Werewolf Vampire AU

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Because why not.
TW: Blood, pain
Summer nights were the best nights to have windows open in New York. It was hot in the still hours and was made up for with a gentle blowing breeze whenever it came.
Books were the fondest pastime for Davey during nights like this, with only a candle on a silver plate on his bedside lighting his room. He held his book up to the light gingerly, careful not to touch the plate as he turned the pages of his current novel.
It was one that went along the plot of a girl who lived in a cottage in the woods with her family, she worked hard but wasn't nearly as appreciated as she should be.
"I feel that one." Davey sighed as he turned the page once more. It wasn't so much that the boy didn't feel appreciated in his family, it was more so with the outside parties.
The candle flickered before going out completely, leaving Davey in darkness, only lit by a sliver of moonlight, with a deep sigh as he shut his book, sitting up and glancing towards the window to see a figure approaching.

"Dave!" A hushed voice came from the window, "Dave, lemme in-"

"You've been doing this every night for a week." Davey pulled his covers away to get up and walk to the window in the small room, passing by his desk and grabbing his desk chair while he went, placing it on his side of the window and sitting on it backwards with his front facing Jack while the back of the chair did so as well, "Escaping the Delanceys again or Snyder?"

"Both," Jack chuckled.

"And you...need a place to hide?" Davey raised an unamused eyebrow at the open window with the dark silhouette.

"You know me too well, David." Jack clicked his tongue, leaning closer to the open window, "Can I come in?"

"Jack.." Davey frowned, "You...do this almost every night-"

"And here you is every night."

Davey recognized the way Jack's head tilted when he winked, seeing the silhouette shift, "You can't just keep...using this as your out to getting in trouble, you- should be more considerate about getting into fights if you're going to be burdening others with it."

"I ain't a burden, am I..?" Jack have a cheeky grin, but if the moon was bright enough, one could have seen concern in the other's eyes.

Davey didn't need the moon to see it, prompting him to shake his head, "You can come in."

With that, Jack was on his feet and tumbling into the house in an instant.

"One of these days-" Davey shut the window, "I'm not going to let you in."

"Getting bold, ain't we?" Jack strode over to the bedside table in the dim room, pausing by it, "You should really get rid'a this silver, I'll burn myself on purpose sometime-" Jack tapped his hand to the silver quickly, making it quickly heat up he pressed it to the candle wick, prompting it to light.

"What the hell did you- did you just light that with your hand?" Davey pressed his hands on the back of his desk chair as he pushed it back to his desk, "...By burning your hand."

"Sure did." Jack sat gently on the edge of the other's bed.

Davey pinched the bridge of his nose and sat down sharply on the chair, "You can't keep being reckless like this."

"Oh, one lit fire ain't going to burn me-"

"But doing it every night might!" Davey folded his hands tightly in his lap.

"I don't-"

"The Delancey's don't need another reason to be after you, clearly they've caught onto your whole-" Davey gestured to all of Jack.

"My stunning vampirious persona?" Jack winked with a smug grin at Davey.

Davey blushed through a harsh glare. How did this boy have him on such a short leash? "That's not a word and- yes! Jack, you could get killed!"

"I can just come here and-"

"No- no, you- you can't just count on this place being your safe house." Davey's eyes narrowed.
This was exactly what was upsetting him. Jack wasn't coming here for Davey, he was coming here for a place to crash, for-

"Course I can! You know you love me." Jack stuck his bottom lip out dramatically.

"And if I do, the feeling obviously isn't mutual." Davey whispered under his breath.

Jack's slightly pointed ears twitched, "What's that supposed to mean?"

'Super-sonic hearing, of course' Davey rolled his eyes. Jack knew how to get on his nerves better than anyone else could. He confused Davey on a daily basis and now- "You're being 'selfish'!" He snapped.

Jack's eyebrows lifted in surprise.

"You can't just continue to depend on me like I'm some chip in a game of- fuck it! Who cares! You're using me, Jack, and I-I'm not quite sure I appreciate it." Davey was on his feet now, a few feet from jack who was backing up.

"Th-That isn't how it- well- it's safe here- it's a place-"

"And that's it." Davey whispered, his skin crawling with anger and instinct, "It's safe. It's a location, it's a place- the only reason you need it is because I'm here to let you in."

"I can't enter without permission, Dave-" Jack got onto his feet and reached for Davey.

Davey pulled away, voice getting gruffest, "It's a location, Jack, find somewhere with a welcome mat if you need somewhere to go."

"You're being unreasonable." Jack glared.

"'I'm' being unreasonable? You're the one who barged in every night with a new excuse!"

"And you're the one who let's me!" Jack bared his fangs inches from Davey's face.

The taller brunette didn't flinch, snarling, "Fine! Then I won't let you next time-"

"Fine!" Jack hisses, stalking past Davey and back towards the window, opening it, "I'd rather deal with the Delancey's than yous havin' an attitude-"

"And I'd rather be alone than treated like a pawn!"

Jack paused while he slid out the window, as of about to say something before muttering under his breath and slamming the window shut behind him.

Davey stormed over to the window and shut the curtains with a growl, "Stupid...stupid.." His nails sharpened to dig into the curtain, "See if I care." An ever so quiet whine came from the back of his throat at the image of the other leaving before he shook his head. His skin itched with intention, causing him to clutch his arms as his breathing got heavier with uncontrolled emotions. He needed to sleep this off. Tomorrow night he could read in peace without the emotional confusion that Jack brought with every visit.


The next night was indeed a quiet evening. Davey kept casting glances at the window, left halfway open versus all the way open tonight. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't started gently whining at around an hour after Jack would usually come around...a longing seemed to have instilled itself in his chest- meaning that as soon as it was certain Jack wasn't coming, longing gave way to a particular anger that Davey couldn't explain. This was what he had wanted, right? For Jack to leave him alone?
No- not for Jack to leave him alone, but for him to...want Davey versus wanting Davey's...property- his location- his area to crash, to hide- Davey wanted to be the one to provide the safety, not his roof.
He hated these emotions and these confused feelings that left him tossing and turning until he finally fell asleep in the dead of night.
Davey was a light sleeper, in part to his attuned senses, and in part to how he'd always just been, even before he got bit last year.
Regardless of why, it was this fact that made Davey's eyes open in the early hours of the morning. Perhaps five. Perhaps six. The sun wasn't up yet but it would be soon.
The sound of thumping from the fire escape outside made Davey's eyes flicker open, followed by a groan as his sleep was disturbed, not that it had been going very well anyway, "Stupid raccoons, go to sleep." Davey growled.
More thumping came...and then silence.


Davey sat up in an instant with the familiar voice, he hated the feeling in his chest that drew towards the window, quickly stifling it to stay quiet.

"Y-You is up, I heard it-"

"G-Go away, Jack...bother someone else."

"Dave, listen-"

"No, you listen- I told you last night, I don't want you coming here as a safe house, go find someone else-"

"Dave.." Jack's voice got quieter and Davey felt his hair stick up a bit in concern before shaking his head.

"S-Stop moping, I'm-"
The sound of something hitting a wall sounded from outside and Jack gasped, "D-Davey- please- the Delanceys are-"

"They always are, I know." Davey sniffed.

"F-For real this time though-"

Davey blinked a few times in confusion. For real? As if-" A thud sounded an arrow launched through his bedroom window and hit the wall, making Davey get into his feet.

"Dave- Davey please let me in, I- I'm s-" Jack screeched as another thud sounded with a more muted sound.
It took only a moment before the scent of fresh blood hit Davey's nose. It made his mind reel backwards, but not in the hungry way such as how a Vampire like Jack might feel- in an angry way- a recognition- the scent of blood from someone who was part of his pack.

Davey snarled and was at the window in an instant, skin tingling and teeth bared, ready for whatever threat had just hurt Jack, only to find the boy gone, followed by thuds as the taller boy looked down to see two shadowed figures dragging the bleeding body down the steps. Eyes atoned to the night, Davey could see the shine of a silver arrow stuck in Jack's back.

Davey had turned on purpose only a few times before. Once when a group of boys had been teasing Les, and another time when the Delancey's had gone after Sarah.
The brunette hoped that the brothers would recognize him as he dropped down onto the street below, his four legs taking most of the shock and absorbing it well with the thickness of muscle and fur that now made up a snarling, chocolate-brown wolf with fluffed fur from anger as the Delancey's reached the bottom steps, carrying Jack and immediately dropping him when they spotted Davey's massive form.

"It's that loony mutt again, Morris." Oscar shouted to his brother.

"It's a supernatural, and we've got a crossbow this time, stop talkin' and start makin' yourself useful." Morris raised his arm, going to reload the crossbow, struggling with it as he pulled the string of it back.

Davey was quicker than the reload as he lunged forward in his canine form, grabbing Morris by the front of his shirt and shaking him like a chew-toy before throwing him against the nearest alley wall while praying his parents hadn't been woken up by any earlier sounds or current ones.

"Christ!" Oscar hissed, teaching for a wooden stake in his pocket and throwing it at Davey. It bounced off his shoulder with ease, alerting his attention to Oscar who he picked up by the shoulder and threw out of the alley and into the street in one swift swing of his head.

"It's a werewolf, not a vampire you idiot, a stake isn't going to work!" Morris groaned from where he was left in a heap at the other end of the alley.

Davey snarled and moved to stand over Jack protectively, who looked up at him in confusion.

"D...David?" Jack whispered, but if Davey had heard, he gave no sign to it, continuing to snarl at Morris who stumbled to his feet with his hands in the air as he scrambled towards the alley exit.

"I'll give you somethin to chew on you-" Morris struggled to, but managed, to run past Davey while he attempted to shield jack as Morris shot a silver arrow right into Davey's side, making him yelp and stagger long enough for Morris to escape and book it down the street with his brother.

Davey's form, around five to six foot tall and six to seven foot long, fell onto its side in pain, landing beside Jack who lifted himself with a groan of pain, "Is that...? Is that you, Dave?" His answer came in the form of Davey's form getting a foot smaller into a curled up position of a vulnerable boy who's white shirt was getting redder by the second.

"Sh-Shit-" Jack stumbled towards Davey, wincing at the pain in his shoulder from the burning sensation of the silver arrow in his shoulder. He couldn't break it like one would with a wooden arrow, and it was only causing more pain by the second.
Davey seemed to have passed out from either the pain of an arrow in his side or from is deformation, but Jack needed to get help quick, and the hit that was the scent of Davey's blood wasn't helping him think straight, "Shit..." Jack cursed, struggling to cup his hands over his face- he needed to get the scent out of mind...but what a pleasant one it was... he- his ears twitched at the sound of a high pitched whine from Davey, forcing him to plug his nose and shut his mouth to keep his senses at bay. Davey needed help- pulling out the arrow wouldn't help, but what else could he do? Even if the arrow wasn't silver, it would still need to stay in, or Davey would start bleeding out without pressure of a seal.
It took a moment of thinking before he remembered the silver plate and the candle. If he could pull it out fast enough and...his hand would still be hot...
He had to- it wasn't like there was a hospital for Supernaturals in these areas and-
"Okay.." He reaches for the arrow in Davey's side, hesitating for only a moment before pulling it out quickly. It instantly made the boy wake up with a gasp of pain, but Jack was quicker, biting back screams of pain as he slipped a burning hand under Davey's shirt and pressed it harshly to the wound before pulling away. His skin couldn't melt off, only eternally burn, which kept his flesh from fusing to Davey's as the wolf-boy's wound fused itself shut, the boy biting down hard on his shirt to keep from screaming out in pain.

"I-It's okay! It's okay-" Jack winked at the pain in his shoulder, "J-Just gotta- one more time-" He whispered, reaching for the arrow in his shoulder and repeating the process before falling limply to his knees and clutching his sides.
The smell of his own blood mixed with Davey's, causing confusion in his brain that made his fangs grow and his desire for blood shrink. A vampire couldn't drink their own blood without the desire to immediately vomit it up- it couldn't be processed and, "I- h-hold on-" Jack gently picked up Davey and embraced him tightly, the blood on his shirt staining Davey's, along with the scent itself.
It didn't entirely set off the alarms in his head that told him he was hungry, but it was enough to give him control over his own actions, and right now, his immediate actions were to cradle Davey in his arms who was whimpering quietly from the still present pain.

"D-Davey?" Jack whispered.


Jack held Davey tighter, pressing their foreheads together, "Oh thank ya god..."

"I-Is your hand okay?"

"It's burned, but it's intact." Jack nodded.

Davey gently took the wounded hand gingerly, turning it over as gently as possible, he frowned tiredly, "I'm sorry.."

"It ain't your fault...I...shouldn't have brought you into this..." Jack stroked Davey's cheek with the back of his thumb.

Davey closed his eyes, "How'd they know...?"

"Long story- they was uh- I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and-"

"And what did you mean...this time?"

"What?" Jack chuckled quietly as the sun began to rise, shade gathering around them from the stacked boxes in the brick alley.

"You said...you really meant it this time...that the Delanceys were after you...they're always after you..."

"A-About that..." Jack cleared his throat, "The- the first time, for real, they was- and every now and then they'll be after me- but um-"



"You were making up excuses.." Davey's eyes opened, "To...come over- why?"

Jack's pale features seemed to become darker for a moment, "Can't a buddy just...want to hang with a pal?"

"You've been coming over every day for a year...why...why didn't you just ask?"

Jack looked away, "Was worried you wouldn't uh- wouldn't want- or Uh- wouldn't let me in without an excuse...and you were so mad the otha' day about me botherin' you with my coming over-"

"Jack.." Davey reaches up to touch the dirtier face of the vampire, "I love it when you come over to hang out with me...but when it's to hang out with 'me', not to just have a failsafe area- that- you're only coming over because it's the only place you can go, not because you want to be around me..."

"O-Of course I want to be around you!" Jack defended.

"Well, I...it didn't seem like it- seemed more like you wanted a roof over your head than my company." Davey shrugged with a wince of pain.

"I just didn't...want you to...to notice- or um- or care how often I came and went- Dave, I was always vistin' to see 'you' not to hide. Your house ain't my safe space, 'you' is my...safe space.."

Davey felt his heart rate pick up and he couldn't help but smile, "I..."

"How long have you been a- uh- ya know?" Jack cleared his throat, making a growling face as an interpretation of a werewolf.

"A year, around the time you told me about-" Davey bared his teeth in a vampire interpretation.

Jack chuckled, "That's not how I look."

"No, cuter.." Davey whispered, closing his eyes.

"Wh-What?" Jack nervously chuckled as Davey shrank down a bit.

"W-Well, I'm not going to repeat myself.

"You make me blush, Jacobs. Well, I mighta just kissed ya if I wasn't afraid'a bitin' you." Jack smirked.

Davey's eyes widened and his words came out more desperate than he meant them to, "I-I'll take that risk."

Jack's eyebrows lifted, "Y-You- you'll- you would?"

"A year of me allowing you to come over without fail- until...today-" Davey cleared his throat, "And you think I...wouldn't?"

"Well, I-" Jack cleared his throat, "Can't say I wasn't hopin' for somethin' to uh...be...there- but- I figured you was bein' friendly and uh- well, I myself was bein' rather subtle-"

"You burned your hand so that you could light a candle for me. Now, I thought I was reading into things but-" Davey was cut off by Jack's lips on his. He didn't hesitate before holding Jack's face and kissing back.
They parted with gentle breaths after a few moments.
"I love you..." Davey whispered.
"After everything I did tonight? I should hope that wasn't platonic." Davey sighed before looking up at Jack with slight expectance and hope.

"I love you too..." Jack kissed Davey's forehead, "Ya' dumb dog."

"I'm not the one who confessed to being a vampire just so his crush would like him." Davey smiled.

"H-How do- do you know why- I um- why that's why I-"

"What? You think being a supernatural is-" Davey chuckles, "Hot? Or something? Like- like in the books?"

"Lookin at you right now I can't say I deny it." Jack winked, making Davey squeak slightly.

"I-I could say the same.." Davey mumbled.

"You could." Jack kissed the boy's cheek.

"I don't think you deserve it though."

"I saved your life tonight!"

"And I saved yours."


Davey leaked up and left a gentle kiss to Jack's lips, "You're not that bad yourself, Kelly."

Jack grinned widely.

"You're always welcome, whenever you need- or 'want' to come over."

"I don't see myself ever leavin' then." Jack teased.

Davey rested his head on Jack's chest, "I'm not opposed to that."

Jack smiled, "We should head back up..."

"Just a few more minutes..."

"The sun will reach us eventually.." Jack whispered.

"I'll protect you then.." Davey murmured tiredly.

"Promise?" Jack smiled.


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