The matter of meeting

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Enoxe was silently sitting on a bench in the hall way of his school. He didn't have anything planned for the day and it was too boring to bear. "Maybe Enoxe can ride his skateboard outside" Enoxe said to himself out loud. The hall way wasn't filled either. Only with a few 30 some students remaining in the building. It was after school and Enoxe's house wasn't on the school bus route. He could have just walked home but he didn't see the point in that. Enoxe lived in the dorms of the school seeing the school was kinda far from his parents house. But they were currently having a few financial problems thus Enoxe having to move to a more cheep costing dorm or apartment. His dorm was being cleaned out and it would take weeks to find another place. Enoxe was staying any where he could at the moment. He was mainly staying at his friend's Seiko's dorm. Tho they were opposite genders they didn't seem to care. They were good friends.

Enoxe felt bad tho that he was living off of Seiko for awhile. So Enoxe started to also stay in the empty class rooms of his school.

"UGH! This is boring. Screw it Enoxe is gonna ride his skateboard in the hall" Enoxe yelled.

He thus began to ride his skate bored around. After awhile of riding he heard footsteps coming his way.


He and the person he hit fell on to the ground.

"Woah, AHH! Enoxe is sorry for hitting you!" Enoxe exclaimed

"Ow. It's fine" The girl responded

Enoxe then looked at the girl in confusing. He was on top of her.

"Umm. How long to we plan to stay like this." The girl asked.

Enoxe then snapped out of his own thoughts and stood up and helped the girl up.

" heh sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" Enoxe spoke.

"It's okay. Say I've seen you around. Your that Enoxe kid right?" The girl said.

"Wow! You actually know Enoxe's name. Good for you." Enoxe replied.

"I'm Rosa. Nice to meet you"

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