Part 18

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"she can't stay here..."sanskar said in hard tone after seeing shriya then turned and went back to his room.swara blinked her eyes at his back then looked shriya and gave her a awkward smile.

"don't mind his word...i will go and talk with him.please sit"swara said in embarrassed tone.shriya nodded and sit on couch.

"what's wrong with him?..."swara muttered angrily under her breath while going up to his room.shriya looks around the whole house with appreciation in her eyes.

"you embarrassed me in front of her...i asked from you didn't i?"swara burst out in anger the moment she entered inside the room.

"no arguments...."sanskar said in dead serious tone as he turned toward her.

"but what is problem?..."she asked in confused tone.

"because i saying so...this is my house and i will decide who stays here.."sanskar shouted at her in full anger.swara flinched at his loud voice and stepped back a step.sanskar regretted next instant seeing her stepping back.

"swara!..."sanskar tried to speak but she cut him in between.

"you are right this is your house...i forgot it momentarily."swara said with hurt in her voice.she turned and left from there.

"damn it..."sanskar cursed,picked up a vase and threw it on floor with so much force that it broke into thousand pieces.



"If you need anything then call me..."swara said to shriya and was about to get up when shriya stopped her.

"where are you going?...."she asked in curious tone.

"i am going back.why do you need something?."swara asked in concerned tone.

"do you live with him?..are you two dating each other?."she asked in more curious tone.

" are not dating.its little complicated."swara said first sentence in firm voice.

"i was just asking...i am curious about everything."shriya said with smile and swara nodded.

"take rest...we have big day tomorrow."swara said,got up and left from there.


"thank you moon uncle for letting her stay here..."swara said to DP with her best smile.DP glares at her for calling him 'moon uncle'

"oh swara! i missed you so much...can you please stay here today...please please"kavita said while hugging her and rocking her side to side.

"but there is no room free...and its too cold to sleep in lounge."swara said,feeling hard to refuse at her sweet request.

"you can stay in my room...i am totally fine with it.right dad?"kavita said while looking at DP.he nodded his head and left from there.

"yeah!...let's go.i have so many things to tell you."kavita said,grabbed swara's arm and took her with her.



Sanskar was sitting on bed in swara's room.his hands were clasped together and elbows resting on keens.Coat and tie were thrown at side and sleeves were folded up.he looked at his wrist was sticking 1 in morning.

"where the hell is this woman?..."sanskar greeted through teeth while angry veins appeared on his forehead.he took out his mobile from his coat and dialed her was picked after 3rd tone.

"SWARA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?....HAVE YOU LOST IT? LOOK AT THE DAMN TIME"sanskar shouted in full anger without listening anything from other side.

"Sanskar its me...i didn't have my phone so she gave it to me."shriya said i such voice as she just woke up from her sleep.

"Where is she?..."sanskar asked,his voice turned ice cold automatically.

"Shr is sleeping in next room...we are at her uncle house."shriya said and sanskar cut the call.

"Sanskar listen..."she tried to speak but line was already cut.shriya looks at screen sadly then keeps mobile back on sidetable and goes back to sleep.

Swara was sitting on bed,her back was attached to headboard and kavita was sleeping beside her.swara was continuously thinking about sanskar.

"Why am i getting so affected...he was right.its his house he is the one to decide....did i over reacted?...but that jerk how dare he shout at me."swara said last sentence getting angry.she stepped down from bed and walked outside from room.

"I asked from him didn't i?...impossible man"swara muttered while sitting on dinning table and filling herself a glass of water.she drank half of it and put it back angrily.

"I know that is his house...what's the need to repeat it again and again.and what's wrong with that woman...Dating?...why will i date that jerk.ugh!...the more i think about it the more angry i am getting.i should stop it."swara said,jerking her head.

At that someone bang the door with so much force that she jumped from her place.

"Who's is at the door at this time..."swara said in worried tone and went to open the door.she got surprised after seeing sanskar in front of her.

"Who knocks the door like this...everyone is sleeping."swara glared at him.sanskar looked at her from top to bottom as confirming something then held her hand and dragged her out.

"Why are you here at this time and where are you taking me?..."swara asked in confused tone,trying hard to match his long paces.

"We are going home..."sanskar said,they were at entrancr of the building when swara stopped walking and pulled her hand out if his grip.sanskar turned toward her and looked at her with one raised eye brow.

"Your home you mean?..."swara said in taunting tone but deep down there was hurt also.

"I didn't mean it that way and i am sorry for shouting at you...."sanskar said with regret in his voice.

"What did you mean then?...."swara asked,crossing arms over chest.

"Can we discuss it later at damn 2 in morning.i don't want to fight with you at this time."sanskar said and forward his hand to hold her hand again but swara moves it back.

"I am not going anywhere with you.why should i?...and when we are at this point then i want to ask long this going to continue?"

"What thing?..."

"How long am i going to stay at your place?...when will this stop.don't you think,it getting annoyingly long."swara asked while looking at face.Sanskar jaw get ticked with anger after hearing her.he held her arm in tight grip and pulled her close.swara hissed a little at his tight grip.

"As long as i want....and if you didn't shut your mouth right now and come with me silently then you know what will i do...."Sanskar said in low dangerous tone.

"What will you do?..."swara asked while trying to pull herself back but sanskar put his arm around her waist to stop her little tries.

"Your family is still at my place...if you forgot."

"How can you blackmailing me about my family?..."swara asked in hurt tone.

"Because i can so stop making me angry..."

"I thought you changed but your still the same egoistic jerk..."swara said angrily while looking at him with tear filled eyes.

"You thought like this just because i behave nicely with you twice...then you are more stupid i thought"sanskar said,looking back at her with blank face and eyes then took her out,made her sit inside car and drove off.


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