Part 2

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"her name is swara gaddodia...she is 25 years old.she is eldest from her three sisters.her father died 10 years back.mother is school teacher.she herself is a lawyer and do part time job at royal's hotel and special time at coffee shop on saturday and sunday.her family is in kolkata."Sanskar's secretory gave him,all information about swara in obedient tone.

"what was she doing in my party?..."sansakr said while revolving the paper wight on table.

"Daughter of her landlord is minor model in our country.she was invited in the party and she came with her."

"where is she now?"

"she always take evening shift at hotel's kitchen.she must been at kitchen right now."she said in same tone.sanskar holds the paper weight in fist,to stop its spinning and gets up from chair.he closes buttons of his dark blue coat and walks outside.his secretory follows him.when he comes out two guards also goes with him.



"therefore i call you MOTHER worries for everyone in India but don't think about your own daughter.i am hungry.think about me but no you are thinking about him"swara said and takes another bite.

"don't you fell shame eating someone's else food without taking his permission."shomi glares at her as they were doing video that time sanskar taps his hand on swara's shoulder.swara removes his hand without looking back and continue her argue with her mother.

"mother india don't you know i am born shameless..."swara said and puts another spoon full of food.sanskar again taps on her shoulder.swara again removes it without looking back.

"what kind of mother you are...instead of saying,eat two person's food you are scolding me"swara said in dilemma and takes another bite.

"its mean two people will stay hungry.don't you feel shame...."shomi said in scolding tone.

"mother india!.......what,can't you see i am busy in arguing"swara was going to say something to shomi but turned back because sanskar again tapped on her shoulder.swara stares at him for less than half minute then smile as he recognized him.

"you must have come here to hear the apology."swara said while pointing her index finger at him.

"one minute..."swara excuse herself and looks back at mobile's screen.

"mother india i will call you later...'swara said and disconnect the call without listening anything,puts mobile in her jeans pocket,gets up and starts looking around.

"where is water?..."swara said while searching for it.she saw one water bottle behind and goes to pick it but sanskar holds her arm in bruising grip and twists it at her back.swara hissed a little and tried to free her hand with other but sanskar holds others also in tight grip.

"what do you thought? will insult me and i will let you go."sanskar said in dangerous tone.

"where is everyone?..."swara thought while looking around but she was sitting at far corner of kitchen and it was huge kitchen.swara looks back at him.

"what did i do sir?....i just fulfilled your wish of listening apology."swara said,making her most innocent of the world.

"do you even know what can i do with you?..."sanskar said while digging his finger in her soft flesh and bringing her face very close to his.

"what else you can do except doing my rape or asking your men to do this....right?"swara asked with both raised eyebrows.

"you already knows what is going to happen with you do you know this?"sanskar said with smirk.

"simple logic....i insulted you and now its your turn and its one of the best method of making a girl's life miserable,especially when girl is middle class like me....but will you not ask what i will do after that?"

"you will sue me for rape case?..."sanskar asked,smiling devilishly.

"why not? know,finding guilty of rape case is the easiest.when you will do your,i just need to go to laboratory and do a small test then,my lawyer will do your test and its done...and you created evidence for me yourself....can you see that camera?"swara said,frees her one hand with jerk and points at one security camera.

"now you will drag me from here,that scene will also get captured....i know,you will delete it before police takes it but one person is surely watching CCTV camera but i have a friend in police he will beat the guy up and he will tell know if i am not wrong then you will be behind bars for at least 15 years and if i will cry in front of judge then maybe it will get 20 years and if its gang rape then 25 years are must and it can increase also.....LET'S GO,WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR"swara said with excited eyes as he was going to give her a candy.

"you want to come with me?..."sanskar asked,feeling like he heard wrong.

"you know i am 25 and still virgin...."swara said making cute pout face.

"mental case!...."sanskar muttered to himself,leaves and laughed while shaking his head.swara looks at red finger marks on her wrist and rubs her hand on it while cursing on sanskar in her brain.she jumps and sits on slab,picks up tiffin box and starts eating.

"but i have one request..."swara said while moving her crosses legs back and forth.sanskar controls his laugh and looks at her with narrowed eyes.


"please do it have a very nice body"swara said and winks at him in meaningful way and puts spoon in mouth.

"SWARA!!!!!!!...."someone shouted,making swara jump from her place and looked in direction of voice.swara quickly assemble different sections of tiffin box and hides it behind her and keeps hand on her filled mouth and jumps down.

"what are you doing here...there are so many dishes in your and instead of washing them you are here,chatting with your friend"the person shouted angrily,looking at swara with blood shot eyes.swara starts chewing her food,still keeping hand on mouth.the person had not looked at sanskar till now.

"why you have covered your mouth?..."he asked with narrowed eyes.swara shook her head vigorously and hides box more.

"show me what are you hiding...."he asked in authoritative tone.swara gulped the food down her throat and show him box.persons almost get heart attack,seeing his tiffin box.

"do you know today is my marriage anniversary and my wife made special food for me."he said in dangerous tone.

"really happy marriage anniversary was yummy"swara said sweetly and gives him thumbs up.

"you little punk!!!!....."he said in furious tone and forwarded to grab her but swara quickly ducked his arm and ran from there.her boos was going to run after when he looked at sanskar and gets startled after seeing him.

"sir what are you doing down here?...."he asked in really shocked voice.

"nothing!..."sanskar said and leaves from near by door.

"such a crazy bitch!...."sanskar said while shaking his head but there was small smile on his lips.


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