The Next Phase

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Jack woke on one of the cots in the office, after a nap that had turned into all night. He stretched and made his way into the sick ward, which was rather quiet for the moment and watched Robbie's static form for a few moments before he sighed and headed upstairs. He made sure everyone in ward two and three were still breathing, noting that all of the Google units were now laying on the floor, before he headed back down to the sick ward.

He hovered at the end of Robbie's cot, watching him for awhile before he glanced over at Anti and watched the creature glitch. The patterns seemed different to him, or maybe he was just trying to convince himself that Anti couldn't be that terrible. He didn't want to even consider that Anti would try to take out all of the other alters. He had to have some good inside him, and the others had always seemed to be his friends.

Feeling something brush past his leg, Jack looked down to find one of the Jims crawling past. "Uh... Jim?" He asked, hoping that he had the right name. It was something like Jim.

Reporter Jim hesitated and looked up at him and then continued to crawl. Camera Jim was following along behind and pointed the camera up at Jack, before following Reporter Jim again. Suddenly Reporter Jim popped up, and Camera Jim stood up beside him, filming Robbie. "We tried to tell the doctors it was achey breaky heart syndrome... but they didn't listen. Now he has the worst case ever seen." Reporter Jim shook his head.

"What's... achey breaky heart syndrome?" Jack asked, sighing softly. He knew the Jims were goofy, but he wasn't sure how smart they were. Mark himself could be quite goofy, and he was a pretty intelligent man.

Reporter Jim looked over to Jack then to the camera. "He doesn't know what achey breaky heart syndrome is, Jims at home." He whispered, then looked back to Jack with a sad smile. "Sadness over losing a tender squoozer."

Jack stared at him blankly for a moment and then slowly nodded. "Ah." So the Jims were not geniuses. He decided not to explain that Robbie had never dated, and it was sometimes questionable if he understood emotions. Sighing he turned and found Wilford Warfstache hovering at the end of Yandere's cot, watching him sleep. "Wilford?"

"Do you think Yan has given up the joke yet?" The mad man asked.

"What joke?" Jack shifted.

Wilford smiled, turning to him and tilted his head. "This scamp spent all yesterday pretending not to know me. Me!" Wilford threw his arms out to the side, wiggling his fingers.

Jack stared at him, unsure of what to say and was more than happy to hear an echoed voice step in. "He is sick, and bored in his hospital bed. He will probably continue to joke until he feels better, Will. Now please leave him alone." Dark explained, watching as Wilford rolled his eyes and wandered off to sit in the corner. Then he turned to Jack, sighing. "What are you going to do about your static monster?"

Frowning, Jack shook his head. "I don't think Anti did this..."

Dark yawned, then narrowed his eyes at Jack. "We do not have time for you to believe he has a good side. The doctors are fading fast."

"What if it really wasn't Anti?" Jack shifted, looking over to where Anti was asleep in the corner.

"It is not an illness. The symptoms are too erratic and uncontrolled, and they effect everyone with too much uniform. People experience different symptoms... we all have the exact same set. Like something tried to mimic an illness." Dark explained.

Jack closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Why? Why would he do this?"

Dark shrugged. "For amusement?"

"He messes with me when he's bored, not them!" Jack opened his eyes again.

Dark chuckled. "And this is not messing with you? You had to fly them all out here for this... you have had to fear getting sick yourself... you may lose them." Dark shrugged. "I would be reveling in Mark's pain... only..." He sighed.

"Only?" Jack shifted.

"I unfortunately care for my counter parts in this house." Dark growled, his aura flickering. "If you will not deal with Anti, I will."

Jack swallowed hard. "Just give me a little time."

Dark huffed. "We do not have much left." With that, he made his way over and slumped down on the floor beside Wilford, the mad man leaning into him while he played with his mustache.

Jack slowly turned back to watch Robbie, just thinking ,until his cell phone rang. He fumbled for a second before he got it out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey Sean." Mark sighed. "I'm doing a lot better today. I guess it is the flu."

"Oh good." Jack let out a relieved sigh.

"How are things there? We might come by later..." Mark said softly.

Jack shifted. "Things... aren't great. They think Anti is causing this... but I don't think he could, you know? I don't know what to do."

Mark chuckled, coughing a bit. "I don't know how Anti would have effected my egos from Brighton. They're just trying to find someone to blame. I'm gonna rest a bit more, post a video and then we'll come over this afternoon and help you sort it out."

"Only if you're feeling better." Jack cautioned.

"I'm good. I'm great." Mark sighed. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Alright." Jack agreed before they hung up. He spent a little more time watching Robbie before he headed to the kitchen to make food for everyone, eating a snack himself as he waited for the rest of the food to cook.

He spent most of the morning passing out food, and helping to feed those who couldn't feed themselves, as well as making sure everyone got water. Every time he entered the sick ward, he could feel Darkiplier's eyes on him, and he'd pause and watch Anti who spent most of the morning pacing around Robbie's cot.

It could have been guilt, or it could have just been concern. Jack just kept reminding himself to trust his instincts and that Mark had sided with him. It didn't make sense for Anti to have caused this.

When everyone was taken care of, Jack sat on the arm of the couch, watching Dr. Schneeplestein. "Any new symptoms?"

"I'm just very tired. I'm fine." The doctor muttered.

Jack nodded and turned, watching as Darkiplier stood up, stretching a little and then started pacing around the room. Getting up, he walked closer, half expecting the dark alter to go after Anti. "Dark? Are you alright?"

Dark hesitated, watching him closely as his aura grew around him. "I... feel better."

Anti turned sharply, glaring at him. "OH! Do you?! What did you do Dark? Huh! Energy vampire!" He hissed.

Dark rolled his eyes. "Stop being so childish."

The doctors sat up a little, watching the interaction. Dr. Iplier yawned and pushed himself up on his feet, shuffling closer. "Dark? You're feeling better? What does that mean?"

Dark sighed, placing his hands behind his back. "I feel less tired, and stronger. I feel less cloudy, and more myself."

"Yeah!" Anti pointed at him, giggling as he glitched. "Me too! No one asked though. I just got accused of making Robbie sick!" He hissed.

Dr. Iplier nodded slightly. "What did you two do differently?"

Dark and Anti looked at each other a moment then back to Dr. Iplier. "I have not done anything different." Dark explained.

"I didn't do anything either." Anti shrugged. "I just... randomly started feeling better."

Dr. Iplier glanced around the sick ward, frowning. "It's not passing for anyone else. Neither of you even progressed."

Jack sighed, mildly relieved that Anti seemed to be innocent as he had hoped, but the doctor was right. This didn't make any sense.

"Hello!" Mark called, leaning in the doorway of the sick ward. Amy stepped up behind him, rubbing his back.

"Take it easy." She cautioned.

Jack let out a relieved smile. "You look so much better."

"I feel a lot better." Mark nodded.

Dark looked to the doctor. "Perhaps I feel better because Mark is better?"

"Jack never got sick." Anti hissed.

Mark slowly made his way into the room, Amy following as she looked around at the cots, in horror. She hadn't seen or been told about just how bleak things were. "Dark, you're feeling better?" Mark asked.

Dark slowly nodded his head. "I am."

"That's a relief." Mark smiled, though it slowly faded as he looked around the cots. "No one else is?" He looked to Dr. Iplier.

The doctor shook his head. "No."

Mark nodded, rubbing his head gently. "The dark egos are recovering... maybe this is something that's effecting... the parts of them that are most like us? That would explain why King got so sick, so fast. He's based on... me, being a goof."

Jack sighed, watching Robbie. "Robbie is my sickest. He's nothing like me. I would have expected Marvin or Jackieboy to have fallen first."

"Marvin has been very sick, and Jackieboy is declining quite quickly." Dr. Schneeplestein offered from the couch.

Mark sighed. "Could Robbie be more like you than you knew? I mean... maybe he's exactly what you'd be like as a zombie?"

Jack shrugged. "I guess."

Amy frowned, gently tapping Mark's arm. "Is that Yandereiplier? He doesn't look so good... and you're not obsessive or murderous, you're barely romantic."

Mark looked over at the cot, and shrugged. "It's the way I acted when I played Yandere simulator though."

Jack sighed. "I guess that makes sense. What does that mean though? Does that help us at all?"

Dr. Iplier shook his head. "If that's the case... if whatever this is, is attacking the core parts of us... then no. I mean, nothing we tried has worked. That just might dictate, who over comes it and who... doesn't."

Jack swallowed hard, looking back at Robbie. "Doesn't? What does that mean?"

Anti shifted a little. "I wasn't going to say anything but..." He sighed. "Is Robbie looking... a bit more translucent to anyone else?"

Dr. Iplier leaned closer to the cot, watching carefully as Jack, Dark, Mark and Amy also turned to look. Jack frowned. "Is he... disappearing?"

Dr. Schneeplestein finally pushed himself up, staggering over, using the cots for support. He stared at the zombie for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. I zhink you may be right. I zhink he's disappearing."

A heavy silence fell over the room, as they all let it sink in. Robbie's form blurred through static, the bed just barely visible through his fading form. They all knew it was true, he was very slowly disappearing.

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