Hopes for Shattered sky

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So hopes for Shattered sky yeah. Getting pov from Sparkplug my baby, Why? She is the only character we had no idea what she's like just a happy, and cocky kit which I will not except, or a bit more of character from her because she just seems well bland.  Second hope Neddletail being the Ultimate villain of the series and challenging Darktail for ShadowClan leadership and winning. Third hope Sparkplug getting a mate and being actually Being unable to reproduce (even tho I think she'll be the best mom ever) and Alderheart not falling in love. Forth hope VioletPaw and Twigpaw getting their warrior names even tho it's very far fetched, on the topic of warrior names what will their names be like Twig and Violet are very unused but my guesses are Violetclaw or Violetpatch and for Twigy maybe Twigleap or Twigjump so I'm going to be awkward and say bye, bye and moon out.

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