Zoophilia defenders and smut writers rant

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Hey guys it's a Fucking pissed moon here, and recently a wattpad user called slavetomyfame (bitch yes I called you out)tried defending herself saying that unicorns and pegasus aren't real animals and so it's ok to write smut about them and said that she was harassed bitch please. First off no matter real animal or not it counts as a animal, it's still wrong and disgusting MLP IS A SHOW FOR CHILDREN DAMN IT and yet she defends herself BUT I realized something wattpad could still banned you if you say what is true it's porn, and sadly Wattpad does not expect porn so good day.

*Update* so I went to Slavetomyfame's profile and saw this, She is definitely a drama queen why because she thinks she's an victim here she deserves to be banned for her childish actions and STILL ITS PORN WATTPAD DOSE ALLOW THAT DAMIT also about saying she was harassed

You were NOT  harassed

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