I don't need this

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Based on events that take place during the movie.


"Slow down!" Jack wheezed as he struggled to keep up with Davey, who was out-running him several feet away. His prayer for the running to stop seemed to be answered all too quick as Davey came to a halt, making Jack nearly run into him, "Jesus, Dave! Watch it, would ya-?" He was interrupted as Davey grabbed the brunette by the wrist and tugged him around the corner of the brick building they had just paused by, slinking under a small over-pass before Jack yanked his hand away, "The heck do you think you're doin'!?" He hollered pushing Davey against one of the alley walls with a flat hand.

"Saving your flank, that's what." Davey scoffed, brushing Jack's hand away.

"I-" Jack pinches the bridge of his nose. Why did this boy have to be so complicated? He never gave Jack a moments peace, wether it were when they were together, or when David's image vividly swayed in the back of Jack's mind. This boy had really gotten under his skin- that or he was overthinking it- regardless, "You could's'a gotten us both in trouble! Then what?"

Davey scoffed, "I had a plan!"

"And what happens whens they finds out its you who helped me escape?" Jack glared. How could Davey be so dim-witted and brilliant at the same time? "Looks, I'm thankful for what you've done for me but I think you should go."

"Go?" Davey furrowed his brow, "I think what you mean is we should go! We've got a strike to-"

"You could have been arrested tonight, you still could be!" Jack threw his hands up in the air.

"Let 'em arrest me then!" Davey fought back with a glare.

Jack lifted his eyebrows, "And what about your family? Where's they goin'a get their money, huh?"

Davey grew quiet.

"You didn't think about it!" Jack hissed through glaring eyes.

"What, and you do an awful lot of thinkin'?" Davey took a step forward, causing Jack to take a step back, "My words fall out of your mouth, Jack Kelly! We've each got half a brain!" He continued to advance as Jack backed up.

"I-I'm frettin' for your family, need I remind you!" Jack swallowed nervously as Davey was getting dangerously close.

"And what about you? What'd'ya think? That somehow you not wanting anyone in your life suddenly makes it so nobody wants you in their life either?" Davey pressed a finger to Jack's chest, slowly pushing him back up against the adjacent alley wall.

"Oh please, everyone would manage swell without me." Jack rolled his eyes.

"You- are just so- selfish sometimes!" Davey grabbed the front of Jack's shirt.

"O-Oh yeah, and what makes you say so?" Jack was finding it uncharacteristically difficult to find his wits.

"You're not fooling any of us, Jack, you care about us as if we's was family. And you think isolating yourself is the best thing to do? You're wrong." Davey still kept a firm grip on the front of Jack's shirt.

Jack found this even more distracting from the conversation at hand, feeling his collar fight around the back of his neck and his vest pulled forward with his shirt, eyes unable to beak contact with Davey's with the mere two inches of close proximity, "H-How do you know? Nobody needs me, they just thinks they do. Even Pulitzer. The woild's goin'a keep on toinin whether I'm here or a million miles away."

"Why do you think I came and got you in the first place?" Davey looked down.

"The strike needs to-"

"I can't- I'm not doin' this without you, Jack." Davey's face was stern.

Jack paused before taking Davey's wrist in an attempt to push his arm from his chest, only to find the other boy's grip stay, "Find another face for your strike then!"

"You don't get it, do you?" Davey scoffed, letting Jack go, "This isn't about the damn strike."

Jack fixed his collar before glancing up, "What could it possibly be about then?" He rolled his eyes.

"You!" Davey said this like it was obvious.

Jack genuinely flushed, "Pardon?"

"You said nobody cared about if you were here or there or- or whatever! Well-" Davey fiddled with the hem of his vest and then cleared his throat, lifting his chin, "Well, I do."

It took Jack a moment before he couldn't contain an amused smile on his features, "Has Davey got a crush~?" He teased, leaning forward from the wall.

Davey responded with a shrug and a scratch on the back of his neck.

This response surprised Jack in ways he couldn't put to words as he suddenly felt his face heat up and his throat grow dry, "Dave..?" Was all he managed to get out.

"Please, let's just go home."

"Home?" Jack took a step towards Davey, making him tense.

"M-My house, we can stay there for the night, okay?" Davey glanced over at Jack who simply nodded.

"Great, let's go." Davey responded quickly.


Jack found that he was only able to catch three hours of sleep before slipping out the window of the main living area and ascending the fire-escape steps outside the house, heading to the edge of the roof and leaning against the ledge that faced the moon. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh before he was abruptly interrupted by a clearing of someone's throat. He flinched and whipped around to find Davey against the ledge across from him, "Christ, Dave! You almost made me fall off the building!"

"Sorry." Davey chuckled sheepishly, "Um...what are you doin' up here...?"

"Could ask you the same question..." Jack crossed his arms over his chest.

"Touché." Davey sighed, mimicking Jack's movements.

Silence hung over them for several moments before Davey spine up, "A-About what I um- implied earlier-"

"Com'ere." Jack nodded to the spot beside him.

Davey hesitated for a moment before ambling over, leaning against the same ledge as Jack now, a foot away, "I-I um...I didn't mean to.."

"I didn't take you for a pansy, Dave." Jack sniffed.

"Excuse me?" Davey grew defensive.

"What?" Jack's eyebrows tilted up in confusion.

"It's- just don't call people that." Davey sighed.

Several moments paused before Jack took a step closer to Davey, "Why not?"

Davey flushed red, "I-It's- not the most pleasant of terms- 'specially when you're not...um...well, ya' know.."

"And if I am? Even just a little?" Jack turned to Davey.

"A-A little?" Davey's eyes met Jack's and they held their gaze for a moment before Jack began to lean down.

Davey let our a short gasp before taking a step back, "W-We, we shouldn't..."

"There's a lot of things we shouldn't do, Dave- this?" Jack swiftly moved an arm around the other man's hip, pulling him forward, "Isn't even one of the worst."

Davey's mouth grew dry as heat radiated from his face, "U-Um, Jack?"

"Mhm?" Jack leaned forward.

"A-Are you just doin' this because you're- curious about-"

Jack furrowed his eyes brows before grinning, "You've really got a knack for ruinin' the moment, huh?"

"W-Well- I-" Davey was interrupted as soft lips graced his own, if only for a few seconds before he felt Jack smile against his lips and lean back.

"Why do you think I ran towards ya' once I realized who was there to save me?" Jack grinned.

"O-Oh." Davey smiled gently.

"I do have to say though- seemed to be a more unconscious thing that I really didn't think would become of much- so consider me surprised."'Jack winked.

"O-Okay." Davey smiles shakily.

"Come on, I think I can get some rest now." Jack have Davey's hand a squeeze before letting it go and heading towards the stairs, pausing on his first step down to check if Davey was coming, he lifted an eyebrow as if to ask.

Davey seemed to realize this was indeed reality and snapped into it with a brisk nod, following Jack...fairly happy under the given circumstances and speed of things...he couldn't help but find a silver-lining to having joined a group of Newsies just as they would go on strike.

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