Part 7

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"swara why are you still here?...didn't you washed your dishes till now?"Chef asked,seeing swara still in kitchen.

"i washed it..."swara said while making face.

"then go home...why are you still here?"

"i used to thought husbands are worst species of God.....but today my vision is changed."swara said in thoughtful tone

"what changed your vision...."chef said glaring at her as he was also married.

"90% of men after 1 year of marriage don't return home at time even if they finish their task on time and i used to hate this thing but now when i think about it,its not really their fault....when someone very annoying person is waiting for you at home then no one wants to go home...."swara said while thinking about sanskar.

"can i sleep here...."swara asked hopeful bright smile.

"No!..."he said with smile as her,picks up case files from her lap,make her stand by holding her shoulder and gives her file and pushes her toward exit door.swara makes bad bad faces,puts files in her bags and walks toward bus stand.


Maheshwari Mention

Swara enters inside the house,looking around carefully.she knew that sanskar will be pissed from whatever happened in morning therefore she didn't want to run into him.

"angry bird!...."swara exclaimed happily and goes toward security head of sanskar's house.he looks at her then around him and again looks back at her.

"my name is vishal....."he corrected her.

"actually whenever i see you...i remember RED from angry bird movie,always serious therefore i will call you 'angry bird' only...he is one of my favorite cartoon,i hope you will mind"swara said in sweet tone,blinking at him rapidly.Vishal closed his eyes,feeling frustrated and tried to leave but swara comes in front of him.

"is your psychopath,perverted jerk boss came from office?.."swara asked,giving multiple names to sanskar.

"No!..."he said and left.

"thank you Lord Krishna!..."swara thanked God and quickly goes to her room,locked it.

"but its no use to lock it...he has master key."swara said while looking at the lock,stamps her foot on door with pouted face and goes to get fresh.


Sanskar throw her coat on bed and walks toward swara,who was sitting behind writing desk with many opened files and pictures.he stands behind her with crossed arms.

"this is so frustrating.....why there is no information about him?he is only lead in this case but i am getting anything about him,i am doomed"swara cried loudly while pulling her hair with both hands.

"he is missing after writing that one had seen him from very long time."sanskar said after behind over her from behind.

"mother india!...."swara shouted being scared and keeps both hands on her chest and looks back at him.

"you scared me...when did you come?"swara asked with wide scared eyes.sanskar smiles seeing her scared face but instead of asking he picks up picture of man and looks at it carefully.

"how do you he is you know him?"swara asked after standing from chair.

"i know him very well...."sanskar said while keeping picture back on table.

"can you please make me meet him.....its urgent."swara said getting happy.

"is it very urgent?.."sanskar asked in sincere tone.swara nodded her head vigorously.

"then i will take you to meet him tomorrow..."

"really!...."swara said in disbelief.sanskar nodded.

"thank God!....i was so worried about it."swara said in relief and turned toward table and start collecting papers.

"but i want something in return...."sanskar said,making swara turn back with jerk.sanskar gives her a smirk and signed him beside him as he laid down on bed himself with much ease.swara closed her fits in anger and opens her mouth but sanskar cuts her.

"keep you wild thought in control...i am very tired today and tomorrow i have very busy schedule therefore i just want to sleep."sanskar said,making swara think.

"he is a jerk...there is no guarantee,he will not do anything but i have no other choice.i even used the advance what if i lose the case."swara thought worriedly

"decide fast otherwise i will change my mind..."sanskar said seeing her thinking too much.

" don't..."swara said quickly,cursed at him in brain and goes toward bed and sits on it reluctantly.sanskar shook his head,holds her arm and pulls her close to him,wrappinghis one arm around her.

"what are you doing? said..."

"keep your wild brain in limit...i am not giving to do anything but you will sleep like this."sanskar said,looking in her eyes directly.their faces were very close to each other.they share a short eye lock.

"i was not thinking anything..."swara said,gulping a little.she keeps head om his shoulder to avoid his eyes.

"you should think about mind can change anytime,i am not a saint who can control himself when a girl is laying next to him."sanskar said in normal tone,keeping his head on pillow and closed eyes.swara looks at him with jerk and tried to get up but sanskar tightens his grip.

"swara don't can't trust him."


Sanskar opens his eyes in night and looks toward swara's side but she was not there.he looks at washroom door and thought she is in there and started waiting for her but she didn't come out therefore he got up and went toward it and knocked on it.

"swara!..."he called her but he got no response,he opened the door and looked inside.he got a little worried and went out.he looked for her in everyroom then went down in the kitchen but she was there also.

he goes toward hall and picks up landline to call because his mobile was in room which was upstairs and he didn't want to waste time.

"vishal!...come here right now,swara..."sanskar stopped in mid after seeing swara sleeping on couch.

"is something wrong...did she again caused a trouble?"

"nothing...just go back to sleep"sanskar said and cut the call,put landline back,went and sit in front her on toes and stares at her angelic face.

"why are you sleeping here?....i was not going to do anything with you in sleep.seriously you are something."sanskar chuckled lightly.

"but why i got worried,seeing you disappear."sanskar muttered in serious tone while moving her hair strand back from her face with his index finger.

To Be Continued.............

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