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"Livi, what's wrong with you?"

Oliver blinked as he hears Marcus calling his nickname, snapping his fingers. Oliver shook his head, smiling as he rested his head on his hand.

"I'm sorry, Marc," Oliver muttered. "Kind of lost track, where were we?"

Marcus gave him a scrutinising look but he decided to let it pass. "No, I was just telling a story about how good Malfoy is as a seeker now that he sets his mind to it."

"Ah, yes-" Oliver nodded, though he's not really listening to his boyfriend's words. "I agree."

"Right?" Marcus continues. "At practice, he catches the snitch quickly. He also catches the snitch quickly when we were on a match against Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. If it isn't for his rivalry with Potter maybe we wouldn't have been seconded."

"Right-" Oliver nodded again, though he was not truly listening. He was subtly trying to stare at the watch he's wearing- hoping that curfew would come soon and he can return to his dorm. Then he'll meet up with Percy, and they'll sneak to the Quidditch pitch, where he'll play Quidditch with the taller boy. Merlin, it feels like a prize when Percy finally dares to touch the Quaffle and throws it at him like a true chaser.

"I see you're not so interested in hearing me talk about that-" Marcus shook his head. "We can just sit together and say nothing? What do you think of that?"

As Oliver didn't elaborate, Marcus laid his head on the burly brunet's shoulders, entwining his finger with his. Oliver sighed, wishing it wasn't Marcus on his side. He gently squeezed the hands, feeling the rough, thick fingers, and wishing he was gently squeezing long, bony, yet soft hands instead. Oliver sighed as he stared at the hand holding his, wishing they weren't tanned and spotless, but pale and freckled. As Marcus made Oliver face him and slowly pulls the brunet for a kiss, Oliver wonders what would kissing Percy's thin lips feel like.

"What's wrong, Livi?" Marcus asked once they parted, frowning. "You can tell me anything, you know. I can feel something is troubling you."

Can he?

Can he tell him that he already has feelings for his best friend? Can he tell him that he's so close to cheating on him with Percy, it could be said they are having a relationship already? He still loves Marcus and doesn't want to let him go, but Marcus won't stand and let this happen, if it comes down to it. He won't be someone's second option or let someone else enter their relationship. He wants to be Oliver's number one, and guilt arose in Oliver's heart as he knows how committed Marcus is to achieve the goal.

The sound of a bell soon rang across the Hogwarts grounds, alerting both Marcus and Oliver. It signifies the start of curfew, which to Marcus, marks the end of his and Oliver's time together for the day. To Oliver, it means something quite different.

"It's already curfew, Marcus-" Oliver said as he first jumped out of his seat, reading himself to leave. His eyes dart to the grand staircase but Marcus made Oliver face him, softly nudging his face as he realises the eyes are still travelling to the stairs behind him.

"Hey, I'm right here," Marcus reminded him. Oliver's eyes drift from the stairs to Marcus and smiles, causing Marcus to smile too. Marcus rests his arms on his shoulders. "I know we're short of time here and as Quidditch Captains we've got busy schedules but you can tell me what's been bothering you at any time. I'll make time for you."

"I don't deserve you-"

"Stop it-" Marcus shook his head. "I want you. You want me. We want each other and that's all that's needed."

"You know, I still don't know how the hell you got your friends to approve a Slytherin dating a Gryffindor." Marcus chuckled as Oliver commented. "Gryffindors are more lenient but from what you've told me, Slytherins are the toughest."

"Threats and blackmail, what else? That's the only way to survive as a Slytherin-" Marcus rolled his eyes. "My Quidditch teammates did protest, though. I understand that one, but once I grind them in practise they learned to shut the fuck up-" Marcus pulled Oliver's body closer to his, closing the gap between them as they kissed.

"I love you, Livi," Marcus muttered in Oliver's ears before they part ways, letting Oliver go up to the grand staircase. As Marcus watched him going up the staircase, he left for the other staircase which leads to the dungeons when he heard his name being called, turning his body to see a grey-eyed blonde Ravenclaw with a prefect badge smitten to her chest. It's Penelope Clearwater, one of the Ravenclaw prefects. Shit.

"I'm on my way to the Slytherin common room-" Marcus raised his arms in an 'I surrender' manner. "Let me go."

"Don't worry about that, I want to talk to you about something else, actually-" Penelope nodded. "You're Marcus Flint, Oliver Wood's boyfriend, right?"

"Yep-" Marcus nodded, popping the 'p'. "I'm sorry to hear about your breakup, now if you'd excuse me-" Marcus began to walk away.

"Do you know that yours has been cheating on you?" Penelope continued. Marcus stopped in his tracks, looking slightly interested as his head turned a little.


"Oliver's been giving Quidditch lessons for Percy Weasley and after the 'lessons' they'd crash the kitchens together, but Percy is interested in him and is intending to snatch him from you," Penelope explained. "He broke up with me so he can chase Oliver. I've been watching them 'play' Quidditch together after curfew and the house-elves in the kitchens can also verify this."

"But Oliver isn't interested in him-"

"But the house-elves in the kitchens would say otherwise," Penelope added. "Why don't you check tonight at the Quidditch field? Stick around and verify my words with the house-elves?"

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