Google Blue mentioned. "But Darkiplier has been watching over him as of late."

"He has, huh?" Mark looked towards the back door before smiling at Google Blue. "Thanks. How are your systems running now, by the way?"

Google Blue's eyes swirled with light a moment. "All systems online. No errors found. Battery at eighty six percent, with optimal efficiency."

"Good." Mark grinned, then slowly pulled himself away and headed towards the back door. A hand on his shoulder stopped him just before he could open the door and he swallowed hard, trying not to be frustrated. "I just have to-" He started as he turned, coming face to face with Ed Edgar.

"Great party." Ed smirked. "But you know what it could really use?"

Mark sighed. "Don't say babies."

"Babies!" Ed grinned. "And booze actually."

Shaking his head, Mark glanced around at the others in the room. "Only half the people here can even drink alcohol. If you want some, you can go out and get it, but I'm not supplying." He took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "And we've talked about the baby thing, haven't we Ed?"

Ed shrugged. "It's not a joke to me, it's my business. And a good one at that!"

"Right." Mark sighed. "Amy will show you the secret stash of alcohol." He promised in order to escape, feeling mildly bad for throwing Amy under the bus. He wasn't sure what she would say about the imaginary stash of booze, but Ed wasn't really the violent type, so at least he wasn't putting her in danger. He watched for a moment as Ed crossed the room to approach Amy and Bim in the middle of a conversation, and he quickly rushed out the back door.

Darkiplier was seated in the middle of the yard, beside King of the Squirrels. "He likes walnuts more though." King was explaining to Dark as Mark approached.

"Hey guys." Mark smiled, giving a slight wave.

King grinned, giving him a friendly wave in return. "Hi Mark! We were catching up with your squirrels."

Mark glanced into the tree, smiling. "Uh, yeah. That's good." He nodded, turning his attention to Darkiplier. "Do you know why Yanderiplier isn't here?"

"Other than the fact you almost let him die?" Dark rose an eyebrow.

King gasped, shaking his head. "No one... no one died Dark."

"Robbie the zombie did." Dark stated simply before glaring at Mark. "And some others in the past. Isn't that right Mark?"

Mark swallowed hard. "They were never re-" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath. "I was never going to let him go. I had a back up plan if it didn't work and-"

"You cut it fairly close." Dark grunted.

King pushed himself up onto his feet and walked over, hugging Mark. "You care about us, don't you?"

Mark quickly nodded before finding his words. "Of course I do. Look at what I went through to keep you all here!" He patted King's back, then looked down at Dark, who was still sitting on the lawn. "Is it Yan's idea that it was my fault he almost disappeared, or yours?" Dark merely smirked in response, slowly turning his attention to the trees without giving an answer. "Alright." Mark grumbled, giving King another squeeze. "King, I have to go take care of something... and I think you probably have more squirrels to tell Dark about."

"I do." King nodded, hesitantly releasing Mark from the hug before he sat down, pointing at a squirrel that was cleaning itself. "That's Mallory!" He started, as Mark made his way back inside.

Mark had been intending to go to Amy and explain about needing to go out, but Wilford Warfstache standing on top of his coffee table, stopped him in his tracks. "Will?"

Wilford turned, a case of beer in his hand and a crooked smile on his face. "Just... livening up the party!"

"I usually wouldn't trust that fruit cup, but at least he came through on his promise of booze." Ed smiled before taking a sip of beer.

One of the Jims rolled past Mark's feet and the other army crawled by with the camera, Mark momentarily glancing at them, before looking back to Wilford. "Off the table!"

"I don't have to take this shit from you." Wilford huffed, pulling his gun with his free hand.

"Wilford!" Amy gasped, rushing from the corner she'd been hiding in from the madness. "Please don't shoot Mark. For me?"

Mark stepped up, placing a hand on Amy's back. "He wouldn't shoot me."

"You don't know that!" Amy snapped.

Wilford tilted his head, watching them before he stepped down off the table and tucked his gun away. "For the lady." He winked at Amy before he twirled around, grabbing a beer and tossed it to Dr. Iplier.

"Do you know what this does to your liver?" Dr. Iplier huffed.

Google Blue whirred, glancing at the doctor. "Do you?"

"I'm a doctor!" Dr. Iplier grunted.

"What is, no, he does not." Bim smiled, taking the beer from Dr. Iplier's hand.

Dr. Iplier glared at Bim, then smiled. "I'm sorry. You're dying."

"Hm..." Bim adjusted his suit, standing up straighter. "When will the host die, with Bim Trimmer! It hasn't got the worst ring to it."

"As the game show host babbled on about ideas that he knew he didn't need, for he was not dying any time soon, Mark Fischbach lost his train of thought. What was that important task he had been heading to? Then he remembered. The kitchen. Mark needed to get to the kitchen to make more snacks for his guests, and off he went." A voice droned from the corner.

"The... kitchen?" Mark blinked a moment, trying to think. "Right. The kitchen." He mumbled, a little dazed and wandered into the other room.

"The Host was pleased by his work, merely watching as the numbskull reporters continued to record the happenings of the strange get together that the original called a party."

Amy frowned, shaking her head as she followed Mark into the kitchen. "Host is messing with you again."

"I know." Mark sighed. "But I can't think of anything but chips and dip now, and I'm hoping if I get his damn snacks, I'll remember what I was actually doing."

Amy ran a hand over his back, smiling. "Remember that you threw this party to enjoy the fact that they're still here?"

Mark grumbled. "Well that was stupid."

Laughing, Amy shook her head. "Come on, it's kind of fun!"

"Yandereiplier!" Mark gasped, turning to her. "Can you finish getting Host his damn snacks so he calms down? I have to go check on Yan. I think Dark convinced him I'm evil or something."

Amy frowned. "You're leaving me here? With all of them?"

Mark gave her a small, forced smile. "But... you're so good with them."

"Fine." Amy sighed. "If you swing by Ethan's and check on Chica and Henry, you can go check on Yan. Please don't stay out too long though."

"I promise." Mark nodded, kissing her gently before rushing to the door.

"And everyone knows how good a Markiplier promise is." Google Yellow grinned, leaning in the doorway.

Amy couldn't help but laugh softly, motioning the android over. "Would you please help me whip up some food?"

Google Yellow's eye flickered before he walked closer. "This request is acceptable."

As Mark rushed out the door, heading to Ethan's place before any of his other egos could distract him again.

Meanwhile, across the ocean, Jack was standing in the lobby of the apartment building that his alters all lived in. He had tried to get them to spread out, but they'd made several cases as to why it made more sense for them to be close. Close, but not too close. They were spread out on different floors, with each in their own separate apartments. He smiled, waving at the receptionist as he stepped into the elevator. It was hard to say if the staff thought they were all the same, strange person, or a weird family, or if perhaps they didn't get paid enough to notice or care about any of the tenants.

Jack contently sent a text back to Robin as the elevator went up. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, but I promise, it's big. Let me know when your plane lands and I'll send an Uber to get you, and bring you here.". When he heard the ding, Jack looked up and stepped out, walking down the hall until he found the door, and knocked.

"Hold your horses!" Called a German tinged voice, before the door opened. "Vhat now?"

"Schne-" Jack stopped mid word as he saw the good doctor's eyes narrow. "Doctor!" He corrected with a smile. "Doctor Schneeplestein, I thought you'd be happy to see me?"

"I am happy to be home, but I haven't had much time to mine self, yeah?" The man muttered, stepping back, to let Jack in.

Frowning, Jack stepped in, closing the door behind himself. "Are they... they're not sick again, are they?" He ignored his phone as it beeped, assuming it was Robin responding.

"Sick in ze head maybe." Dr. Schneeplestein grumbled, before he sighed, noting the genuine concern on Jack's face. "No. Zhey're just lonely now. Keep coming here viz tummy aches and stubbed toes!"

Jack let out a relieved sigh before he grinned. "That's... perfect actually." He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've decided to tell Robin about you guys."

Dr. Schneeplestein narrowed his eyes, watching Jack closely. "Ze editor?"

"No... well, yes. I mean, he IS my editor, but he's also one of my closest friends! I talked it over with Mark, and he thought it was a good idea, and I just hate lying to him so-"

"I never said it vas a bad idea." Dr. Schneeplestein smirked. "I don't poo poo everyzhing you know. I zhink it vould be good for everyone to have someone else who knows zhey exist, except ze ingrate Ipliers. It's not like zhey get good interactions viz normal people."

Jack opened his mouth and then closed it, not sure which part of the statements to address, or how to do so. Eventually he decided to largely ignore most of it. "So... you think it's a good idea to tell Robin?"

"Sure." Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged. "How are ve doing it?"

"Well, I'm going to tell him, and then introduce him to you all. One at a time. Anti last."

Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled, nodding. "Yes. Anti last."

"But, it would be a good idea to get everyone in the same room... for like a meeting. Let them all know what's going on, and lay down some grounds rules for the visit."

"Yeah, yeah." Dr. Schneeplestein nodded, stopping as he noticed Jack's grin. "Vhat?"

"Well, this is a room." Jack bit his lip, tilting his head.

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "I saved zheir lives, vasn't zhat enough?"

"I appreciate it!" Jack grinned. "But come on, I don't want to drag them all over to my place, yours is so much closer, and you won't be playing host alone. I'm here!"

The doctor took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. "Fine. Let's get zhose mozherfuckers in here. You text half, I'll text half. Let me get Anti."

"Going to lie to him?" Jack grinned, clearing the alert that he had a text from Mark, ignoring it for now as he began to send invites to his alters to come to the doctor's place for a meeting.

"Of course. You do vant him to come, do you not?" The doctor sighed.

"I do!" Jack smiled. "Thanks Henrik."

"Doctor Schneeeplestein!" He glared at the man.

Jack sighed. "You let Dr. Iplier-"

"He is mine colleague! End of zhis." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered as he began texting. Jack simply shrugged, returning to his invites as he planned out what he would say to his alters.

Back in America, Mark had finished checking up on the dogs, and was stepping down into the creepy cellar that Yanderiplier lived in. He really hoped it was a place that his ego rented, and that he didn't secretly live in some random person's basement. "Yan?" He called out, brushing off the concerns.

"No!" Yandereiplier shrieked.

As Mark turned the corner, he stopped, eyes wide as he took in the scene. The room was lite by candles, which seemed to mostly be placed on small tables that were covered with star patterned table cloths. There were a few strange items scattered around like a stuffed rabbit in a top hat, but Mark was fairly focused on the walls. Pictures of Marvin, both with and without his mask were covering the walls of the room, some circled in hearts that seemed to be painted on the wall. At least, Mark hoped the red colouring was paint. "Uhm..."

"You let Senpai leave!" Yan snapped.

Mark's eyes widened and he glanced nervously at the walls again, before looking at Yanderiplier. "Wait. You're mad at me because Marvin went home? Not because of your... uh... near death experience?"

"I would gladly die if it would get me closer to Senpai! YOU let him go home!" Yan growled, pulling out a knife.

Mark quickly backed up, giving him space. "I-" He was going to have to think fast to get himself out of this one. "You let him leave too." That wasn't it.

Yanderiplier's eyes widened and he pointed at himself with the knife. "You think I let him go?! I..." He tilted his head. "Did I? I let Senpai get away.... I have to go after him!"

"Shit. No. Uh!" Mark shook his head, backing away a little more as he held his hands up. "We... we had to let Senpai go. He... uhm..." He glanced at the walls, knowing that he couldn't let this mess go on a trip to Brighton to torment Jack and his egos. "His magic! He needs his magic to be happy. You wouldn't want him to be unhappy, would you?"

"No!" Yan snapped, before seeming to calm a little as he smiled at the shrine around him. "No... I want Senpai to be happy." He nodded before glaring at Mark. "But I want him to be happy... WITH ME!"

"He will be." Mark blurted out. If he was good at one thing, it was talking out his ass. He just hoped that he didn't dig himself into a deeper hole. "Some day. You can wait for Senpai, can't you?"

Yan stared down at the knife in his hand then sighed, turning and placed his hand on one of the pictures of Marvin. "Yes. I can wait for Senpai." Then he glanced at Mark. "But why should I?"

"Marvin... uh... Senpai has been through a traumatic experience. At the hospital. So, he needs time to recover from that... before he can... you know... accept your love?" Mark clenched his teeth, watching Yanderiplier closely.

Yan just stared at him before slowly nodding. "Alright. How long?"

"At least a few years." Mark sighed. It wasn't a solution, merely a band-aid, but it meant he didn't have to deal with it anymore today.

Yan looked around at the walls again, nodding slowly. "I will wait for you Senpai. Then you will love me."

"Yeah." Mark nodded, then took a deep breath. "So you and me. Are we alright?"

"Yes." Yanderiplier nodded and Mark smiled. "You will help me get Senpai."

Mark's face dropped and he groaned. Slowly he nodded, a problem for another day. "Right. Well... have a good one Yan. We'll talk soon." He dashed back out of the creepy cellar and got in his car. He quickly shot off a second text to Jack before he headed home to help Amy with the rest of his egos.

In the meantime, in Brighton, Jack's alters had all gathered in Dr. Schneeplestein's apartment, just waiting on Anti before Jack would tell them why they were all there. The door swung open suddenly, and the glitching creature stepped in with a large grin before he looked around the room and scowled. "Is this an intervention?"

"No-" Dr. Schneeplestein started before Jack cut him off.

"An intervention for what?" Jack asked quickly.

Anti opened his mouth, then hesitated before he glared at Jack. "You tell me."

"For Anti though, right bros?" Chase laughed nervously, and Jackieboy sighed, patting his back.

"It is not an intervention." Dr. Schneeplestein groaned.

Anti glitched, letting out a hiss. "Really? Because I was promised chocolate cake and a fun gore edit of Jack, and instead... there's this." He glared at the doctor. "Seriously? The cake was a lie?"

Jack let out a giggle, covering his face to try and keep from angering the glitch more. Dr. Schneeplestein merely shrugged and pointed towards everyone else. "Take a seat Anti. Jack has news."

"Good news?" Marvin tilted his head.

Composing himself, Jack nodded slightly. "Well, I think it's good news."

Anti walked over near the others and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "You're in kidney failure?"

Jameson's mouth opened in a silent gasp, and he waggled a finger 'no' at Anti. Chase nodded a little. "Yeah, that was kind of harsh bro."

"I'm Irish, at least assume my liver is going to give out." Jack grinned, trying to diffuse the situation with humour.

Anti rolled his eyes. "You're bad at that too."

Jackieboy finally stood up, grabbing Anti's shoulder and yanked him, causing him to come off balance. He glitched as he toppled over, grunting as he landed on the arm of a chair. "Let the man talk. He did recently save you."

"He saved ME by accident." Anti hissed.

"He vas one of ze few who believed you didn't cause ze whole mess." Dr. Schneeplestein pointed out, and Anti glared at him, glitching as he settled in to his new seat on the arm of the chair. Jackieboy nodded, sitting down again and smiled encouragingly at Jack.

Jack took a deep breath, nodding. "I'm going to tell Robin that you all exist."

The news was met with a mixed reaction. Jameson seemed truly existed, mock clapping his hands, as Jackieboy had a look of concern and Anti rolled his eyes. "That's it?" The glitch grunted.

"Yeah, well, it's pretty big." Jack shrugged, before his phone sounded again. "That's probably him, hold on." Jack smiled, pulling his phone out, only to find two messages from Mark. His smile slowly faded as he read the first message.

"Hey Sean. Just checking in. If you need someone to talk to about the zombie, I'm here.".

He skimmed the second message, some warning about Yanderiplier and brushed it off as his mind focused back on Robbie. It wasn't that he'd forgotten that the zombie was gone, he'd just been so busy with getting everyone home, and the decision to tell Robin.

"Jack?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "Is everyzhing ok?" Jack largely ignored him, starting to download a few apps to his phone, and the egos all got up, starting to move closer. "Vhat are you doing?" The doctor asked as Jack began to taking pictures of himself.

"I didn't try hard enough." Jack huffed, taking another picture before bringing his phone down in front of him.

The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder, looking at the phone screen as he watched Jack zombify the pictures with the apps and post them, one after the other, to his Instagram. Six in a row. He simply captioned them "R", "O", "B", "B", "I", and "E".

"Robbie." Dr. Schneeplestein mumbled, frowning, a hush falling over the other egos as they all looked at each other.

"Jack, you already tried." Jackieboy promised, walking closer.

Then they heard it. There was a sound in the hallway. A single groan.

There was a lot of people who lived in the apartment building. It easily could have been the groan of a man who drunk and stumbling home, or someone who was ill, or any number of other things. Regardless of this, Jack, closely followed by his alters fled into the hallway to check. Desperate to see if this frantic attempt had succeeded.

Whatever they found in that hallway, wouldn't change the fact that Jack had gained a whole new appreciation for his accidental alters, as had Mark. Everything would basically go back to normal, but nothing would ever be completely the same again. Their fans do believe in egos. They do.

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