Naruto (NarutoxOrohimaru)

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I knew what had happened to the young jikuriyu and I also knew that the child had been through more than any human should so I decided I wouldn't use him for any experiments. But I will be extremely kind to him. As I watched the young blonde ran towards a small apartment building. Once he was in he waited for about 2 minutes before jumping out of one of the back windows. He quickly ran towards the forest of death as my student called it. I followed the boy as he ran through the forest. He stopped at a small cottage in the center of the forest. The boy calmly walked into the cottage. 'Hmm, I suppose I should speak to him' I thought. I jumped from my spot in the trees an landed in front of the cottage. I knocked on the door and waited. The door cracked open and a small voice said "wh-who's there" "hello my name is Orochimaru, I would like to speak with you. Is it alright with you if I come in?" "O-ok you can come in" the boy said and proceeded to open the door all the way. "Thank you" I said taking in the boys looks. He had sandy blonde hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes and slightly tan skin. "Are you ok with me asking you a few questions" I asked. "Sure" "what's your name?" "My name is Naruto" "how old are you?" "I'm 8 years old" "why do you live in the forest by your self" "because the villagers hate me, they say mean things, they hurt me, they like to brake into my apartment and trash the place and put grapphity on the walls. Plus I don't live alone I have Kurama!" "Who is Kurama?" "Oh people like to call him the Kyubi or the 9 tailed fox but his name is Kurama" "ah that makes sense" "how do you know about Kurama?" "Sometimes the villagers hurt me really bad and one time after they finished I passed out and woke up in my mind scape. That's when I met Kurama." "Is Kurama kind" "yes very"

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