Horns and the host club (OHSHC)

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Name: Jinx Martian
Species: Diclonius(from the Elfen Lied series)
Gender: Female
Dob: October 31
Age: 15
Height: 4'3
Weight: 90 pounds
Vector length: 13 feet=4 meters
Number of vectors: 4
Sexual preference: Males
Blood type: AB
Fears: becoming a test subject
Likes: Chocolate, nice people, her hat, animals
Dislikes: bullies, mean people, people touching her hat
Family: Mother(Dead), Father(Dead)
Looks: She has short black and blue hair, Sea foam eyes, pale peach skin, reddish pink cat ear hat(uses it to cover horns)
More info: Hi i'm jinx. Jinx Martian. I'm 15 years old. I lived with my dad till my 10 Birthday. He was killed by a drunk driver. I lived on the streets until I was 12. Then I was found and taken to a orphanage. I was adopted 1 year later my a kind old woman. I was 14 two days before my birthday she had a hart attack and died. She was apparently rich and left her fortune and house to me. Under the condition that I attended Ouran Academy high school. It's been two weeks since I enrolled. So I'm starting at Ouran tomorrow. Now my only problem is hiding my horns and not using my vectors.
I had decided that I would explore Ouran after school the day before I started going there. I was walking through the halls when a girl with reddish brown hair ran passed me. Tears were streaming down her face. I ran after her we ran into a rose hedge maze. I followed her till we got to a dead end. She collapse on to the ground crying. "Um are you ok?" I asked kindly. "No I just got humiliated by my crush in front of the whole school" she said still crying. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. "yah I would" she then explained that she was jealous of the new boy haruhi fojioka and tried to get it to look like he attacked her and got kicked/banned from this host club thingy. "Do you want me to be honest?" I questioned. "Yes" "ok then, you deserved what happened BUT you were jealous. Every one makes mistakes, I think tomorrow you should apologize to haruhi and the host club. I could even go with you after school to do it." I said smiling brightly at her. "That be nice. Oh by the way what's your name" she asked. "I'm Jinx. And what's yours?" I asked. "I'm Ayanokoij" that's a pretty name. "Well I should probably go, lets meat in front of the school tomorrow morning ok?" I asked. "Yah sure" I helped her up and we walked out of the maze then walked our separate ways home.
I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up then used one of my vectors to brush my hair. Another one to grab my clothes and my last two to help me put on my clothes. I wore a blue long sleeve shirt. Black skirt with black tights and black flats plus my usual cat ear hat. I quickly ate then brushed my teeth. I then walked out the door to the car waiting outside of my house. I got in and was driven to school. When I got there I saw Ayanokoij waiting for me. I quickly got out of the car and ran to her. "Good morning, can I call you Aya instead of Ayanokoij." I asked. "Good morning to you too and sure you can." She said. "Cool let's head to our classrooms before we're late." I suggested. When we walked in to School people stared at me and glared at her. As her classroom came into view I stopped walking she then stopped and turned around. She looked at me questioningly. I then said "let's meat up at the front of the school after school. Ok?" "Ok" Aya agreed. She then walked into her classroom leaving me to find my own class. I quickly made it to class without a problem. I walked to the teachers desk and told him I was New and in his class. He said ok and once the bell rang told me to introduce myself to the class. "Hi I'm Jinx Martian, it's nice to meat all of you I hope we can be good friends." I said with a closed eyed smile. The class erupted in 'awwwww's' and swelling. "Does anyone have any questions for Mrs.Martian' almost everyone raised their hand. I the first question was "is your hair natural" "yep" I said. "Are you single" "yep" "can I have your number" "nope but good try". " I think Mrs.Martian has answered enough of your questions" the teacher said. "Please sit behind the Hitachin brothers." He continued. I did as told and sat behind a pair of orange haired twins. The teacher then started teaching. After the bell rang for lunch the twins, a brunette girl, and I were the only ones left I just decided to stay in the class room do to the fact that I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to got to the (probably crazy) lunch room ether. Then the two orange haired twins and the brunette girl were standing in front of me. "Hi I'm hikaru" "and I'm karou" "and we're the hitachin brothers" they finished unison. "Hello i'm haruhi fujioka" the brunette said. "Um haruhi which pronouns do you prefer." I asked trying not to sound rude. "What do you mean" "I seems that you're biologically a female BUT you're wearing a male uniform. I was just wondering if you wanted to be addressed with him and he pronouns or her and she" "oh um I would prefer you to use he and him pronouns in public but she and her pronouns when we're not with anyone. I ask this because it's kinda a secret that I'm a girl" "oh ok but may I ask why it's a secret" "oh I broke a really expensive vase and now I'm working to pay it off but I need to be a guy to do it" "oh ok" I said nonchalantly. The twins looked shocked."Um are they ok?" I asked worriedly. They then grabbed me and dragged me to a room that had a sign above the entrance. Music room #3 is what the sign said. There was a bright light so I closed my eyes when I opened them again I was tied to a chair. I looked around and saw the twins, haruhi, a tall blonde guy, a tall guy with black hair, a short boy with blonde hair, and a guy with black hair and glasses. "Why the hell am I tied up" I asked overly calm. "I'm sorry Jinx these idiots did it" she said pointing at the twins. "So why am I tied up?" I asked. "Because you know haruhi's secret" the tall blonde boy yelled. "Well that's not my falt" I said as I used my vectors to undo that rope that kept me bound to the chair. Thankfully no one saw. I stood up and started walking towards the exit. "You have to join the host club" the tall blonde said. "No" I responded simply. "You have to you know haruhi's secret" he responded. "What secret" I asked trying to playing dumb. "Maybe we should" "give her amnesia" "boss" the twins said. "Touch me and ill cause you physical harm" I said as I walked out of the room.
Thanks for reading my Dragonflys

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